View Full Version : Moderators Functions - Quick Mod Tools
10-10-2008, 10:00 PM
Quick Mod Tools
Created by OrRyuN.
This mod works with vBulletin 3.7 or higher
My first mod :)
Adds quick links to useful places (such as ban user, edit signature etc.) to moderators.
The links apear in the MEMBERINFO template, above the username, and in the pop-up menu in posbit & postbit_legacy.
Basic Links (for moderators usually)
Included in MEMBRINFO: Ban user | Lift Ban | Ban Reason | Edit Signature
included in postbit: Ban user | Lift Ban | Edit User Profile
Advanced Links (for administrators usually)
Included in MEMBRINFO: Ban user | Lift Ban | Ban Reason | Edit Signature | Edit Permissions | Remind Password | Delete All Posts
included in postbit: Ban user | Lift Ban | Edit User Profile
Mod enabled/disabled
UPDATE 1.1: enable/disable each tool
Usergroups allowed to use Basic Links
Usergroups allowed to use Advanced Links
Update v1.1 / 16th Oct 08:
Settings: added enable/disable for each tool
Update v1.1.1 / 16th Oct 08:
Bug: Password Reminder bug was fixed
Update v1.1.2 / 19th Oct 08:
Supports custom modcp and admincp locations
I hope you'd like it :)
10-11-2008, 07:57 PM
I'll be watching this one for sure! Nice..
10-11-2008, 07:58 PM
Nice tool!
10-11-2008, 09:00 PM
Installed Apprciated
10-11-2008, 09:05 PM
Can a moderator ban an administrator?
10-11-2008, 09:07 PM
Can a moderator ban an administrator?
This mod uses link to the MODCP/ACP.
10-11-2008, 09:38 PM
Delete all posts is a bit dangerous. How do I disable that option?
10-11-2008, 11:42 PM
yes delete all post is really somthing you should conceder changing
now by the way if i have my modecp root and name changed will this work and how do i go by changing it
10-12-2008, 03:40 AM
Delete all posts is a bit dangerous. How do I disable that option?
yes delete all post is really somthing you should conceder changing
now by the way if i have my modecp root and name changed will this work and how do i go by changing it
You can easily modify the memberinfo_modtools template, by:
find & delete:
<td class="thead" align="center">
<a href="$admincpdir/thread.php?do=pruneuser&u=$userinfo[userid]&f=9999999">$vbphrase[modtools_deleteall]</a>
And I can't find this dangerous as all the admins who got access to prune users can do it, even without my mod. If you don't want admins access to this, you must set their admin permissions.
10-12-2008, 04:07 AM
Tried that. It doesn't seem to work -p at least the link is still there in advanced in the UserCP.
Edit: Sorry. Yes it does. Need to edit the XML product file. I was trying to do it via the template modifications manager. :o
Thanks! May I suggest you remove this feature in the next release or at least make it optional?
10-12-2008, 04:25 AM
And I can't find this dangerous as all the admins who got access to prune users can do it, even without my mod. If you don't want admins access to this, you must set their admin permissions.
They can do it via the Admin CP. I don't want to make it easy for them to do it via an errant mouse click. Hell, I don't want myself doing it via an errant mouse click. :)
10-12-2008, 04:44 AM
Tried that. It doesn't seem to work -p at least the link is still there in advanced in the UserCP.
Edit: Sorry. Yes it does. Need to edit the XML product file. I was trying to do it via the template modifications manager. :o
Thanks! May I suggest you removbe this feature in the next release or at least make it optional?
They can do it via the Admin CP. I don't want to make it easy for them to do it via an errant mouse click. Hell, I don't want myself doing it via an errant mouse click. :)
I will try by the end of the day to release an update that insert on/off setting options for all the tools :)
Btw, I tried myself editing the template and it worked nicely. The plugin uses the template, and they are editable. Perhaps you didn't edit it well.
Very nice :) I suggest you add a couple of more ;)
10-12-2008, 12:28 PM
Very nice :) I suggest you add a couple of more ;)
I'm open for suggestions :)
Is there any other useful tool you want me to add?
10-13-2008, 06:11 PM
They can do it via the Admin CP. I don't want to make it easy for them to do it via an errant mouse click. Hell, I don't want myself doing it via an errant mouse click. :)
This makes me wonder, what are you deleting if you hit it? The whole forums posts or just that users?
10-13-2008, 09:12 PM
This makes me wonder, what are you deleting if you hit it? The whole forums posts or just that users?
It prunes all of the user's posts
10-14-2008, 02:13 AM
Excellent!!! INSTALLED!!!
10-14-2008, 02:57 AM
Great job! Installed!
10-14-2008, 10:50 PM
Please add 'email activation codes'. That would save me quite some time.
10-14-2008, 10:52 PM
Please add 'email activation codes'. That would save me quite some time.
What do you mean? Can you give me a URL for example?
10-14-2008, 11:42 PM
Go to a user profile in adminCP -> Quick user links -> select 'Email activation codes'
The member will receive an email with its account activation codes.
10-14-2008, 11:48 PM
nice shortcut , saves time, installed and rated :)
10-14-2008, 11:49 PM
Go to a user profile in adminCP -> Quick user links -> select 'Email activation codes'
The member will receive an email with its account activation codes.
Maybe it's another mod. In the clean vb 3.7-3.8 there is NOT "Email activation codes".
10-15-2008, 12:14 AM
Thanks! Much better.
One note of wierdness: I updated using the overwrite option and ended up with two Tools bars in the UserCP. The Products section in my AdminCP listed Quick Mod Tools 1.1 and also Quick Mod Tools 2.0. No idea where that came from. I uninstalled BOTH listed versions and then reinstalled and it worked correctly.
I'm really curious to know how I did that time jump to a version that doesn't yet exist. :confused:
10-15-2008, 12:22 AM
In the following code below, you are assuming that everyone's mod control panel is found in the directory modcp. But I changed mine for security purposes. I manually made the changes in your code but it may be an issue for others that have done the same. I highlighted in red the directory I had to change to make this work.
BTW, I also changed the directory of my admincp! ;)
<template name="postbit_modtools" templatetype="template" date="0" username="OrRyuN" version="1.1"><![CDATA[
<if condition="$show[modtools_basic] OR $show[modtools_adv]">
<if condition="$show[modtools_ban]">
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]=='8'"><!-- if user is banned -->
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option">
<a href="modcp/banning.php?do=liftban&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_liftban]</a>
<else /><!-- user is not banned -->
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option">
<a href="modcp/banning.php?$session[sessionurl]do=banuser&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_ban]</a></td></tr></if></if>
<if condition="$show[modtools_editsig]"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="modcp/user.php?do=editsig&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_censorsig]</a></td></tr></if>
<if condition="$show[modtools_edit2]"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="moderator.php?do=useroptions&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_edit2]</a></td></tr></if>
10-15-2008, 12:23 AM
Thanks! Much better.
One note of wierdness: I updated using the overwrite option and ended up with two Tools bars in the UserCP. The Products section in my AdminCP listed Quick Mod Tools 1.1 and also Quick Mod Tools 2.0. No idea where that came from. I uninstalled BOTH listed versions and then reinstalled and it worked correctly.
I'm really curious to know how I did that time jump to a version that doesn't yet exist. :confused:
Same thing happened to me but I figured the 2.0 was the old one and uninstalled it since the new release was 1.1! :D
(sorry for the double post!) ;)
10-15-2008, 12:33 AM
In the following code below, you are assuming that everyone's mod control panel is found in the directory modcp. But I changed mine for security purposes. I manually made the changes in your code but it may be an issue for others that have done the same. I highlighted in red the directory I had to change to make this work.
BTW, I also changed the directory of my admincp! ;)
<template name="postbit_modtools" templatetype="template" date="0" username="OrRyuN" version="1.1"><![CDATA[
<if condition="$show[modtools_basic] OR $show[modtools_adv]">
<if condition="$show[modtools_ban]">
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]=='8'"><!-- if user is banned -->
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option">
<a href="modcp/banning.php?do=liftban&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_liftban]</a>
<else /><!-- user is not banned -->
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option">
<a href="modcp/banning.php?$session[sessionurl]do=banuser&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_ban]</a></td></tr></if></if>
<if condition="$show[modtools_editsig]"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="modcp/user.php?do=editsig&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_censorsig]</a></td></tr></if>
<if condition="$show[modtools_edit2]"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="moderator.php?do=useroptions&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[modtools_edit2]</a></td></tr></if>
To be fair, you really can't expect add-on coders to code for non-standard installations. :)
Mr. Bone88
10-15-2008, 12:33 AM
Hi everyone,
I believe the 2.0 xml file is what gives you the Quick Mod Tools option in the VB options. If you just install the 1.1 xml file the option is removed from the VB options. So, you might want to have both files installed. Hope this helps. :)
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
10-15-2008, 12:36 AM
Hi everyone,
I believe the 2.0 xml file is what gives you the Quick Mod Tools option in the VB options. If you just install the 1.1 xml file the option is removed from the VB options. So, you might want to have both files installed. Hope this helps. :)
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
There IS no version 2.0 though. Just 1.0 and now 1.1.
Mr. Bone88
10-15-2008, 12:37 AM
There IS no version 2.0 though. Just 1.0 and now 1.1.
Install both and one will show up as 1.1 & 2.0
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
10-15-2008, 01:06 AM
To be fair, you really can't expect add-on coders to code for non-standard installations. :)
I agree djbaxter, but it would save a lot of us non-coders a headache if we would have at least beeen warned that changes may need to be made if our cp paths were different than stock!! I had some of my mods crying "fowl" when the links weren't working!! ;)
10-15-2008, 01:38 AM
Install both and one will show up as 1.1 & 2.0
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
Uhh... yeah... I know that. I was the first to report that above. Now... the question is just how is that possible?
10-15-2008, 09:28 AM
Uhh... yeah... I know that. I was the first to report that above. Now... the question is just how is that possible?
it's possible couse product productid is changed ;)
10-15-2008, 11:40 AM
it's possible couse product productid is changed ;)
It was changed from 1.0 to 1.1. Nowhere in the XML file is 2.0 mentioned.
10-15-2008, 02:52 PM
Just to let you know, the first ver. was called 2.0 because I had an older version of my ModTools. In its still the first version, so I called it here 1.0 and in the mod I wrote 2.0
(Kinda messed up heh.. Well, my first mod here :) )
In 1.1 I changed the Product Name, so in order to upgrade, you have to remove the old one (instead of installing over it)
Same thing happened to me but I figured the 2.0 was the old one and uninstalled it since the new release was 1.1! :D
(sorry for the double post!) ;)
Hi everyone,
I believe the 2.0 xml file is what gives you the Quick Mod Tools option in the VB options. If you just install the 1.1 xml file the option is removed from the VB options. So, you might want to have both files installed. Hope this helps. :)
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
The so called ver.2 here is the older one, 1.1 is the newer.
Install both and one will show up as 1.1 & 2.0
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
it's possible couse product productid is changed ;)
It was changed from 1.0 to 1.1. Nowhere in the XML file is 2.0 mentioned.
I messed up a little bit, it's my first time here..
10-15-2008, 03:10 PM
my question is. do you need both or just one of them seems redundant to have two files with the same code. and there is no indication on which one to use
10-15-2008, 03:17 PM
You need only the 1.1 version.
10-15-2008, 03:24 PM
You need only the 1.1 version.
thank you!
10-15-2008, 09:02 PM
thank you!
Please install if your using my mod :)
10-15-2008, 10:05 PM
Update 1.1.1
Bug fix: Remind Password bug was fixed.
##memberinfo_ModTools temp. was changed
10-15-2008, 10:33 PM
Maybe it's another mod. In the clean vb 3.7-3.8 there is NOT "Email activation codes".
You are right. It must be some mod that add this.
10-15-2008, 11:05 PM
Same thing happened to me but I figured the 2.0 was the old one and uninstalled it since the new release was 1.1! :D
(sorry for the double post!) ;)
Hi everyone,
I believe the 2.0 xml file is what gives you the Quick Mod Tools option in the VB options. If you just install the 1.1 xml file the option is removed from the VB options. So, you might want to have both files installed. Hope this helps. :)
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
Install both and one will show up as 1.1 & 2.0
Take care,
-Mr. Bone88
You are right. It must be some mod that add this.
You can easily modify my mod by editing memberinfo_ModTools temp.
just add another TD.
10-16-2008, 03:22 PM
My folder names are not admincp and modcp. How to I change those ?
10-16-2008, 03:41 PM
My folder names are not admincp and modcp. How to I change those ?
It helps to read the thread... :)
10-16-2008, 05:13 PM
Open memberinfo_ModTools template and change all "modcp"s and "admincp"s to whatever you like.
Do too in postbit_modtools.
10-18-2008, 10:18 PM
Update v1.1.2 / 19th Oct 08:
Supports custom modcp and admincp locations
10-18-2008, 10:40 PM
Update v1.1.2 / 19th Oct 08:
Supports custom modcp and admincp locations
How to custom those locations ?
10-18-2008, 10:51 PM
How to custom those locations ?
It's already built in!! Just import and you're done! :up:
10-18-2008, 11:50 PM
kool work thnx
10-19-2008, 09:28 AM
kool work thnx
Please mark as installed if you are using my mod
10-21-2008, 07:44 AM
nice tool
10-25-2008, 04:46 PM
I made a version that supports 3.6 here (
10-27-2008, 06:39 AM
Very useful Mod......
But I am getting only three option..
Edit Signature
Edit User profile.
Where can I see following quick option:
Edit Permission
Remind Password
Delete All Posts
10-27-2008, 02:30 PM
Very useful Mod......
But I am getting only three option..
Edit Signature
Edit User profile.
Where can I see following quick option:
Edit Permission
Remind Password
Delete All Posts
Did you put your usergroup id in the advanced tools in the settings?
10-27-2008, 05:50 PM
Did you put your usergroup id in the advanced tools in the settings?
yaa.. I have added usergroup ID 6 in both field.
10-28-2008, 01:50 PM
yaa.. I have added usergroup ID 6 in both field.
make sure 6 stands for your usergroup id too
10-29-2008, 02:49 AM
make sure 6 stands for your usergroup id too
yaa. usergroup ID 6 is for administrator.
I can see the rest options at user profile page..
10-29-2008, 03:30 AM
nice work mann
10-29-2008, 03:58 AM
Suggestion: In the AdminCP page for this, clarify exactly which items are basic tools and which are advanced tools. That way in 6 months we don't have to refer to the documentation in this thread :)
10-29-2008, 04:15 AM
when i click , i cant see the bar . like on the examples.. any idea?
10-29-2008, 11:51 AM
Nice, installed :up:
10-30-2008, 07:31 PM
yaa. usergroup ID 6 is for administrator.
I can see the rest options at user profile page..
That's odd. Try to reinstall my mod.
Suggestion: In the AdminCP page for this, clarify exactly which items are basic tools and which are advanced tools. That way in 6 months we don't have to refer to the documentation in this thread :)
Thanks for the suggestion, will be added to the next update :)
12-13-2008, 09:23 PM
Working good!
12-16-2008, 01:32 PM
Hey, if some of you have ideas on how to improve this mod, I'll be more than happy to hear it :)
12-16-2008, 08:44 PM
01-10-2009, 11:54 PM
Is this MOD working on vBulletin v3.8.0?
01-14-2009, 07:48 PM
Thanks dude, great mod :D
Is this MOD working on vBulletin v3.8.0?
02-13-2009, 08:08 PM
Is this MOD working on vBulletin v3.8.0?
we need update of this hack to work for 3.8.1
Fra VB
02-26-2009, 02:55 PM
if i want to translat in italian
Mod Tools: Edit Signature Ban Edit Permissions Remind Password Delete All Posts
can i change the XML file? wich part is to be chaged for this?
from line 176 to 182?
02-27-2009, 03:17 AM
Excellent plugin. Works as described and very easy to install. Thank you!
06-12-2009, 01:07 PM
great mod, thanks for sharing
07-24-2009, 10:51 AM
I installed it on 3.7.0, and it worked, but I had to remove it. It required a login to the modcp in order to complete the ban. I think a better solution is to just require a password like they do when you ban a user after selecting "delete post as spam" in the moderation drop-down list in showthread. Also, it seemed to me like a moderator could select an administrator and click ban, so some additional permissions on this functionality to map an "exclude usergroup"-list for certain usergroups; i.e. exclude administrators from moderators ban permissions, so hide the ban-button if I've defined it. I am assuming this would be prevented in the modcp itself that it logs into, but I couldn't log onto the modcp for some reason (probably something with the configuration of my server), so I never got to try it. So, my suggestions:
- quick ban user without logging onto modcp
- permissions to protect certain usergroups from other usergroups
And finally:
- rework the UI to show the buttons in a different place, like in the right side panel, or below the left and right panel, in its own space
Doing that, and it's be an AWESOME mod! There's so much banning to be done these days, anything to speed it up is most appreciated.
01-03-2010, 12:12 PM
Very nice ... :up:
Thanks ... :)
07-23-2010, 05:47 PM
Works like a charm on vb 3.8.5 !
07-29-2010, 12:46 AM
My moderators can edit the user profile, but there is no ' save' button. How do I fix this?
06-04-2011, 01:05 AM
Hate to bump a thread this old but I have installed this at the request of one of my Mods. It seemed to install fine. I get the drop down box box in the post bit that has the added boxes of BAN USER, EDIT PROFILE and EDIT SIGNATURE. The problem however is when my MODS click one of these three new boxes they are told they dont have permission to do the requested action. I have added group "7" to the quick mod tools and enabled the product. Any idea why permission isnt being granted to my Mods? The MOD CP also does not contain any of the new items. Its only in the dropbox in the post bit.
Oh and I am running 3.8.2
05-21-2012, 03:02 PM
Does anyone have this running on vb4?
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