View Full Version : Review of my PSP Forum

09-18-2008, 09:52 AM

I just finished my new skin and want to know if you like it and if you have tips for me.

Link is www.psp-media.nl

09-18-2008, 12:29 PM

A nicely layed out frontpage. I especially like the logo though i would suggest removing the 3 circled shapes and leave the large circle in. I just think the logo would look better with the 1 circled shape and the psp hanging out from it while shifting the text over to the left were the 3 other circles resided.


Not very much to say, It's a nice enough style though I think you could have been a little more adventurous when it came to designing the tcat header images on the forumhome.

With regards to the collapse_tcat icons, I would re-scale them and make them a tad smaller. I just feel they look far to large.

Overall, it's nice enough, it does it's job whilst not a visually brilliant forum it's visually more pleasing than most I review. Nice work.