View Full Version : Post and thread times 4h in the future...

10-20-2008, 05:10 PM

I was running 3.6.8 and upgraded to the latest 3.7 and my server was recently upgraded, but I can't trace problems to anything specific, but I noticed the times of all posts were off by 4 hours into the future.

The "date" command the server is correct, returns as expected.
The timezone in the Admin CP is set to the same as the server.
The time at the bottom of each page "The time is now..." is also correct.

Only the post dates are off by 4h. Any ideas what this could be?


10-20-2008, 06:36 PM
Try disabling all your modifications then see if the time is correct. The enable them one at a time and see if the time is correct after you enable it. That will help you figure out which plugin is causing the problem.