View Full Version : The Weirdest Thing...

09-18-2008, 03:32 PM
For some strange reason, my server/board has been behaving oddly..

The main board works fine, but sometimes during the day, the admin panel/mod panel, as well as my mail server, stop working.

It's "easily" remedied by stopping and restarting Apache, but I'm trying to get the bottom of it - nothing obvious in the log files, both error and access look okay, so I'm kinda stumped.

Anyone any ideas ?

09-18-2008, 03:53 PM
Yeah, that is quite odd that the admincp/modcp/mail server stop working, but the forum still functions fine.

The mail server is more relevant in my opinion, have you figured out why the mail server is dying?

I'd also enable debug for apache to try and gather some more info, as well as debug for the mail server.

If you tail the maillog, do you see any activity when they stop responding, whats in the mail queue?

09-18-2008, 04:09 PM
Yeah, that is quite odd that the admincp/modcp/mail server stop working, but the forum still functions fine.

The mail server is more relevant in my opinion, have you figured out why the mail server is dying?

I'd also enable debug for apache to try and gather some more info, as well as debug for the mail server.

If you tail the maillog, do you see any activity when they stop responding, whats in the mail queue?

I've noticed a lot of bouncebacks to the mailbox from activation mails etc - some are getting stuck in the system...I've re-enable to localhost to send board mails as opposed to the smtp to see if that clears it. I get a lot of spam, and it's getting stuck until the system eventually bins it.

Will debug though and see what comes out...

[edit] just noticed my log file (error) has now stopped :eek: Sysem reboot coming I think

09-18-2008, 04:19 PM
you could just restart syslog.

if your bouncing a lot of mail, you might want to find out as to why your bouncing the emails in the first place, the maillog will tell you the reasons.

09-19-2008, 11:13 AM
No issues today since I switched from smtp in vb to the localhost mail....

Still, it was the weirdest thing :)

09-26-2008, 01:59 PM
A small update for those who may be interested...

I found out after much digging what was causing Apache to get itself in a mess...

Adsense in Quick Search was the issue...it didn't look like it was closing the process properly (not sure of the exact description), but after careful analysis of the logs, the only thing that coincided with the webserver failing, was a search using the Adsense box.

After uninstall I've had no issues with Apache requiring restarted....