View Full Version : [REQUEST] (hehe) ... Email conformation on registration!

07-22-2000, 02:12 AM
Alofa! Ok, I posted this as an official request in the suggestions / feedback forum, but until the next big update, I really really want this feature! I know it is very easy to do, but, I don't know diddly squat about hph, er, php, whatever.

All I need this hack to do is, when somebody registers on my forum, the member.php file grabs a newuseremail template, and sends it to there email! Should be a very simple hack! Yet I believe most of the users here could use something like this.

Edit: WooHoo! this is my 69th post! i guess its time for me to register a new username and leave this one as my last post ;)

[Edited by BikeForums on 07-21-2000 at 11:13 PM]

07-22-2000, 05:16 AM
Are you wanting to get notified that a new member has registered? (this function is already part of the board)
or are you wanting the new member to get sent something via email?


07-22-2000, 05:18 AM
I want the new user to get a email as soon as she registers, in the email, i want to include there username, password, my forum features, and some other basic stuff i want to include, basicly, a "welcome to our forums!, heres some basic info for ya" type email.

07-22-2000, 05:54 AM
In the control panel choose the yes option in the verify email in the Options section.

Then edit the activateemail template to what you want it to say.

This way you can send them a nice welcome letter and at the same time give them instructions on how to activate their account.


07-22-2000, 06:04 AM
Hmm, I thought about that, but its not an option i really want to do. I personaly hate having to go open my email to activate an acct for anything. I like the current quick and easy registration, i just want to send the new users a thank you note with some info about my site.

Here is what ezboard sends you via email when you register:
Congratulations (username)!

You are now a registered member of the (forum name)!

Here is your account information.
Login Name: (username)
Password: (password)
*you will have the option to change your password in your control center

Here are a few features we offer registered users
o Personal icons/custom signature/photo
o Mark Forum Read/Mark All Read - when you are done reading, click on this to mark those posts as being read
o Show New Only - only show posts that are NEW to you
o much much more...

Should you have any questions, feel free to email us <helpdesk@ezboard.com>
or use our help forums http://pub2.ezboard.com/bezboard
Thanks for choosing ezboard!!

- ezboard Team

This should really be a simple hack to do, probly under 10 lines of code.

07-22-2000, 02:34 PM
In your member.php file look for:

} else {
if ($moderatenewmembers==1) {
eval("echo standarderror(\$bbtitle,\"".gettemplate("error_moderateuser")."\");");
} else {
eval("echo standardredirect(\$bbtitle,\"".gettemplate("redirect_registerthanks")."\",\"inde x.php\");");

and replace it with:

if ($moderatenewmembers==1) {
eval("echo standarderror(\$bbtitle,\"".gettemplate("error_moderateuser")."\");");
} else {
eval("\$message = \"".gettemplate("welcomeemail")."\";");
eval("\$subject = \"".gettemplate("welcomeemailsubject")."\";");

mail ("\"$username\" <$email>",$subject,$message,"From: \"$bbtitle User Manager\" <$webmasteremail>");

eval("echo standardredirect(\$bbtitle,\"".gettemplate("redirect_registerthanks")."\",\"inde x.php\");");


Then go to your control panel and add two new templates. Call the first one welcomeemail and put your welcome message in there like you have in your above message. Then create one called welcomeemailsubject and put the text they will see in the subject line of their email, ie: Welcome to Bike Forums.

They will also get the standard redirect that tells them to go to the forum as they do now but they will also get an error with your welcome message.

Give this a shot and let me know how it works. I tested it only on my board but it worked.


07-22-2000, 07:08 PM
Thank you sooo much! its perfect, however in the above code, you forgot to include the to } else {, you do need this in there to make it work :)

Just one last thing, is there a way i can format the email so it dosent send it out double spaced? right now its double spaced, and really looks bad, i can live with it, but id rather not :D

Thank you again!

07-22-2000, 09:39 PM
Oops....forgot the } else {

Yes you do need it. :)

I'm not sure but I would think that you just don't put spaces between the text.

For example:

If you want to have single spacing you wouldn't have a space between one line and another like this.

If on the other hand you want to have double spacing then

you would put a space between the lines.


Glad to hear that it is working for you. I don't know anything about this stuff but I am learning.

[Edited by Parker Clack on 07-22-2000 at 10:14 PM]

12-18-2002, 11:08 AM
Can someone please post examples on how to format the e-mail with the new users name and password? I love the idea of putting this little hack in, but not sure how to format the e-mail to make sure this stuff is in the e-mail correctly.

12-18-2002, 11:42 PM
RudeDog - look at the date of the posts in this thread - from over 2 years ago. :) Please don't bump up ancient threads.