View Full Version : Any Idea Why I Get Error
10-05-2008, 10:36 AM
Hi gentlemens, when i search in templates i get error on the page for some reason.
Like i said the error is only when i searsh in templates. i get error after when i hit FIND
If you could help me whit this that will be awesome.
I checked the source and found these error but have no clue how and where or why.
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1193831811">spacer_open</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876170">STANDARD_ERROR</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876155">STANDARD_ERROR_LITE</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876137">STANDARD_ERROR_LOGIN</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1210330703">STANDARD_REDIRECT</option>
10-05-2008, 11:55 AM
we do not need the source, we need the error...
10-05-2008, 03:57 PM
How can i get it to copy it here sir?
10-05-2008, 04:50 PM
You are recieving an error due to mySQL issues please fix these issues.
10-05-2008, 06:37 PM
How can i get it to copy it here sir?
Select the error that is being given by clicking and dragging. Press CTRL+C or right click and copy.
Come to and CTRL+V or right click paste
10-05-2008, 07:09 PM
Sorry , for asking you again FRDS :) , i know how to copy and paste lol but if you dont rightclick on the screen and then you go to source to copy the error .How can i bring the error up to copy it and paste it here for you then lol ? that was my question.
--------------- Added 1223239073 at 1223239073 ---------------
You are recieving an error due to mySQL issues please fix these issues.
If i know how to fix the error on page, i wouldn't make a thread here :)
Thats why i'm asking for help.
when i search in templates, after when i hit find, i see the error on page.
10-05-2008, 10:14 PM
Try right clicking on the search in templates, then hitting open in new tab. This should remove the frame.
Then perfrom your search, and hit View -> View page source
10-06-2008, 06:21 AM
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<title>Style Manager - FireWaLL Forums - vBulletin Admin Control Panel</title>
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<script type="text/javascript">
var EXPANDSET = "3";
var GROUP = "all";
var SEARCHSTRING = "navbar";
var STYLETITLE = { "2" : "BlueBurst", "3" : "vB_Dark_3.7.0", "13" : "ModernBlue", "11" : "Mean Green", "19" : "Default Style" };
var STYLEPARENTS = { "2" : "-1", "3" : "-1", "13" : "-1", "11" : "-1", "19" : "-1" };
var MONTH = { "0" : "January", "1" : "February", "2" : "March", "3" : "April", "4" : "May", "5" : "June", "6" : "July", "7" : "August", "8" : "September", "9" : "October", "10" : "November", "11" : "December" };
var vbphrase = {
"click_the_expand_collapse_button" : "Click the 'Expand/Collapse' button, or double-click the group name to expand or collapse the %1$s group of templates.",
"this_template_has_been_customized_in_a_parent_styl e" : "This template has been customized within the %1$s style, (a parent set of the %2$s style).<br /><br />You may click the 'Customize' button to create a customized version of this template, based on the customizations in the %1$s style.<br /><br />If you would like to edit the %3$s template within the %1$s parent style, <a href=\"%4$s\">Click Here</a>.",
"this_template_has_not_been_customized" : "This template has not been customized in this style or any of its parent styles.<br /><br />Double-click the template name or click the 'Customize' button to add a customized version of this template to the current style and its child sets.",
"this_template_has_been_customized_in_this_style" : "This template has been customized in the current style.<br /><br />Double-click the template name or click the 'Edit' button to modify the template.<br /><br />You may also view the original template, from which this template was customized, by clicking the 'View Original' button.",
"template_last_edited_js" : "Last edited %1$s %2$s %3$s at %4$s:%5$s by %6$s",
"x_templates" : "%1$s Templates"
// -->
<br />
<form action="template.php?do=displayorder" method="post" tabindex="1" name="tform">
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<div class="tcat" style="padding:4px; text-align:center"><div style="float:right"><a class="helplink" href="#" onclick="js_open_help('template', 'modify', ''); return false;">Help <img src="../cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Default/cp_help.gif" alt="" border="0" title="Click for help on these options" style="vertical-align:middle" /></a></div><b>Style Manager</b></div>
<div class="stylebg">
<!-- start header row for style '2' -->
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="stylerow">
<td><label for="userselect_2" title="Allow User Selection"> <input type="checkbox" name="userselect[2]" value="1" tabindex="1" checked="checked" id="userselect_2" onclick="check_children(2, this.checked)" /></label><a href="../index.php?styleid=2" target="_blank" title="View Your Forum Using this Style">BlueBurst</a></td>
<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="displayorder[2]" value="1" tabindex="1" size="2" title="Display Order" />
<select name="styleEdit_2" id="menu_2" onchange="Sdo(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 2);" class="bginput">
<optgroup label="Template Options">
<option value="template_templates">Edit Templates</option>
<option value="template_addtemplate">Add New Template</option>
<option value="template_revertall">Revert all Templates</option>
<optgroup label="Edit Fonts / Colors etc.">
<option value="css_all" selected="selected">All Style Options</option>
<option value="css_templates">Common Templates</option>
<option value="css_stylevars">StyleVars</option>
<option value="css_maincss">Main CSS</option>
<option value="css_replacements">Replacement Variables</option>
<option value="css_posteditor">Toolbar Menu Options</option>
<optgroup label="Edit Style Options">
<option value="template_editstyle">Edit Settings</option>
<option value="template_addstyle">Add Child Style</option>
<option value="template_download">Download</option>
<option value="template_delete" class="col-c">Delete Style</option>
</select><input type="button" class="button" value="Go" onclick="Sdo(this.form.styleEdit_2.options[this.form.styleEdit_2.selectedIndex].value, 2);" />
<input type="button" class="button" tabindex="1"
value="« »" title="Expand Templates"
onclick="window.location='template.php?do=modify&group=all& expandset=2'; " />
<!-- end header row for style '.2' -->
<!-- start header row for style '3' -->
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="stylerow">
<td><label for="userselect_3" title="Allow User Selection"> <input type="checkbox" name="userselect[3]" value="1" tabindex="1" checked="checked" id="userselect_3" onclick="check_children(3, this.checked)" /></label><a href="../index.php?styleid=3" target="_blank" title="View Your Forum Using this Style">vB_Dark_3.7.0</a></td>
<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="displayorder[3]" value="1" tabindex="1" size="2" title="Display Order" />
<select name="styleEdit_3" id="menu_3" onchange="Sdo(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 3);" class="bginput">
<optgroup label="Template Options">
<option value="template_templates">Edit Templates</option>
<option value="template_addtemplate">Add New Template</option>
<option value="template_revertall">Revert all Templates</option>
<optgroup label="Edit Fonts / Colors etc.">
<option value="css_all" selected="selected">All Style Options</option>
<option value="css_templates">Common Templates</option>
<option value="css_stylevars">StyleVars</option>
<option value="css_maincss">Main CSS</option>
<option value="css_replacements">Replacement Variables</option>
<option value="css_posteditor">Toolbar Menu Options</option>
<optgroup label="Edit Style Options">
<option value="template_editstyle">Edit Settings</option>
<option value="template_addstyle">Add Child Style</option>
<option value="template_download">Download</option>
<option value="template_delete" class="col-c">Delete Style</option>
</select><input type="button" class="button" value="Go" onclick="Sdo(this.form.styleEdit_3.options[this.form.styleEdit_3.selectedIndex].value, 3);" />
<input type="button" class="button" tabindex="1"
value="» «" title="Collapse Templates"
onclick="window.location='template.php?do=modify&group=all' ;" />
<!-- end header row for style '.3' -->
<!-- start template list for style '3' -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" border="0" align="center"><tr valign="top">
<select name="tl3" id="templatelist3" class="darkbg" size="25" style="font-weight:bold; width:350px"
onchange="Tprep(this.options[this.selectedIndex], 3, 1);"
ondblclick="Tdo(Tprep(this.options[this.selectedIndex], 3, 0), '');">
<option class="templategroup" value="">- - vB_Dark_3.7.0 Templates - -</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875352">activateform</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875371">activate_requestemail</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="WetWired;1209474592">activity_navbar</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="WetWired;1209346218">activity_topstatpage</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">vBadvanced CMPS Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="vBadvanced;1223222699">adv_portal</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Ad Location Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1192725162">ad_navbar_below</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Album Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875378">album_addgroup</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875679">album_edit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1198185206">album_list</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875399">album_moderatedcomments</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875321">album_picturelist</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1214218615">album_pictureview</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1214219590">album_picture_edit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875637">album_picture_upload</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1200331012">album_unreadcomments</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Announcement Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729864">announcement</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208880816">announcement_edit</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Calendar Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729864">CALENDAR</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875602">calendar_edit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875485">calendar_manage</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729863">calendar_showevents</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875516">contactus</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1204913623">converse</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Cybernetec Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1222111091">cyb_chatbox</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1217689224">cyb_moderating_stats</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1217110015">cyb_paypal_donate</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1217110015">cyb_paypal_list</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1217110015">cyb_paypal_list_edit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1209682153">cyb_pme_pmmenu</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Cybernetec;1211644143">cyb_topstats_php</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Paul M;1210000000">Display_Guestlist</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Paul M;1210000000">Display_Guestview</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Paul M;1191000000">Display_Memberlist</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Paul M;1191000000">Display_Memberview</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875524">editpoll</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875542">editpost</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">FAQ Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729840">FAQ</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-c" value="706" i="-=Leb=-;1210886238">form</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Forum Display Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1213180200">FORUMDISPLAY</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Forum Home Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1213209031">FORUMHOME</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195731231">GENERIC_SHELL</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Help Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729859">help_avatars</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1206965077">help_bbcodes</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729860">help_smilies</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Zachariah;0">ipinfo</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1215528100">lostpw</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875831">mailform</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Member Info Templates «</option>
<option class="col-c" value="699" i="-=Leb=-;1219773225">MEMBERINFO</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875871">memberinfo_deletemessages</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Member's List Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212144979">memberlist</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212582108">memberlist_search</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Exitilus;1209600985">member_searchform</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Moderation Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875904">moderation_deletepictures</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates «</option>
<option class="col-c" value="696" i="-=Leb=-;1220633890">navbar</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1070543944">navbar_link</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="randominity;1129399472">navbar_mini</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1190025606">navbar_noticebit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1203615317">navbar_notifications_menubit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Atakan KOC;1209841554">navbar_usercp_menu</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">New Posting Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876374">newpoll</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1210684936">newreply</option>
<option class="col-c" value="705" i="-=Leb=-;1219773235">newthread</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Picture Comment Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876422">picturecomment_deletemessages</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876440">picturecomment_editor</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Poll Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729862">pollresults</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Post Edit History Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876572">posthistory</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876514">reportitem</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Reputation (User Reputation) Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729860">reputation</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Search Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1213274686">search_forums</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876485">search_results</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876471">sendtofriend</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729840">shell_blank</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Show Groups Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729859">SHOWGROUPS</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Show Thread Templates «</option>
<option class="col-c" value="711" i="-=Leb=-;1212082177">SHOWTHREAD</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
10-06-2008, 06:22 AM
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Social Groups Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876407">SOCIALGROUPS</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876392">socialgroups_addpictures</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875321">socialgroups_confirm</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876364">socialgroups_deletemessages</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212744276">socialgroups_editor</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1211903278">socialgroups_form</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1209388816">socialgroups_group</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876251">socialgroups_manage</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1211192623">socialgroups_managemembers</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195748117">socialgroups_memberlist</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1214218712">socialgroups_picture</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1196261152">socialgroups_pictures</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1216204876">socialgroups_search</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876170">STANDARD_ERROR</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876137">STANDARD_ERROR_LOGIN</option>
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Tag Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208876655">tag_cloud_page</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1211458083">tag_edit</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875990">tag_search</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Thread Administration Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729862">THREADADMIN</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212401230">threadadmin_authenticate</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">User Control Panel Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212415706">USERCP_SHELL</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Demgel;1203094713">USERCP_SHELL_ICONS</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">User Infraction Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875510">userinfraction</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1216824406">userinfraction_view</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">User Note Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208860166">usernote</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1208875585">usernote_note</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Visitor Message Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1213617513">visitormessage_editor</option>
</optgroup><!--<optgroup label=""></optgroup>-->
<optgroup label="">
<option class="templategroup" value="[]">Who's Online Templates «</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1212145003">WHOSONLINE</option>
<option class="col-g" value="~" i="Jelsoft;1195729845">whosonline_resolveip</option>
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<!-- end header row for style '.13' -->
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onclick="window.location='template.php?do=modify&group=all& expandset=19' ;" />
<!-- end header row for style '.19' -->
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Marco van Herwaarden
10-06-2008, 07:12 AM
That is not the source of an error page.
10-06-2008, 01:30 PM
I think i got the right source now :)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
// get out of any containing frameset
if (self.parent.frames.length != 0)
self.parent.location.replace(document.location.hre f);
// -->
<title>FireWaLL Forums Admin Control Panel</title>
<frameset cols="195,*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" frameborder="no" border="0">
<frame src="index.php?do=nav" name="nav" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" border="no" />
<frameset rows="20,*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" frameborder="no" border="0">
<frame src="index.php?do=head" name="head" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" frameborder="0" marginwidth="10" marginheight="0" border="no" />
<frame src="index.php?do=home" name="main" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" border="no" />
<p>Your browser does not support frames. Please get one that does!</p>
Marco van Herwaarden
10-06-2008, 02:15 PM
So you get the error when searching phrases in the AdminCP? The things you posted are still not an error message. Please post a screenshot of the problem.
If this is not in the AdminCP, then please post a link to the page where you get this error and if needed a test acount.
10-06-2008, 05:30 PM
Hi marco, thx for your patience sir. Here is the screenshot .
Yes i get this error when i search in templates only.
I'm making a test account and i'm wondering if its ok if i could PM you the account's info
10-06-2008, 06:26 PM
10-06-2008, 06:37 PM
lol whats up with you wow. you are scaring me
10-06-2008, 11:56 PM
That error on page means there is a javascript error. It might be a "real" error, or it might be that the browser you are using does not support some nifty javascript function. It also quite possibly doesn't matter.
I don't use IE myself, but a quick google search should tell you how to access javascript errors from IE.
10-07-2008, 11:19 AM
Hi EIKINS, i googled the error and is not from the javascript , i have the right settings for it, and i still have no idea why i get the error when i search in templates :(
Marco van Herwaarden
10-07-2008, 11:38 AM
Does the error stop you from performing the tasks in the AdminCP? If not, i would just ignore it.
10-07-2008, 02:32 PM
No everything is working fine , even when i search in templates its just annoying to see error on the page.
Well i will just ignore it for now.I wanna Thank you marco for your patience <3
Anyway, do you think the error will dissapear on the next forum update?
10-07-2008, 03:01 PM
LEB..I am sorry and I hate to impose but I am having an error issue on my page this morning and I can't do anything in my admin panel without getting it, can anyone point me in the right direction.....
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET tdban=0 WHERE userid=134;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'tdban' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, October 7th 2008 @ 08:52:56 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, October 7th 2008 @ 08:52:56 AM
Script : (I deleted)
Referrer : (I deleted)
IP Address : 24 (I deleted)
Username : wwolf27
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-log
10-07-2008, 03:21 PM
This looks like you have a problem with an add-on or plugin. tdban doesn't exist in vbulletin 370, at least I couldn't find it on a search of the database.
You should look at the plugins you have installed.
10-07-2008, 03:24 PM
This looks like you have a problem with an add-on or plugin. tdban doesn't exist in vbulletin 370, at least I couldn't find it on a search of the database.
You should look at the plugins you have installed.
are you able to tell me what to look for within these plugins because I have several of them and I have no idea what I am looking for
10-07-2008, 04:00 PM
Apparently that field belongs to the "timeslip database" mod. You need to ask the author of this hack, the timeslip database, what's going on with their stuff.
10-07-2008, 04:05 PM
actually I have been trying to uninstall that.
Thank you very much for your help!!
--------------- Added 1223399656 at 1223399656 ---------------
I can't even uninstall it because it won't let me do anything in the admin panel
10-07-2008, 04:27 PM
Oh, well that explains why you are getting the error. You remove tdban when you uninstalled it. I just looked at the installer for it and that is exactly what is going on there. The uninstall "drops" that field. Looks like you have a little more clean up to do.
You are going to have to do that "disable plugins" thing to be able to get into the admincp now.
--------------- Added 1223400685 at 1223400685 ---------------
You will need to add this to the top of your config file so you can get into your admincp.
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
10-07-2008, 06:15 PM
dont forget to remove the .xml files from the includes/xml folder
Marco van Herwaarden
10-08-2008, 06:58 AM
And next time please start your own thread when it is not in anyway related to this thread.
10-08-2008, 06:22 PM
And next time please start your own thread when it is not in anyway related to this thread.
I do apologize, in the beginning I did not realize it was a completely different issue than Leb's error. :o
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