View Full Version : made some [color=] and [size=] bbcodes

07-21-2000, 05:31 PM
Here are some bbcodes I'de like to share, usage is:

red text
big text

They should be inserted into global.php about line 233

$bbcode=eregi_replace("(\[color=)([^]]*)(])([^[]*)(\[/color\])", "<font color=\\2>\\4</font>",$bbcode);
$bbcode=eregi_replace("(\[size=)([^]]*)(])([^[]*)(\[/size\])", "<font size=\\2>\\4</font>",$bbcode);

I think the [ url= ] tags should be converted to this format too, because there seems to be a problem with multiple [ url= ] tags in your code, which mines doesn't:

$bbcode=eregi_replace("(\[url=)([^]]*)(])([^[]*)(\[/url\])", "<a href=\"\\2\" target=_blank>\\4</a>",$bbcode);

Hope you like them :)

07-21-2000, 06:53 PM
You couldn't do this throught the Control Panel?

07-21-2000, 07:07 PM
Nope...because you have an extra parameter, eg:

[color=red], but also [color=blue] or [size=1]...if you wanna do this throught the control panel you'll have to make tons of codes to make it as flexible as these...

07-21-2000, 07:58 PM
I see, but for instance on my board, I have added - which gets replaced with <font color="#FF0000">, but I also have which gets replaced with <font size="4">, and [small] which gets replaced with <font size="1">.

So if I wanted large red type, I enter:

[big][red]Text here

Which outputs:
<font size="4"><font color="#FF0000">Text here</font></font>

I suppose from an HTML standards point of view it isn't correct, but it works, and there was no hacking involved. I don't see the benefit of hacking the code to do the same thing - or maybe I'm just not following your reasons.


07-21-2000, 08:07 PM
Yeah..but you're code is limited to size=4 and color=red..while mine can handle all versions...But I don't force you to use it ;) Just thought I'd share..see for yourself if you find it usefull...:)

07-21-2000, 08:33 PM
Oh I understand now. I hadn't fully understood what you meant.

07-22-2000, 05:08 AM
Yeah I did this earlier but never could get it to do more than one line of code at the same time. Thanks for the upgrade.


08-21-2000, 08:07 PM
according to this hack
If you input:red text
then you get:<font color=red>red text</font>
and if you input:big text
you will get:<font size=5>big tex</font>

but,if you input:
big and red text[size]

you just get:
[size=5]<font color=red>big and red text</font>

I hope the result will be
<font size=5><font color=red>big and text</font></font>

how to fix this bug?

Thanks anyway!