View Full Version : How would I do this? [Post Thread Bits]

06-03-2001, 05:16 PM
I am trying to do my own post thread script.. completeley done by me .. I did the selection it all works fine.. What I am trying to do now is make it work faster someone said they can decompress it so that it works faster. I am not that advanced in my php knowledge. Basically.. the code looks like this what I also want to do is make the post use the VBCODE such as [b] tags and all teh vb code.. how owuld i do this? Thanks


Here is the code:

if (!$topics) {

$topics = "20";



################################################## ############################

# Lets Setup and Connect to the Database #

################################################## ############################


@mysql_connect($servername, $dbusername, $dbpassword) or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
@mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die("Unable to select database");

// Now lets find the latest threads

$threadquery = "select * from thread where forumid not in (35) order by lastpost desc limit 0,12";

$threadresult = mysql_query($threadquery);


if ($threadcount == "0") {

} // End if declaration

else {

while($row = mysql_fetch_object($threadresult)) {

if ($row->replycount == "0") {
$row->replycount = "No Replies";
elseif ($row->replycount == "1") {
$row->replycount = "1 Reply";
else {
$row->replycount = "$row->replycount Replies";

$forumnum = $row->forumid;
$threadnum = $row->threadid;

// Now lets fetch the text from the post of the latest message
$pquery = "select * from post where threadid=$threadnum order by postid desc ";
$presult = mysql_query($pquery);
$pcount = mysql_numrows($presult);
for ($ii = 0 ;$ii < $pcount; $ii++)
$useridid = MYSQL_RESULT($presult,$ii,"userid");
$pagetext = MYSQL_RESULT($presult,$ii,"pagetext");
if (strlen($pagetext) > 400) {
$pagetext2 = substr($pagetext,0,400);
$pagetext2 .= "...";
} else {
$pagetext2 = $pagetext;

//Lets get the User who posted
$query1 = "select * from user where userid='$useridid'";
$result1 = MYSQL_QUERY($query1);
$number1 = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result1);
for ($iii = 0 ;$iii < $number; $iii++)
$username = MYSQL_RESULT($result1,$iii,"username");

//Lets get the title
$query = "select * from forum where forumid='$forumnum'";
$result = MYSQL_QUERY($query);
$number = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result);
for ($i = 0 ;$i < $number; $i++)
$title = MYSQL_RESULT($result,$i,"title");

if (strlen($row->title) > 30) {
$tg = substr($row->title,0,30);
$tg .= "...";
} else {
$tg = $row->title;
$forumin = $title;
