View Full Version : Main page jacked up

10-04-2008, 05:57 AM
Well you all might already have seen this a million times. I just installed USFTECH, and well no other part of the furom is effect just the front page. I uploaded some pictures of this, the last one is how it looks on another section.

If you all could give me some tips on the location of it and were u might think could of went wrong.


Marco van Herwaarden
10-04-2008, 10:10 AM
If you have questions/problems with a modification or style, then please post in the thread (or support forum/board) about that modification/style. Best chance to receive a reply from either the author or another member using the same modification/style.

10-04-2008, 12:41 PM
Well you all might already have seen this a million times. I just installed USFTECH, and well no other part of the furom is effect just the front page. I uploaded some pictures of this, the last one is how it looks on another section.

If you all could give me some tips on the location of it and were u might think could of went wrong.


make sure you have the forums under a category forum and all of them are just not set to forums. (see your main cateogry that looks fine)

Marco van Herwaarden
10-04-2008, 12:45 PM
His problem is with his style. The default style shows fine: http://blizzfreak.com/?styleid=1

So the solution is to contact the author of the style (http://www.vbulletin-templates.com/)

10-05-2008, 12:01 AM
Yep, but if he'd set the small talk forum and world of warcraft server forum underneat a category (main Category) that should fix it.

(caused by poorly coded templates)