View Full Version : Forum Display Enhancements - Sorky - RSS Feed Link
10-19-2008, 10:00 PM
This plugin allows you to automatically add an RSS Feed icon to All/Selected/UnSelected Forums just by setting options (NO EDITS)!
Choose your own icon (eg: use this one from karim004 ( :
Put the icon before, after or on the far-right of the forum display
Option to automatically include SubForums in the subscription
Option to restrict the exclude.php access to only the forums you select
Set the default way users get the feed ...
Option for feed of First/Last post
Option to send preview or full post
Option to strip HTML
Option to limit the number of items
Plus more!Acknowledgement
Thanks (and apologies) to karim004 ( for providing the icon & inspiration to generate this Mod.
Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
To set hack options go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Sorky12 - RSS Feed Links
v1.0.0 - 20th of October, 2008 = Launch (click here (
v1.0.3 - 30th of January, 2009 = Updated in line with the 3.8.x version(click here (
Hall Of Fame (Donations)
mmoore5553 US$20
Settings & Demonstration Screenshots
See v1.0.0 post (click here (
If you like this Mod please click INSTALL (
10-20-2008, 09:28 AM
V1.0.0 Features
Choose the forums to have an RSS Feed available
Automatically include SubForums in the availability
Option to restrict the exclude.php access to only the forums you select
Set the icon to use
Put the icon before, after or on the far-right of the forum display
Option to automatically include SubForums in the subscription
Set the default way users get the feed ...
Option for feed of First/Last post
Option to send preview or full post
Option to strip HTML
Option to limit the number of items Tips
To get this hack working you will need to enable the RSS Feed system in vBulletin Options >External Data Provider > Enable RSS Syndication (if you forget, the Mod will remind you ;))
If the following templates have been modified from their original, either "revert" them or test this Mod carefully before use:
forumhome_forumbit_level2_postWishList - Other Ideas
Add debug information mode (Option)
Make the RSS Feed a popup window (Option)
Make the feed options remembered user settings (Option by Forum)Settings & Demonstration Screenshots
10-20-2008, 10:17 AM
Where would the gif icon go please?
10-20-2008, 10:26 AM
nice idea .........will try
10-20-2008, 11:22 AM
How do we stop certain usergroups such as unregistered from accessing RSS?
10-20-2008, 11:37 AM
Where would the gif icon go please?
Wherever you want really... The "image to use" option can contain a path and filename (eg: images/misc/rss_small.gif)
nice idea .........will try
Enjoy :cool:
How do we stop certain usergroups such as unregistered from accessing RSS?
Not currently possible. RSS feed clients do not login. This Mod at least makes it easy to stop the RSS feeds on specific forums (but unfortunately it stops everyone :erm:)
would be nice to see a usergroup option implemented and then i'd use it. Great effort though.
10-20-2008, 02:15 PM
first forum worked ok to subscribe to, I am getting this error message and a white page on the others
10-20-2008, 09:13 PM
first forum worked ok to subscribe to, I am getting this error message and a white page on the others
Hard to guess - Easy to test...
Copy the URL for the RSS feed
Turn my Mod OFF
Open a fresh browser and paste in the URL
If the problem still exists, it isn't my Mod ;)
Possibly forum security related
Or possibly the "External Data" settings
10-20-2008, 09:21 PM
would be nice to see a usergroup option implemented and then i'd use it. Great effort though.
What exactly do you expect it to do?
If you are thinking about only particular groups getting to see the "Link" then I might be able to achieve that (note that anyone could still type in the URL to access the "external.php").
If you are thinking about only particular groups getting access, I don't believe the RSS feeds in vBulletin allow for that. I could add a keyword in the URL for specific forums so that only those who get the link will get the keyword and thus add a very basic form of security. Once the keyword is known though, nothing much could be done.
10-21-2008, 03:05 PM
first forum is viewable by guests, the others are not and that is the difference, which means this mod or the way that vbb uses rss implementation is pretty much useless for me unless I am missing something obvious
10-21-2008, 09:56 PM
first forum is viewable by guests, the others are not and that is the difference, which means this mod or the way that vbb uses rss implementation is pretty much useless for me unless I am missing something obvious
I have no trouble getting an RSS feed from SubForums. I have ROOT/Section/SubForum working - no special setup was required.
Did you try my suggestion of copying the RSS Feed, disabling my PlugIn and manually testing the URL? If you do that you will at least find out if it is my PlugIn or vBulletin (or your config).
11-19-2008, 06:04 PM
Using 3.7.3 PL 1 I too get a blank screen when attempting to subscribe to a forum.
I tried doing what you suggested ...copying the RSS link to a new browser window and disabling your plugin (and setting all the External Data settings to yes in vBull options) but still a blank screen....
Anything else you suggest I should try?
BTW the icon appears on all the forum sections on my main index but links to the same (private) forums I listed in yr plugin options...but that may be because I am logged in as an Admin?
11-19-2008, 07:19 PM
I tried doing what you suggested ...copying the RSS link to a new browser window and disabling your plugin (and setting all the External Data settings to yes in vBull options) but still a blank screen....
If you get a blank screen with my plug-in disabled, then unfortunately for you the issue is with vBulletin... All I do is generate the URL, vBulletin provides the php for the RSS feed.
BTW: You mentioned private forums... RSS will not go into private forums as it does not login.
11-20-2008, 02:13 AM
Yes that explains it - only the open forums give a RSS feed.
12-10-2008, 05:43 AM
12-10-2008, 05:53 AM
Working good, thank you!
12-10-2008, 09:18 AM
Thanks works good for me..
12-11-2008, 01:43 AM
it still working ?
12-11-2008, 02:02 AM
it still working ?
Never has worked for private forums (you can manually choose not to show the link - I may put in an enhancement to do this automatically)
Always has worked for standard public forums.
12-19-2008, 09:23 PM
Installed, works like a charm.. thanks
12-22-2008, 07:40 PM
Just so you know, I've installed this Mod on 2 forums, but can only click install once.
Thanks btw. ;)
12-22-2008, 09:02 PM
Just so you know, I've installed this Mod on 2 forums, but can only click install once.
Thanks btw. ;)
Oh so true... Thanks for the extra information Mary
You can of course use these as well (if you haven't already) ;)
"Help others by rating"
"Support the Developer"
Nominate for Mod of the Month (
12-22-2008, 09:47 PM
Super, works great for me, thanks:D
01-02-2009, 04:34 PM
Installed on just 2 minutes and working well, thanks man i was looking for a simmilar hack :D
01-03-2009, 08:22 AM
installed, works perfectly :)
01-04-2009, 12:38 PM
I can't get this to do the auto-templates on my forum. (Using 3.7.0).
DoB Rhapsody
01-04-2009, 03:10 PM
Works great. I have a couple questions though, one related to the mod and another not.
The RSS icon doesn't look that great in my categories. Is there a way to exclude the rss icon from categories but show in the forums that are in those categories?
This has nothing to do with the mod but is it possible to generate an RSS based on certain tags? If it is could you please give an example link?
01-08-2009, 05:18 AM
sir i installed this mod but its not working with my template any solution?
01-09-2009, 01:57 AM
will this work for 3.8 as well?
It worked the first :up:
01-09-2009, 02:51 PM
does it work with 3.8?
01-13-2009, 05:52 AM
I can't get this to do the auto-templates on my forum. (Using 3.7.0).
These are the 4 templates that get updated...
For the "Before" or "Far Right" option they require the following text to exist in the template...
<a href="forumdisplay.php
For the "After" option they require the following text to exist in the template...
forum[title]</strong></a> _or_ forum[title]</a>
See this post for some other suggestions! (
The RSS icon doesn't look that great in my categories. Is there a way to exclude the rss icon from categories but show in the forums that are in those categories?
Try using this option "Selected/UnSelected Forums for the RSS Link (comma separated ForumID list)" (and set the previous one to something other than "All")
This has nothing to do with the mod but is it possible to generate an RSS based on certain tags? If it is could you please give an example link?
Not quite sure what you mean but my guess would be no as all the add-on provides is a easy link to an existing feature
sir i installed this mod but its not working with my template any solution?
See answer above to Baldilocks and if that doesn't help, let me know.
will this work for 3.8 as well?
Probably, but I haven't tested it yet.
01-22-2009, 01:15 PM
okay small question ..when i do this do i have to have RSS feed turned on ..i know dumb question but is there something i havea to set in vbulletin other that that ? also i wanted to have my RSS feed by post and also put on homepage ....what link do i provide ?
01-22-2009, 02:52 PM
Before I try this, how is it with RSS feeds in vB and Permissions ? In some other Forum Sofwares using such RSS feeds often also creates a problem because for some reason the RSS feed is not permission based and so anyone, if he could get his hands on the feed, could read in forums where he normally could not because of Forum & Usergroup Permissions. How is that in vB ?
01-22-2009, 08:25 PM
Before I try this, how is it with RSS feeds in vB and Permissions ? In some other Forum Sofwares using such RSS feeds often also creates a problem because for some reason the RSS feed is not permission based and so anyone, if he could get his hands on the feed, could read in forums where he normally could not because of Forum & Usergroup Permissions. How is that in vB ?
Although this plug-in does not really change the vBulletin RSS feed system, I did put some small extra control in so that forums that you do NOT want to allow RSS access can be blocked. Normally vBulletin allows RSS access to ANY PUBLIC forum if it is enabled & forums that require login cannot use RSS.
okay small question ..when i do this do i have to have RSS feed turned on ..i know dumb question but is there something i havea to set in vbulletin other that that ? also i wanted to have my RSS feed by post and also put on homepage ....what link do i provide ?
As per post 1 - Tips: To get this hack working you will need to enable the RSS Feed system in vBulletin Options >External Data Provider > Enable RSS Syndication (if you forget, the Mod will remind you)
This plug-in does not really change the vBulletin RSS feed system, it simply create the shortcuts to make it easier to use
01-23-2009, 01:59 AM
thank you sorky last question ...
okay on my homepage i have a picture of rss feed ..i want to put it where they click it and it signs them up to the rss feed ...
what is the actually link format using this to create the rss feed for my one forum ?
01-23-2009, 02:19 AM
okay i can not get this to do one of my forums only ..i am willing to paypal you sorky to take a look and explain to me what i did wrong cause i want to learn does every one in that section no matter what i do ...
i only want the announcements ..will to pay you to do it for me ...
PM me for more info and i can give you my msn name
01-23-2009, 03:08 AM
thank you sorky last question ...
okay on my homepage i have a picture of rss feed ..i want to put it where they click it and it signs them up to the rss feed ...
what is the actually link format using this to create the rss feed for my one forum ?
This plug-in creates the links... http://www.<your_domain>.com/forum/external.php with various parameters
01-23-2009, 10:15 AM
i still could not get it to just work on one forum at all does every one under it ..i even did exclude list ..i will donate money to your plug in..i am sure it is something simple and stupid i am missing ...
01-24-2009, 05:10 AM
i still could not get it to just work on one forum at all does every one under it ..i even did exclude list ..i will donate money to your plug in..i am sure it is something simple and stupid i am missing ...
In <vBulletin options>/< Sorky11 - RSS Feed Links - V1.0.0>, try these settings:
Allow link to be shown for... = Selected
Selected = <ForumID> number of the forum you want (eg: 21)
Automatically include SubForums... = No
Block excluded forums... = Yes
01-25-2009, 05:52 PM
man this stinks i love how this mod does RSS but it still include anything under it ...not sure why ... i also checked the forum IDs are different starts at the one i specifiy and goes down 3 of them in that group ... .
01-26-2009, 08:25 AM
man this stinks i love how this mod does RSS but it still include anything under it ...not sure why ... i also checked the forum IDs are different starts at the one i specifiy and goes down 3 of them in that group ... .
Sounds like there may be a bug :o
Send me a URL and I'll take a look. Also an account with temporary admin access would be handy so I can check the settings (no pressure - totally up to you)
01-26-2009, 09:53 PM
sent you the information in PM ...thank you so much
01-27-2009, 04:06 PM
Would be great if this could be sorted out. RSS feeds would be good for my community.
01-27-2009, 07:55 PM
Would be great if this could be sorted out. RSS feeds would be good for my community.
What exactly do you need sorted out?
01-28-2009, 07:04 AM
sent you the information in PM ...thank you so much
The "Automatically include all (visible) SubForums in the subscription" setting is the one you need to set to "no". Then ONLY the forums you specify will be in the subscription.
01-28-2009, 09:53 AM
<a href="" target="_blank">Official 3.8.x version now available!</a>
01-28-2009, 11:40 AM
i didnt see you install the mod back ? i installed and still same error ? i am not sure what are you talking about ...can youinstall and just put the options and then disable it so i can look at the settings . i did do the above setting
01-29-2009, 09:54 AM
i didnt see you install the mod back ? i installed and still same error ? i am not sure what are you talking about ...can youinstall and just put the options and then disable it so i can look at the settings . i did do the above setting
Thanks for letting me onto your board, otherwise I'd have never understood what the issue was!
Minor fix now done to stop the preceding link being placed on subsequent forums that no link was meant to appear on.
The fix is in the 3.8.x version - if anyone wants the fix into the 3.7.x version, let me know and I'll arrange an update.
01-29-2009, 03:50 PM
great and you are welcome ..i am wanting ot modify the height and width of icon but i dont see where it is getting told that in the forum home templates ..but i cant find the code where it is placed you mind letting me in on that secret ?
01-29-2009, 05:18 PM
okay i find the height and width and installed it with new settings and working great ..i used the 3.8 version also ... thank you sorky for such a good program how this is working
hmmmmm still some issues cause i had to change the forum i was wanting ..maybe it is cause i use version 3.8 on this . i will wait til version 3.7 come along ..
it is not pulling all the rss in the feed . hmmmmm
also is there a way we can set the option to pull feeds at maybe 30 mins to 15 min interval ?
i will wait for sorkey to fix it cause i maybe modified a setting of his ..but this was working great til i switched what forum.
01-30-2009, 05:56 AM
great and you are welcome ..i am wanting ot modify the height and width of icon but i dont see where it is getting told that in the forum home templates ..but i cant find the code where it is placed you mind letting me in on that secret ?
Added a new option into a new version release :)
And I did the 3.7.x version as well ;)
okay i find the height and width and installed it with new settings and working great ..i used the 3.8 version also ... thank you sorky for such a good program how this is working
hmmmmm still some issues cause i had to change the forum i was wanting ..maybe it is cause i use version 3.8 on this . i will wait til version 3.7 come along ..
it is not pulling all the rss in the feed . hmmmmm
also is there a way we can set the option to pull feeds at maybe 30 mins to 15 min interval ?
i will wait for sorkey to fix it cause i maybe modified a setting of his ..but this was working great til i switched what forum.
My Add-on does not provide the actual RSS Feeds, just makes them easier to access. See here for more info on the feeds themselves...
Note 1: "Thread Cutoff" is 30 days which is probably why you don't see all the threads ;)
Note 2: My understanding is that RSS feeds are not actually pushed out, just pulled in by the reader, so no need for a refresh.
Note 3: RSS is not like eMail or a forum as it has no history of itself... the reader would have to store instances if they change. "First" only ever gives the first post in the thread. "Last" gives the latest post in the thread (ie: this is the most useful mode)
01-30-2009, 05:56 AM
V1.0.3 Features
Extra option added to allow editing of the RSS img HTML
Removed the extra RSS feed links that repeated on forums that had no RSS Feed link enabled
Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
01-30-2009, 06:22 AM
well i have to say there are very little coders out there that give the kind of support like you do sorky and htis mod looks like it is running pefect now ...
i really love how you add the changes people are looking for . i have used vbulletin for awhile and i did it by hand the changes when i seen in the xml but now you have them in the actual mod ..very nice and hats off ..I am going to donate some money cause of the personal touches you did and timely manner just dont find that anymore i am looking for other mods by you ....
mod works pefect .
01-30-2009, 06:25 AM
hmmmm i dont see where you can donate to the mod ? mine PM me your paypal ? clicked installed and nominated also
01-30-2009, 06:33 AM
hmmmm i dont see where you can donate to the mod ? mine PM me your paypal ? clicked installed and nominated also
Right under the "About Developer" you will see "Support Developer" ;)
I could see the "limitations" I had imposed and they needed to be fixed - simple really. Glad to be of assistance.
01-30-2009, 06:49 AM
got it figured out i believe on the more thread and donated..wish it could be more since all the help. ..thank you very much looking at your other mods
01-30-2009, 07:16 AM
got it figured out i believe on the more thread and donated..wish it could be more since all the help. ..thank you very much looking at your other mods
The Mods I've done I use to improve a forum I do a lot of moderation of, so it's in my interest to constantly improve them ;). I share them back with the community as there are some Mods I use from here and of course I've learnt most of the methods by seeing what others have done :D.
I do these in my own time so it is nice to get appreciation and reward ;)
01-31-2009, 09:26 PM
Perfect!!! Installed! Thanks! Works like a charm!
02-05-2009, 06:07 PM
I have installed this on a vb 3.5.x forum but it looks like the language file is missing..
In CP for this mod I am getting this for some of the settings
select:piped 0|Sorky11_RSSFeedForumOptions_All 1|Sorky11_RSSFeedForumOptions_Selected 2|Sorky11_RSSFeedForumOptions_UnSelected
How can I fix this??
02-05-2009, 06:59 PM
Works Great -thanks
02-06-2009, 08:58 AM
How can I fix this??
Upgrade to 3.7 which this Mod was made for!
02-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Upgrade to 3.7 which this Mod was made for!
Come on now..... I am not in a position to upgrade and dont find any new feature in 3.8 worth the upgrade hasle at this time, so can I get some help from the developer on getting this working on 3.5.x its 95% there??
02-07-2009, 08:57 PM
Come on now..... I am not in a position to upgrade and dont find any new feature in 3.8 worth the upgrade hasle at this time, so can I get some help from the developer on getting this working on 3.5.x its 95% there??
I do this as part of the community, not as a job, so "come on now". I don't have a 3.5 setup and I have enough to do looking after what I have.
08-03-2009, 08:51 AM
<a href="" target="_blank">New update available for 3.8.x (still works on 3.6.x)</a> - New options added
Make sure you uninstall the old one after recording your settings as the 3.8 version uses a different product ID
09-29-2009, 10:58 AM
I installed this mod but there is no feed icons on my forums...
Please check here :
Edit : i forgot to turn on enable syndication option in vb options. :o
Thanks a lot man
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