09-23-2008, 10:00 PM
Brought To You By
Advertisements on Forum, (Footer)
if you ever wanted a quick solution to adding a place for advertisements/affiliates/PPCs etc
choose this template edit
please ensure you change this bit of code within a html program like dreamweaver
To Advertise with us, please <a href="advertise.php">click here</a>
this code on my site points to a form for customers to pay for using paypal
if you wish to use theis mod included withing the footer for advertising
as i have been using this for some time i also give support for it too
1. Login to admincp
2. select Styles & Templates
3. Select the style you wish to edit
4. Select footer
5. paste everything from code.txt at the top of the template, before every other code
also download the following, which i added today
advertise.php, put into root folder of your forum ( public_html or public_html/forum)
product-advertise.php, this is the product you need to add
Advertisements on Forum, (Footer)
if you ever wanted a quick solution to adding a place for advertisements/affiliates/PPCs etc
choose this template edit
please ensure you change this bit of code within a html program like dreamweaver
To Advertise with us, please <a href="advertise.php">click here</a>
this code on my site points to a form for customers to pay for using paypal
if you wish to use theis mod included withing the footer for advertising
as i have been using this for some time i also give support for it too
1. Login to admincp
2. select Styles & Templates
3. Select the style you wish to edit
4. Select footer
5. paste everything from code.txt at the top of the template, before every other code
also download the following, which i added today
advertise.php, put into root folder of your forum ( public_html or public_html/forum)
product-advertise.php, this is the product you need to add