View Full Version : Major Additions - Innovative Ranks System

10-16-2008, 10:00 PM
Innovative Ranks System


For Version 3.7.3, Please use this link --> Click Here
This is a Ranks System designed for VBulletin 3.6.8 & 3.7.3 PL1, it may work for other versions but It has not been verified so respectfully - Backup your Database before attempting, a wise Forum Admin always does a backup no matter how bothersome before trying a mod/hack.

Hack Version: 0.0.2
Compatible vB version: 3.6.8 , 3.7.3 PL1

This is a Ranks system. Admin can give members ranks, and rank icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a rank list.

- Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Create/Edit/Delete ranks in ACP (with Rank Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL)
- Can Move one (or all) rank(s) from one category to another
- Can set some ranks un-classified (not displayed for public)
- Can re-order ranks in ranks showcase
+ Issue ranks to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason
+ Remove ranks from members
- Options to set number of ranks displayed in postbit
- Options to turn on/off showing rank icon, images, rank requests in ranks list, ranks icons in memberlist
- Options to re-order ranks in postbit and member's profile
>Order by issued time (newest first)
>Order by issued time (oldest first)
>Order by Rank Order (ASC)
>Order by Rank Order (DESC)
- Option to set rank in-active. Inactive ranks will not be listed in rank list.
However, it will still be displayed in user's profile, if member has the rank.
- Option to set "Request Rank" option for each rank. (Need "Show request rank column" option ON to see the request link)
- Set custom usergroup permission, to set which group can request rank (access request rank page)
- Option to limit maximum number of users for each rank displayed in ranks list
- Change rank_request options, all options are set in AdminCP, template and phrase based. Totally customizable
- Option to send PM to use when he receives an rank.

Front page
- Display ranks list in with: Rank Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each rank.
- Display ranks showcase in profile, with Rank information, Issue time and reason
- Display rank icons in postbit (showthread, showpost, announcement, private)
- Display limit ranks in postbit, with total ranks, and a link to ranks showcase in

Member profiles.
- Rank request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thead or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack)
- Display rank on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb)
- Display individual rank with name of members who receive the rank

(Manual i.e. "To Do")
- Files to add: 6 (/ranks.php, /rank_request.php, /admincp/rank.php, /admincp/rank_cat.php, /includes/xml/postbbit_ranks.xml, /includes/xml/cpnav_ranks.xml)
- Templates to edit: 5 (MEMBERINFO, postbit, postbit_legacy, memberlist, memberlist_resultsbit)

(Optional i.e. If you want thread posted based one-click approval)
- Add 1 New BBCode, see INSTALL.txt

- Templates to add: 9 ('RANKS','ranks_rankbit','ranks_rankusers_bit','ra nks_bit','ranks_userranks_bit','ranks_category','r anks_categorybit', 'ranks_request_form', 'ranks_request_formanswers')
- Phrases to add: xxx
- Tables to add: 3 (rank, rank_user, rank_cat)

Time: about 2 minutes
Installer is included

2008.10.15: Version 0.0.1 Created
2008.10.19: Updated to Version 0.0.2

- BACKUP modified files and templates before making changes.
- Backup database is recommended.

YARS is free, but a donation of any amount is much appreciated.


This mod was developed from the YAAS - Yet Another Awards System mod by Hancho! You can find out all about it here --> Click Here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=142487) <-- :) Great mod, please see his listed credits so everyone who has lead up to this variation can be honored!

Developed by Kristof aka JurGradi, a recently retired administrator of Tournament Gaming World and a good friend of mine for almost a year now, He is a brilliant web guru who has surprised me at every turn with his vast knowledge of well... everything! Most certainly TheLastSuperman's.... Superman!

Install instructions and everything you need should be in the zip, read it carefully and take your time, this works and has been tested on http://www.tournamentgamingworld.com/online in several styles. Some of the guru's out there can tweak it more to suit their tastes all we ask is credit where credit is due i.e. how we listed where the idea came from.

For questions or Support please post below and I'll attempt to help you in any way I can even buggin' JurGradi on occasion however he has included an installer which I have repackaged via .zip therefor it has all the required files in the zip plus the same content in an installer form included as well so choose your method!

If you like it click install and be sure to check out the Yet Another Awards System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=142487) by Hancho!

Special thanks to my friend JurGradi for his development of Yet Another Ranks System!

*The General Stars are the mod* ignore the custom image I inserted via html in the user title area... I need to remove it now lol!

Update: Uploaded YARSRANKS.zip which contains ranks for tournaments/clans/gaming sites to use with Yet Another Ranks System, themes are for Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4! Special thanks to Called for the graphics!

*Attention* Please view the first page as the 2nd and 3rd post were reserved and contain additional information.

TheLastSuperman :rolleyes:

Old Statistics:
File Type: YARS. (42.9 KB, 27 downloads)
File Type: YARSRANKS.zip (420.4 KB, 11 downloads)
File Type: YARS.0.0.2.zip (42.6 KB, 7 downloads)
File Type: Update.0.0.2-1.zip (7.1 KB, 3 downloads)

10-17-2008, 01:24 AM
The Rank System is a variation of the Awards System by Hancho, it will work with the Awards Mod 100% as seen in the screenshots (See the admin panel screen shot, the Awards Mod is listed below the Ranks mod!).

If you have any request for additional screenshots please post and I will post them ASAP.
If you attempt this in another version and it works correctly please post below that you have it installed and which version you are running it on.
APPROVED: 10.18.2008 (YARSRANKS.zip uploaded, please see update notice!) Upon approval from our Development Team Leader - If the demand is high, Tournament Gaming World will release pre-made Ranks for gaming sites related to Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4.
Upon approval from our Development Team Leader - If the demand is high, Tournament Gaming World will release pre-made Awards for gaming sites related to Battlefield 2142 & Call of Duty 4 for use with Yet Another Awards System mod by Hancho.

10-17-2008, 01:24 AM
Version Updates:

10/19/2008 - Updated to version 0.0.2, Optional BB Code in Install.txt IF you want to approve ranks by a simple click! this must be setup via the options with correct thread ID's etc. After setup when a member request an award it post the request to a new thread (the one you specified) and then simply click the Approve link to do so. The post will then be "soft deleted" and as for the user, check their profile ;).

General Updates:

10/21/2008 - Updated rank.php which is located in admincp folder. Please Download "Update.0.0.2-1.zip" and install in your admincp folder - without it you will receive a DB error in your admincp which will not allow you to remove a previous rank. Once you have updated, you can remove the previous ranks with success! Sorry for the coding error and thanks for using YARS!

Template Change Updates:

10/25/2008 - Updated w/ alternate code for postbit for a different display option!


In the screenshot provided, the normal way to display can be the Rank along w/ a border and title saying "Ranks Showcase" now if you want to display as just the image w/o a border as seen in the darker style screenshot - When you edit template "postbit" do not follow the normal instructions, follow these! (Or simply remove the old code version and follow info below!


<if condition="$show['avatar']"><td class="alt2"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="$post[avatarurl]" $post[avwidth] $post[avheight] alt="<phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /></a></td></if>

Add Below:

<!-- show ranks -->
<if condition="$post[showuserranks]">
<!-- <fieldset><legend><a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]#rank" title="$vbphrase[more_ranks]">$vbphrase[rank_showcase]</a></legend> -->
<td class="alt2">
<!-- <br> -->
<!-- <a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]#rank" title="$vbphrase[more_ranks]">$vbphrase[total_ranks]</a>: $post[num_ranks] -->
<!-- </fieldset> -->
<!-- /show ranks -->

10-17-2008, 01:52 PM
thanks for this mod it's very cool

I hope to add one for 3.7.3

thanks :)

10-17-2008, 02:13 PM
No problem! After I asked JurGradi to prepare the mod for release he had it up ASAP!

Great coder and friend of mine.

The mod may already work for 3.7.3 however it has not been tested so please do a Database backup before attempting :), it is very useful in a Tournament Style site i.e. TGW hosts a 2142 & COD4 Tournament which allows us to pass out awards to members of both and also now, Ranks to those who participate in both!

We only want this to be helpful, useful, and worth the install ;)


10-17-2008, 02:31 PM
So is this the awards system with the word Award replaced globally and internally with rank?

10-17-2008, 02:35 PM
So is this the awards system with the word Award replaced globally and internally with rank?

Basically yes but technically no - Jur reworked it to be separate and therefor both mods still work and retain their individuality and database differences plus the location of the image or showcase is different however if you are familiar w/ VB code it can be changed around to display in another location in postbit or if you use postbit_legacy. If it were just the same w/ words replaced it would not have two options in admincp i.e. separate areas for Ranks System & Awards System as seen in the admincp screenshot.

Basically at TGW in our sponsored Tournaments we have it to where you recieve awards after good performance on battledays which can be 1-5 to 10 or however many you deserve via your Captain or Command Staff... so we wanted a separate area to display their army rank so it would not get lost in all the awards ;).

Is that what you were wondering? Let me know if any of it was unclear or you require more info.


10-17-2008, 02:39 PM
Just curious :)

10-17-2008, 05:02 PM
Just curious :)

No problem! It says supported eh? ;)

lol ohh and just remember even if it killed the cat, there's 8 more lives after the first :D

10-18-2008, 03:48 AM
Uploaded Ranks for use with YARS! Please see update notice and new file for DL.

10-19-2008, 01:49 AM
The functionality to create/manage and display the ranks is working without error in 3.7.3 PL1

I do have one issue that is not working. When you click the request rank, below is what is in the thread that is created. It doesnt work. It incomplete link info and im not sure what urlself is.

APPROVE by pressing the following link: CLICK HERE TO APPROVE

I have a suggestion. You should add permissions so that we can specify what usergroups can manage this in the modcp. I would only want to allow certain groups who currently have modcp access to manage this specifically.

10-19-2008, 02:22 AM
I'll speak w/ Jur and see if we can remedy that!

Thanks for bringing that to our attention & for testing on 3.7.3! :D

Edit: Actually I'm installing a mod on our board now, when I'm finished I'll look into it myself else it will have to wait a day or so, busy day tomorrow!

10-19-2008, 03:29 AM
The functionality to create/manage and display the ranks is working without error in 3.7.3 PL1

I do have one issue that is not working. When you click the request rank, below is what is in the thread that is created. It doesnt work. It incomplete link info and im not sure what urlself is.

I have a suggestion. You should add permissions so that we can specify what usergroups can manage this in the modcp. I would only want to allow certain groups who currently have modcp access to manage this specifically.

Allright, for URLSELF:

Add a New BBCode!

Add in new BB Code for Thread Approval
Admin CP --> Add New BB Code

Title: url-self
Tag: urlself
Replacement: <a href="{option}" target="_self"> {param} </a>
Example: vbulletin
Description: url linking back to self instead of new window
Use {option} = Yes
Button Image = N/A

Click Save

Now that will display the APPROVE link!

I still have to get it past one more little flaw in the approval from thread process as now it says:


When in fact it should refresh the page very quickly w/ the original message soft deleted and a reason as to why i.e.

This message has been deleted by [TGW]TheLastSuperman. Reason: RANK approved: Master Sergeant for [SEAL-PAC]2VS|MSgt.Salt

In AdminCP you can choose which users can request awards etc, as far as modcp make a forum just for moderators to view and yourself of course and have all the Request in the thread posted there then the right usergroups are viewing & approving regardless!

Please await the fix of this! I will post when all new files are uploaded, you may however add the BBCode in anticipation ;)


10-19-2008, 06:14 PM
Allright! Updated!

If you want to use the option where it sends request to a thread and you simply click "Approve" then you must add in the optional BB Code - Instructions are located in Install.txt

Enjoy! Also posting for use on 3.7.3!

10-19-2008, 10:09 PM
I went to create the new BB code and it already existed. The replacement string was slightly different. I then updated that with what you put in your install doc and it fixed it. You must have the creation of the BB code in your xml which all you would need to do is update that.

When i click the approve, i get as you described above,

One thing you might want to remove that avatar.php out of the admncp folder in your file. I dont think that was supposed to be there unless you intended to impose a file code change, which could be a problem on the wide range of versions since that file already exists in the admincp folder.

I dont see where the usergroup change is. My intention is to not allow normal moderators but do allow super moderatiors to manage the adding of rank tags in the ModCP. Is it somewhere im not finding it?

Otherwise thanks for the updates so far. Im sure the bugs will be worked out quickly since you only have a small few. :)

10-19-2008, 11:21 PM
I went to create the new BB code and it already existed. The replacement string was slightly different. I then updated that with what you put in your install doc and it fixed it. You must have the creation of the BB code in your xml which all you would need to do is update that.

When i click the approve, i get as you described above,

One thing you might want to remove that avatar.php out of the admncp folder in your file. I dont think that was supposed to be there unless you intended to impose a file code change, which could be a problem on the wide range of versions since that file already exists in the admincp folder.

I dont see where the usergroup change is. My intention is to not allow normal moderators but do allow super moderatiors to manage the adding of rank tags in the ModCP. Is it somewhere im not finding it?

Otherwise thanks for the updates so far. Im sure the bugs will be worked out quickly since you only have a small few. :)

Ohh man are you kidding? Crud I wanted it to work for you w/o problems lol!

I just do not have a 3.7.3 board running else I would test and debug even further but I posted it here per you stating in the 3.6.8 thread that it worked pretty decent and also it is in Beta stage here as well as for 3.6.8.

The code was in there for inclusion of the URLSELF but when I tested it this morning it would not load the .xml file correctly so I removed but like I said info on how-to in the install.txt Thanks for the info, I will look into this for you further and see if we can't get it ironed out! The URLSELF I had problems w/ myself until Jur revised the code but look for another update soon!!

EDIT: I also just noticed this question!

I dont see where the usergroup change is. My intention is to not allow normal moderators but do allow super moderatiors to manage the adding of rank tags in the ModCP. Is it somewhere im not finding it?

I was just looking at that part of the code this morning, I have to get off the computer before the wife get's me (run for your lives ;)) so I'll try for a post tomorrow but FYI for anyone regarding support I'm most active on the weekends :D.


10-21-2008, 02:43 PM
UPDATED!! Please see post #3 :D

10-25-2008, 06:29 PM
Updated for those who wish to display the Ranks w/o the Border and title "Ranks Showcase"

It is only a template edit! See post #3 for details and a "How-To"!


01-02-2009, 11:18 PM
Any chance of this coming out for 3.7.4 soon?

01-11-2009, 11:36 PM
Any chance of this coming out for 3.7.4 soon?

Actually it is out for 3.7.1 as of now, I say that due to the fact there were errors on 3.7.3+ boards but I have a friend who is helping out w/ that we have both been busy recently though w/ paid requests but as soon as I get a chance I will update!

3.7 Version here --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=194043


01-12-2009, 03:15 AM
Thanks for the reply! And it's good of you to continue updating it, especially since you've got a lot of paid requests.

01-13-2009, 07:10 PM
Okay Lostgirl, i brought out a fix for everyone uses 3.7.4 and higher (not 3.8 yet)
Please use the 3.7.3 Link to see my post ;)

have fun matey ^^

01-13-2009, 07:30 PM
Thanks so much! :)

01-13-2009, 07:46 PM
Hold tight.... still fixing an issue.... Mark as Installed on the 3.7 thread IF you installed so when it's fixed you'll receive the update notice!

01-16-2009, 08:09 PM
Ευχαριστώ πολύ

01-16-2009, 08:16 PM
Ευχαριστώ πολύ

Too bad I'm not educated in other languages... would be nice so if it says thanks then your welcome... anything else I'm going to smile and nod my head lol... :D

05-23-2009, 07:37 PM
Okay I'm finally on 3.8 and want to download and install this but, which link do I download? Both? Thanks!

05-23-2009, 08:45 PM
Okay I'm finally on 3.8 and want to download and install this but, which link do I download? Both? Thanks!

This one --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=194043

It addresses the bug in 3.7

I also assisted w/ a 3.8.1 install not too long ago and it turned out rather nicely ;) and in the main style at TGW I have it in the sigs... soon to have a css background to display like an army ribbon :D but finding time to finish is always :p but as long as you have it marked as installed you'll get the update notice!


05-27-2009, 03:17 AM
I really appreciate that you took the time to answer this, thanks!

05-29-2009, 08:19 PM
I really appreciate that you took the time to answer this, thanks!

No problem, sorry for the late reply but that's why I update my signature ;)

PM if I do not reply promptly :D



03-24-2010, 09:57 PM
Will this be going to 4.0?