View Full Version : Link The Header

10-20-2008, 01:49 PM
Im trying to figure out how to link my header to a thread on my forum instead of it going to photobucket... How can I do this???

10-20-2008, 02:03 PM
Most headers are in the header template. So, I would guess you could change the link in there.

10-21-2008, 03:58 AM
I have no clue what you are talking about.... Can you be a little more informative???? Im a newbie to this stuff...

10-21-2008, 04:11 AM
vBulletin uses these things called templates to build a page. Each of these templates has html in them. There is a template called the "header" template and in it is the html for the header image on your pages. So, if you are wanting to change where that image links to, that is the template you want to go edit.