View Full Version : [Request] Don't use brackets unless you're posting an actual hack
Enough of this. Before it was just petty, insignificant annoyance, now it is a full-blown, 100% pet peeve. The reason people put [Release] before the title of their post is that we know that it is actually a hack, and not a silly request. If all the requests start with [Request] then it defeats the purpose. Maybe I'm going overboard with this, but I'd rather everybody read this and think I'm an a-hole than come to this forum and see [Request] after [Request], and then bit(h about it another thread in another forum so the people who do it don't even know that they are pissing me and several other people off.
I'm sorry this is not a hack - but enough is enough, it was time for an intervention.
I agree 100%. I think this has been talking about in the Chit Chat forum quite a bit, but like you said most people who do it wouldn't even know its bothering people because they only come to the boards so that they can have other people try to make something for them.
Well, annoying the people that CAN make the hacks, doesn't really make them to do work on it know does it?
Not that I am a hacker or anything, so I can't speak for the hackers, but I know if I were one, that's how I would feel. I would not be in any rush to help out people that are simply annoying.
I didn't even know it was a bother, but I guess I can see what you mean, thank goodness for fast boards huh :)
it wasn't a big until until recently, when this board was full of requests instead of actual hacks.
Lots of people would click the [REQUEST] without realizing it was a request, not a hack.
What's the point of the [REQUEST], if you post something in this board that isn't a hack, then it should be a request regardless, so its useless, AND annoying
Uhh... didn't you start this thread with what you are trying to eliminate?? hehe
Why not start using a different prefix for requests? Not all discussions in the hacks forum are going to be requests for a new hack. Some are going to be asking for clarification on an existing one, or just a general hack conversation.
How bout -Request- or <Request> ... anything that looks a bit different...
Aaron just doesn't seem to get it. Can't you post a request without calling it a request? Usually people can tell by the title what it is - a request or a question. The point of the [Release] is so it stands out from all the nonsense. If all the nonsense looks the same as the releases, it doesn't matter.
The point is that it was such a good idea to put [Release] before an actual release - but it got spoiled when every request started the same way. The thing is, obviously it is a request if it's not a [Release]. It's a simple thing that would make everyone happy.
Originally posted by AaronB
Not all discussions in the hacks forum are going to be requests for a new hack. Some are going to be asking for clarification on an existing one, or just a general hack conversation.
If you have a question about an existing hack, you should post it as a reply to the original [RELEASE] thread of that hack, because that is where the releasers of the hacks look for people that need help, and thats the best and quickest way to get help. And as for a "general hack conversation", what would that be exactly?
I am sorry that I have offended with the following things that I have done:
1)Replying to this thread trying to come up with another option for the [request] prefix. I am fairly new to the board and thought it was useful to see that others had requested something that I was interested in. I am sorry that Aaron just doesn't seem to get it. he is just trying to be helpful.
2)Posting another post with the prefix of [request]. I hadn't read this thread yet, and when I posted a reply to my own question to put it back to the top for a fresh look... I get a snide remark from Mr. JimF
Being one of the new kids on the block I am sorry I don't know all the rules of this forum. As a newbie I liked the [request] prefix and just tried to offer another possible solution. I had thought that this forum had helpful people in it... and I am sure that some are. I guess there are others that just need to rip someone down just for voicing their opinion.
For thetakerfan: While granted the board is fairly small now, I expect it to grow a lot in the future. It's easy to find the release post now, but down the road someone may download it on the side and not know there was a post to reply to.
"general hack conversation" would be the following threads that I see right now:
- "" just announcing a website about hacking (I guess this could be a [RELEASE] prefix thing =)
- "Icons at the do you change them?" not really a specific hack, but would be where I as a newbie would go to ask it.
AaronB-If I offended you in any way, or seemed to be rude towards you in specific, I did not mean it. Nothing I said was directed towards you, it was directed too all the people that use the [REQUEST] prefix. You are new, ok, but most of the people that use it aren't, and they have been here long enough. This is also not the first time its been talked about, but the same people continue to use it regardless. By doing so, "newbies" think thats what everyone does and that its usefull. I am not putting the blame on you, I'm blaming the people that have been here for awhile already.
And just so you know, again I don't mean to sound rude, but I want to clear this up
- "" just announcing a website about hacking (I guess this could be a [RELEASE] prefix thing =)
- "Icons at the do you change them?" not really a specific hack, but would be where I as a newbie would go to ask it.
the post could, and probably should be in the "Chit Chat forum, because it is not directly related to A specific hack.
the icons on top post should be in the templates forum.
That's part of the point me and Jim were trying to make. This forum is supposed to be for hacks. If you really want to get specific, the desc of this board reads
Drop in here to post, suggest and discuss the latest hacks posted by vBulletin users.
Again, I am not trying to be mean, I'm just agitated. Not all of which is from this forum, as the people from "the other boards" have been pissing me off, but lets not get into that one. ;)
Until a Moderator says this or that and starts locking threads, there really is no "correct" way of doing it. We can all seem to agree about how it should go but that doesn't mean everyone will follow it.
Aaron, I echo takerfan's sentiments when I say I did not mean you specifically. I didn't mean to insult you at all.
Rangersfan, true there is no "correct" way of doing things. But there are certain unspoken rules that every board on the internet follows. Somehwere Martin has alluded to the fact that there is a definite cycle of newbies vs people who have been around for a while. And the truth is that this whole [request] thing is a relatively new thing. Nobody is trying to say what is "correct" - just what is liked and disliked, and what is expected of the people who post. Considering your [Bored] post, I have a feeling I know where you stand on this issue. But +++++ing about it in that thread doesn't accomplish anything if the people who are doing don't read it. That's all I wanted to do with this thread. Make people aware that it was annoying. Lo and behold, there hasn't been a sinlge [Request] since I posted this. A connection?
As I said in the original post, I'd rather people think of me as an a-hole for saying something about this than not say something and have it continue to happen.
Originally posted by JimF
Lo and behold, there hasn't been a sinlge [Request] since I posted this. A connection?
yes, you scared the **** out of everyone :) :)
btw, I guess that when you said "Aaron just doesn't seem to get it", you didn't in fact mean Aaron specifically, but rather as a generic term for all [request] users? :rolleyes:
As a side note, I for one didn't find anything bothersome about threads with [request] at their topic - since I can actually read, it seems I never made the mistake of thinking one is the other. What's more, I think it's great that people without any hacking ability still come up with ideas - this is the basis of community and mutual support. While I don't have 1% of Ed's abilities to provide a hack such as the memberslist or the private messaging, I would like to think that I contribute my share by providing feedback and ideas on improving the product for the welfare of all users.
Frankly, and while I've never made a [request] thread, I find a lot of what was said here condescending and patronising, as if this forum has "classes" of posters. But then, I won't mention anyone specifically ;)
I too have never confused one for the other, but I'm sure that alot of people are not paying attention, and if they were here when it was always [RELEASE], they just assume it says release without paying attention.
And as for what you said about making suggestions, I agree 100% on that, but you don't have to start the thread with [REQUEST], what's the point of doing that?
Its for this reason that I hope that when the site opens up they have boards for hack releases, and hack suggestions, that way discussions like this where people feel two different ways on something that is really trivial and pointless, don't have to occur.
I would also like to mention that once someone posts something that I get into, I just keep on going with it, I get really bored and have nothing better to do, so I case I just like to "stir the pot" sort of speak. I just like to see what other people have to say, see who agrees and who doesn't, see if my opinion changes. :p
Now, I probably shouldn't have said that, but oh well. I don't usually get carried out of hand, with the exception of one topic before(not here on the vB forums), I've never gotten out of hand, but thats a whole other discussion.
And now I'm just babbling about nothing cause like I said I'm bored, I'll stop now, blah blah blah.
Originally posted by bira
you scared the **** out of everyone :) :)
LOL :) I'm a nice guy, really, I swear! Just ask Brian - he'll vouch for me for sure! ;)
I guess I'm in the same boat as thetakerfan on all counts here. Sometimes it's fun to "stir the pot" so to speak.
I was good about this for a while - I emailed Ed just to let him know how I felt, I never got a response, so I figured I was the only one annoyed by this. When I started seeing that other people were as well, and there was an influx of [requests], I guess I just lost it. But hey, we're all guilty of that.
I have no intention of impeding the community by discouraging people from posting hack requests - that's what makes the "community".
What I meant by the "Aaron doesn't seem to get it" comment was that he was trying think of how else we could signify requests - by using <request> or something like that. I felt he "didn't get" that that wasn't the point - the point was there there is really no reason to tell people that you are posting a request. 75% of the people don't look for other hack requests - and the 25% that do, can tell from the title whether or not it is a request or not. The point of putting [Release] was so that a release would stand out from the requests. If they are all [requests], then the purpose is defeated.
Ed said it the best, in regards to how he'll mark his hacks:
I really didn't intend for this issue to hurt feelings, alienate anyone, or become such a controversy. I just wanted to give people a heads up, that's all. I apologize if I have done any of the things that I just mentioned I didn't want to do.
nicely put Jim
BTW, if I ever say anything that offends anyone, let me know casue chances are, unless you REALLY pissed me off, I didn't mean anything by it. I rarely get that pissed off though, I try to keep a cool head.
Jim - I got your email, but since you started some threads on it, I didn't respond and posted there :D
Oh, and also, I did see one thread that had the [request] thing on it after this thread, but I renamed it :)
Anyway, my thoughts:
It's not really gonna kill anyone. I mean, I read all the threads anyway, but I have done double takes when I'm trying to fly through.
But what's the point of sticking [request] on anyway? [RELEASE] is put on to make it stick out and be very obvious. Why does a request have to be obvious?
IMVHO, that would make it have LESS views.
Just my incoherent thoughts ;)
I guess I agree with your incoherent thoughts, Ed ;)
I guess as a mod you have to read everything anyway - but for people who don't have to read every thread (99.9% of the people), it is nice to be able to tell what the good stuff is without having to think about it. It's not something that is intolerable, or a great offense or anything - just something that doesn't make any sense to me. That's all.
[Unrelated, and completely off topic, but Jim: You should get your ass on ICQ more often! I haven't seen ya on 'cept for that one time :D]
[nothing to see here, move along]
[so now we're going to start using the brackets within the posts that wer are complaining about using them?]
[as a matter of fact, we need this smilie now: :] Hehe.]
[LOL :] I agree with that one]
[I'll fire up the ol' ICQ right now :D]
*bumpity, bump-bump; bumpity, bump-bump, right down bumity-bump lane*
good idea, its seems to have started up again
My bologna has a first name, it's Oscar...
If you want to stop people doing [request] it is really easy, just change the titles of all the [requests] in the past! Anyone who sees the mods page full of [requests] will naturally think, oh that is clever. If you do [release] then it is a release or [request] then it is a request, it seems quite natureal and i think good.
But clearly you guys don't want it and as you are the people who make the hacks it is really up to you. But if you want it the way you do you need to get rid of all the [request] titles that are already there or any new user who is trying to "fit in" to the board will naturally post in the same way as has been done in the past (if they have not read this post).
So if it bothers you, rename the threads or it will continue!
I would gladly do it, but since Ed is the only one with the power to do it, and has enough other stuff to do, especially concerning vB, and the hack site, I really doubt he can do it.
Hello everyone,
You guys are complaining about garbage posted in the subject....This is silly....I say we just deal with it. Your going to have users who don't see this thread..then post [REQUEST] and then your going to start an OFF TOPIC crusade in their post to stop the stupid [REQUEST] thing by telling them to come to this post because of users pet peeves...busting their chops because they posted it on the boards.
Until we get a sort of, this will be a small problem or some of your pet peeves. Untill then I say we deal with it instead of being picky about it. It really is no big deal.
Just a thought. :)
Is anyone making a know it was in discussion...and the domain name bougt???
the domain name is bought i think, but not for vbulletin i don't think.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Come on now, let's keep this post on topic :p
Ed/Mike/Joe/Bob - I guess you'll have to start editing all the titles, or moving them into one of my forums so that I can edit them and move them back ;).
How much is that doggy in the window?
Increased activity on the starboard hull captain!
[REQ] and [ REQ ] is equally annoying people!
Since you don't like it... You can either do one of two things..
The first would definately separate requests and released hacks and that is to have another forum created for requests. Anything not a release can be dumped there. Then this forum can be for releases and hack support only which would definately make the hacks easier to find..
The second is kind of rude but would get the point across. If they use [REQUEST] or any variation of the same, just ignore it. It will fade away... Since it seems there are quite a few competant programmers it would be easy to do. Only making hacks for properly titled requests would show what you mean.
Whenever it goes ignored, it starts again. Trust me.
Oh to have the turnoff email feature, so that I don't have to post this stupid post just to turn it off.
Originally posted by JimF
Whenever it goes ignored, it starts again. Trust me.yeah, ignoring doesn't help
I'm pretty sure having a seperate forum as been asked, but nothing came of it
I would also like a vB Showcase forum(not Graphics and Styles)
Originally posted by AaronB
Oh to have the turnoff email feature, so that I don't have to post this stupid post just to turn it off.
Me too, I keep forgetting to do it, so thanks for the reminder
It didn't work.. trying one last time before I toss myself off a very high couch...
you have to edit your post(s) that had the box checked and uncheck it
Much better now... thanks!!
Bumpty Bumpty sat on a wall...
lol, people still don't seem to get it :)
I don't think this is a complicated issue, just stop using the darned [REQUEST]'s!
Can't someone put this as an announcement for this board?
I do not like green eggs and ham!
I do not like them Sam I am :)
I don't like them here...
I don't like them there...
I don't like them [] anywhere!
I don't like them in a box...
I don't like them with a fox...
(Bringing It To the Top) :)
can someone make this a sticky thread please, it is happening again!
Wow - I had almost forgotten about this bad boy ;)
In my opinion people shouldn't post requests anyway. If you want something added as a hack and not a feature you should take the initiative to write it yourself. I wouldn't say PHP is that complex of a language to learn. The MySQL would probably be the hurdle anyway as it's a different kind of planned logic then most newbie coders are used to dealing with.
Here are the steps I would personally recommend anyone that wants a hack follow before posting a "request":
1) Visit and give the manual a mix of reading and skimming. Pay close attention to the parts are unique to PHP and skim the similarities between it and other languages you know.
2) It's easier to learn a language if you look at real world applications of it, so open up some of the source and dive in. A good place to start might be the global.php that is 'require'd at the beginning of every script.
3) Develope a basic rough draft of a design for your hack, citing what changes will need to be made to existing code and what will have to be added from scratch. Just a cursory fly-by.
4) Then see if you can work on some of it yourself. If you have trouble I think people would be more helpful if you ask specific questions then if you request they write it from scratch.
5) Or if you find you can't write it, give someone the design you have come up with. Not just the specific feature. It is much easier to work with a plan that gives specifics then a "I would like this feature"
Anyone else agree or disagree?
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