View Full Version : Add-On Releases - AJAX Tabs Content Script - Version 3.0 (YUI)
09-16-2008, 10:00 PM
AJAX Tabs Content Script - Version 3.0 (YUI)
This is written for implementation within both vBa CMPS AND within vbulletin (can add to any existing vbulletin template or custom template for use on custom vB pages)
Description/Whats changed within this new release?: This newest released version is based on YUI TabView
NOTE: This is an initial release with some of the basic features of YUI TabView. More Powerful Enhancements Addons/Enhanced Configuration settings will be released as soon as I write them up. I already have multiple enhancements underway. All Content Files that have been release with previous versions still work.
Note: I've included sample content files in the attached Zip File to use with the step by step how to.
The Following 5 easy steps will get the base system installed. Once you have the base system installed and tested, then move onto the Advanced Customization Steps.
Step 1. Upload the clientscript directory (located in the attached Zip File) to your vbulletin root directory (This will add all the new YUI files to the existing vbulletin clientscript/yui directory).
Step 2. EDIT and Upload the 3 sample content files (located in the SAMPLE CONTENT FILES FOLDER within the attached Zip File) to your vbulletin root directory.
NOTE: Edit the 3 sample content files to change the MODIFICATION CONTROL OPTIONS (starting at line 31) for your testing (mainly the ForumIDs so you can see sample result data)
NOTE 2: For those of you that have used previous versions, you can use your existing content files. (simple edit the template in step 4 to use your existing content files to test instead of the samples)
Step 3. Add the below code to the end of your HEADINCLUDE TEMPLATE.
<!-- YUI CSS for TabView -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/yui/tabview/assets/tabview.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/yui/tabview/assets/tabview-skin.css" />
<!-- JavaScript Dependencies for Tabview: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/utilities/utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/element/element-beta-min.js"></script>
<!-- Source file for TabView -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>
<!-- Source file for Dispatcher -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/tabview/dispatcher-min.js"></script>
STEPS 4 and 5 are for vBa CMPS Use Only.... Skip these steps and follow the ALT Step for vB Pages.
Step 4 (FOR vBa CMPS ONLY). Create a new TEMPLATE Module.
Module Title: What ever you want to name it.(ie, Tab Content)
Template to Include: What ever you want to name it (ie, Tab_Content_Main)
Select the Styles you want it added to.
Template Content: Paste the below code into the box.
Use Module Wrapper Template: NO
Usergroup Permissions: Set your perms to your liking
<!-- YUI Tabs Display Start -->
<div id="tab_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 1', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 2', dataSrc: 'tabsample2.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 3', dataSrc: 'tabsample3.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
<!-- YUI Tabs Display End -->
Step 5 (FOR vBa CMPS ONLY). Add the New Module to a page and test it out. You should have a Tabbed Module with 3 Tabs (tab 1, tab 2 and tab 3) and all 3 should display a layout similar to the Recent Threads Module (unless you used your own custom content modules).
ALT Step for vB Pages(To Use on any vB Page). Simply add the following code to any vBulletin Template for where you want Tabs to display.
<!-- YUI Tabs Display Start -->
<div id="tab_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 1', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 2', dataSrc: 'tabsample2.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 3', dataSrc: 'tabsample3.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
<!-- YUI Tabs Display End -->
Now that you have added the code to a template, test the page out. You should have a Tabbed Layout with 3 Tabs (tab 1, tab 2 and tab 3) and all 3 should display a layout similar to the Recent Threads Module (unless you used your own custom content modules)
Now that you have the new base system installed, its time to Customize the Tabs. Customization includes CSS to match your style(s), Controlling the Tabs and Custom Content for each Tab
To control the tabs, you will need to modify the template created in Step 4.
Lets examine a tab (the line of code in the template for each tab). The first example is for the ACTIVE tab (the one that is launched when the page is first displayed). The 2nd is for all other tabs since you only have one active tab.
What you need to be concerned with is what is inside the {} (I've highlited this in RED)
lable: This is the Display Name of the Tab
dataSrc: This is the content file associated with the specific tab
cacheData: This allows you to control whether the content from the dataSrc is to be cached or to be called each time the tab is selected. Set this to false if you want the data to be updated when you click on the tab. Set it to True if you want the data to be cached upon page launch
active: true .. only use this for the first tab.
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 1', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 2', dataSrc: 'tabsample2.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
You will probably notice that there are TWO CSS Files that are being called in the HEADINCLUDE template (tabview.css & tabview-skin.css). I broke the CSS into two files so that the control elements that SHOULD NOT be edited are contained in one file (tabview.css) and the control elements that CAN be edited are in the other (tabview-skin.css).
I made plenty of comments in the tabview-skin.css file that should help you change the tab colors to match your style. Just simply look for the Color Elements and match them to the color elements of your Styles CSS. I am FAR from a CSS guru.. I learned by playing around with the settings :o
The tabview-skin.css file is located in: clientscript/yui/tabview/assets/tabview-skin.css
Content Files
Please see posts 2&3 of this thread for additional enhancements. Members are encourage to provide their custom content file for inclusion in Post 3.
09-17-2008, 01:50 AM
Additional Enhancements
** Coming Soon ** (Adding on the fly lol)
09-17-2008, 01:51 AM
Coming soon! be patient.. all content files released for previous versions DO WORK with this ;)
new Album-Pictures - Side by Side display, default is 5 photos (simple change of a variable to increase/decrease).. sort by dateline or random.
new Recent Blogs - This is a NEW Recent Blogs layout (similar to Recent Threads, but for Blogs)..
new Blog Entry - This is a NEW Blog Entry style layout. It displays the entire entry. Can display random entires, more than one entry etc..
09-17-2008, 02:01 AM
Im wetting my pants in anticipation !!!!! cmon BOB you the man
09-17-2008, 02:43 AM
any demo to chick it how it is work
09-17-2008, 02:49 AM
I have a lot of patience :D great job
any demo to chick it how it is work
i think its very similar to this
09-17-2008, 03:12 AM
any demo to chick it how it is work
You can check out version 2 and see some examples.... I'll be putting up some more details about this version soon.... Its pretty much the same as v2, but with a totally different more powerful backbone (YUI vs Dynamic Drives AJAX Tabs JS script)
09-17-2008, 03:19 AM
Awesome, thank you..
09-17-2008, 03:54 AM
09-17-2008, 05:00 AM
can't wait to see what you have in store ahead. GREAT JOB as is. thanks!
09-17-2008, 08:06 AM
Installed and already nominated for MOTM
Desperately awaiting this. You're the man Bob.
09-17-2008, 08:06 AM
As i said on vbadvanced, thank you ! Great work !
09-17-2008, 08:50 AM
Have fully integrated it.. already !!
Every USER loves it !!! Thanks BOB
09-17-2008, 09:22 AM
Is this suppose to be 2.0 to your old tabs?
09-17-2008, 12:19 PM
Is this suppose to be 2.0 to your old tabs?
If you are talking about TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) then NO this is something different .. TFH V2 (BETA) will be released sometime in the next few days... HOWEVER, if you know what you are doing, you can use parts of this to pull it off (you can use the backbone of this to convert TFH v2 from the dynamic drive AJAX JS to YUI .....I see a few that have already done so) .. however, this is NOT a replacement for TFH..... this is an update to a MOD that has been through multiple phases over the past few years now for displaying Tabbed External Content.
09-17-2008, 12:24 PM
only thing i cant get working is the loading gif.
Had to amend lastpost.gif filepath.. for our style, just the loading.gif and all sexy
09-17-2008, 12:34 PM
only thing i cant get working is the loading gif.
Had to amend lastpost.gif filepath.. for our style, just the loading.gif and all sexy
Ya, feel free to do what ever you want with ANY of the content files.. those are all just a "BASE" to get you started on your own custom content.
Ah.. loading thingy.. forgot about that.. that will be fixed. I figured there will be a few bugs :o
09-17-2008, 01:02 PM
hey its all good.
Works a charm.
I thought the image.png was a figment of my imagination too lol
be nice to give each tab its own css attribute for colour etc.
Now I have the menu systm, sat above normal forum home forums.. first tab is all.. which links to forumhome... all others to a variety of forums etc.
Would be nice to parse non forum id links, such as vb powered pages we have installed.
Great work !
voted motm
09-17-2008, 03:33 PM
Looks great but
Will it work for users with no javascript? :)
*cough* spiders *cough*
09-17-2008, 07:56 PM
Thanks for all your help and congrats on getting this one out the door.
Can you please post a list of changes for the existing v2 users so we can determine if we want to upgrade?
09-17-2008, 09:38 PM
could i make a suggestion bob.
Something i will look into coding, also..
on the tabbed forum display style i have, top of the list would be good to have start a new thread, and choice of drop down box, to slide it into the forums within that tab.. so..
lets say tab1 has forums 23,45,67 ( called apples bananas an nuts )
at top of ajaxified forum dropdown ( listing the threads ) theres a New Thread button, with a drop down choice for a,apples b, bananas c, nuts
get my drift..?
09-17-2008, 11:20 PM
lets say tab1 has forums 23,45,67 ( called apples bananas an nuts )
at top of ajaxified forum dropdown ( listing the threads ) theres a New Thread button, with a drop down choice for a,apples b, bananas c, nuts
This is a very good idea, something that I have wanted to do myself.
09-18-2008, 12:28 PM
could i make a suggestion bob.
Something i will look into coding, also..
on the tabbed forum display style i have, top of the list would be good to have start a new thread, and choice of drop down box, to slide it into the forums within that tab.. so..
lets say tab1 has forums 23,45,67 ( called apples bananas an nuts )
at top of ajaxified forum dropdown ( listing the threads ) theres a New Thread button, with a drop down choice for a,apples b, bananas c, nuts
get my drift..?
That would be something built into that specific content file. I'll look into that. You MIGHT take a quick look at the "news" content file as it sorta has some of that functionality built in (the dynamic creation of the create new thread button for the specific forum that the news item resides in..
what shall I do with "CONTENT FILES" ?
09-18-2008, 02:40 PM
what shall I do with "CONTENT FILES" ?
Those are for use with the system. You can use them as is (by making some simple setting changes in the Config area at the top of each file or you can modify them to your liking. They Mimic some of the more popular CMPS modules (like recent threads, news, thumbs, blogs etc).. The whole idea is to have a system to allow you to add your own custom content how ever you wish to. I encourage members to come up with their own content files and share with the rest of the community :) I have a bunch of custom content files that I will be sharing.
09-18-2008, 02:41 PM
This looks very impressive from what I've read so far, Bobster. However, you state that it is not the same (nor an upgrade) to TFH v2 (which I am very happily using, kudos). So, forgive my ignorance - but what exactly does this do if it is not a TFH?
09-18-2008, 02:45 PM
what shall I do with "CONTENT FILES" ?
btw, the files go in the forum ROOT. You can put them anywhere, but you will have to edit the REQUIRE BACK-END area if you put them anywhere besides the forum root (because of the paths to the included and require files being called)
09-18-2008, 02:47 PM
This looks very impressive from what I've read so far, Bobster. However, you state that it is not the same (nor an upgrade) to TFH v2 (which I am very happily using, kudos). So, forgive my ignorance - but what exactly does this do if it is not a TFH?
TFH is for tabbing out the Categories on the FORUMHOME page. THIS is for Tabbing custom content anywhere.. ie, vBa CMPS pages, side columns on the Forum Home, just about anywhere that you would want to "tab" custom content....
09-18-2008, 05:12 PM
Installed & Nominated.
This just roxxx :=)
09-18-2008, 05:32 PM
Installed & Nominated.
This just roxxx :=)
Ya, its pretty fun to mess around with.. opens up a ton of options.. I have built over 100 custom content files for various sites so far lol.. I use the hell out of it :cool:
09-18-2008, 07:24 PM
If you are talking about TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) then NO this is something different .. TFH V2 (BETA) will be released sometime in the next few days... HOWEVER, if you know what you are doing, you can use parts of this to pull it off (you can use the backbone of this to convert TFH v2 from the dynamic drive AJAX JS to YUI .....I see a few that have already done so) .. however, this is NOT a replacement for TFH..... this is an update to a MOD that has been through multiple phases over the past few years now for displaying Tabbed External Content.
:D I'd rather wait until you get everything worked out.
09-18-2008, 08:13 PM
:D I'd rather wait until you get everything worked out.
If you are only wanting to do Tabbed Forum Home, its best to wait for that specific MOD.. however, the new TFH will also be able to use any content files made for this as well ;)
09-18-2008, 08:33 PM
That would be something built into that specific content file. I'll look into that. You MIGHT take a quick look at the "news" content file as it sorta has some of that functionality built in (the dynamic creation of the create new thread button for the specific forum that the news item resides in..
Have had a look Bob, and looks very good. Will wait until you can rovide some instruction on implementation
09-18-2008, 10:41 PM
I have built over 100 custom content files for various sites so far lol..
Can you share what some of them do? I know all the basic ones, just wondering what other sites have done with this.
09-18-2008, 10:53 PM
On one of the demonstration pages you supplied (I forgot the link at this moment), it has a rotating image which holds an image if you hover the mouse of that tab... is that what this is? If not, could you point me in the direction of where to acquire a similar finish. Because that is something I'm kind of looking for.
09-18-2008, 10:57 PM
Can you share what some of them do? I know all the basic ones, just wondering what other sites have done with this.
I'll put together a full list one of these days.. lots of different variations of recent threads and news (to the clients specifications).. same thing with the blogs.. just did a blog on yesterday that looks similar to recent threads with a snippet of the Blog Text under the title (see the Blogs Tab here: I've done a lot of custom recent threads with Thumbnails (which I believe you have).. I've got a few variations of vBa Links Directory stuff, 5 or 6 different Photo Album ones, Just about every CMPS Module I have custom versions of.. lots of stuff for the forum home page like the whos online area tabbed out with some of the more popular addons from Paul and Cyb.. A bunch of different vBookie ones... some sports ones.. the list is pretty extensive lol... I've done so many that I can't remember them all.. those are just ones that involve vbulletin.. I've got a ton that do dynamic external stuff integrated with vB as well..
Won't even go into the simple static HTML files that are beyond easy for anyone to knock out lol
09-19-2008, 01:19 AM
I think I'll waiting til the beta is finished, but looks like it will be great. For the people who've integrated it into their site, can you post a link so the rest of us can check it out?
09-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Installed, btw bobster65 ( , I sent u a pm regarding some custom work hope u have time to check it out
4x4 Mecca
09-19-2008, 02:54 AM
I may be dumb, and in the last three pages, I might have missed it, but i get the error for CMPS
so I took out the line require_once('./includes/vba_cmps_global.php'); and it loads the tab, but it doesn't show any content, just a thin line saying "Title, Username, Date Last Post Replies Views"
My site is but I'll probably have it changed or fixed by the time you reply, lol I usually do.
4x4 Mecca
09-19-2008, 03:38 AM
never mind, this is over my head, i can't get it working. I even read that this was an update, so I went back and installed v2 and now neither one work :(
Hugo Holbling
09-19-2008, 07:30 AM
Great work, bobster65. A quick question: is it possible to integrate this with something like the Dismiss/Hide Notices ( mod so that the tabs display for guests and members but can be "switched off" by members if they wish? At the moment I have an older version of the tabs that uses an if condition to show it only to guests but it would be nice to give members the choice of whether to view the tab content or not.
09-19-2008, 12:13 PM
Great work, bobster65. A quick question: is it possible to integrate this with something like the Dismiss/Hide Notices ( mod so that the tabs display for guests and members but can be "switched off" by members if they wish? At the moment I have an older version of the tabs that uses an if condition to show it only to guests but it would be nice to give members the choice of whether to view the tab content or not.
Hey HH.. its possible to add a simple control to the UserCP to shut it on/off. Then just do a condition around the content Div. (same concept as just hiding a tab)..
09-19-2008, 12:16 PM
I may be dumb, and in the last three pages, I might have missed it, but i get the error for CMPS
so I took out the line require_once('./includes/vba_cmps_global.php'); and it loads the tab, but it doesn't show any content, just a thin line saying "Title, Username, Date Last Post Replies Views"
My site is but I'll probably have it changed or fixed by the time you reply, lol I usually do.
never mind, this is over my head, i can't get it working. I even read that this was an update, so I went back and installed v2 and now neither one work :(
The Content Files will need to be edited to match your individual site setup... I can give you a hand if needed.. you were really close (just a simple edit in one of the content files away).. PM me if you really want help :cool:
09-19-2008, 01:47 PM
bobster65 ... alls working fine, but can you tell me, where I can fixx the "loading.gif" image out?
Because the loading.gif doesnt seem to load/appear.
I couldnt get that in last posts. ;=)
cheers dewd
09-19-2008, 02:14 PM
bobster65 ... alls working fine, but can you tell me, where I can fixx the "loading.gif" image out?
Because the loading.gif doesnt seem to load/appear.
I couldnt get that in last posts. ;=)
cheers dewd
You can try something like this in the tabview-skin.css
.yui-navset div.loading div {
background:url(loading.gif) no-repeat center center;
height:8em; /* hold some space while loading */
09-19-2008, 04:09 PM
Hi bob! It works fine, but there is 1 prob. When I klick a second time on a Tab, it will load again with a little optical error. ;) (Check attached image)
09-19-2008, 04:37 PM
Hi bob! It works fine, but there is 1 prob. When I klick a second time on a Tab, it will load again with a little optical error. ;) (Check attached image)
lol.. well, it appears some tweaking to that is in order :o I added this to Project tools and will tweak it when I get some spare time...
09-19-2008, 05:31 PM
great hack .... installed and nomination
can't wait post #2 and #3 :-)
4x4 Mecca
09-19-2008, 06:11 PM
Thanks for your help bobster! It was my fault, I didn't set the date to an old enough date and it was on my test server.
Just one slight issue at the moment, and im sure its something ive overlooked.
This displays fine on my vbadvanced home page, however, all links are missing the root/forum element, thus resulting in page not found message.
What do i need to change here ?
09-20-2008, 02:26 PM
Just one slight issue at the moment, and im sure its something ive overlooked.
This displays fine on my vbadvanced home page, however, all links are missing the root/forum element, thus resulting in page not found message.
What do i need to change here ?
you can fix that by editing the href and img tags in all the content files. Towards the end of the content files is the "// CONTENT OUTPUT (echos out each individual recent thread result into Tab Div Container)"
HREFs for example
<a href="showthread.php?t=
change to
<a href="/forum/showthread.php?t=
IMGs for example
<img border="0" src="images/buttons/lastpost.gif" title="Go To Last Post" />
Change to
<img border="0" src="/forum/images/buttons/lastpost.gif" title="Go To Last Post" />
As easy as that, thank you bobster
09-20-2008, 06:41 PM
Mr. Bobster... could you give some guidance on how someone may implement their own code to the tabs?
I realise they can adjusted - but I don't mean the tabs themselves... I mean, instead of forum listings under tab 1, perhaps put x- images, under tab 2 a forum and under tab 3 some videos...
4x4 Mecca
09-21-2008, 04:40 AM
I added the code to show a new thread button for each page, but is there any way to be able to show multiple pages, I mean it maxes out at 30 posts per page, but can't I have like page 1 page 2 etc... ?
09-21-2008, 02:29 PM
Mr. Bobster... could you give some guidance on how someone may implement their own code to the tabs?
I realise they can adjusted - but I don't mean the tabs themselves... I mean, instead of forum listings under tab 1, perhaps put x- images, under tab 2 a forum and under tab 3 some videos...
I added the code to show a new thread button for each page, but is there any way to be able to show multiple pages, I mean it maxes out at 30 posts per page, but can't I have like page 1 page 2 etc... ?
Building Content files is similar to building additional pages (minus the need for header, footer). Just take a look at the CONTENT FILES folder in the ZIP File, there are a few different types in there (and will be more soon).
I am working on a recent thread and a News with ajax pagenation..
09-21-2008, 03:39 PM
Regarding all your custom work, I'd love to see the VBA Gallery (Photopost VBG), VB Blogs, and VBA Links if you don't mind sharing them.
Also, I'd like to get tabthumbs updated with ajax for real time updates if you want to take on a new custom job. PM me.
09-22-2008, 10:00 AM
Hi, thanks for sharing this great modification!
I´ve a question: Is it possible to display the most recent Album-Pictures in a tab?
There some modifications to show them on Forumhome, but there must be a way to show them in a seperate tab, i think.
Could you help me?
09-22-2008, 03:31 PM
Hi, thanks for sharing this great modification!
I?ve a question: Is it possible to display the most recent Album-Pictures in a tab?
There some modifications to show them on Forumhome, but there must be a way to show them in a seperate tab, i think.
Could you help me?
Yes, its possible.. attached is a SAMPLE on how to do it. The sample is preset to display the 5 latest Photos (side by side) ..
Feel free to modify it to your needs... Everything is commented in the file for advanced Customization ..
09-22-2008, 05:00 PM
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
Abolutely what i was looking for!
Works fine.
09-24-2008, 10:21 PM
I got this error:
Warning: require_once(./includes/vba_cmps_global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/tabsample1.php on line 28
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/vba_cmps_global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/******/public_html/***/forums/tabsample1.php on line 28
Fixed: I deleted line 28 and now it is working after clearing my cache.
Any recommendation on where a good place to show this on the forums is? which template and spot?
Also, I think I would like to show this up as if it was an extra forums on the site. how would I go about doing that? code would be needed, as I am not that experienced just yet.
Many thanks for such a wondering mod.
09-24-2008, 10:35 PM
I got this error:
Warning: require_once(./includes/vba_cmps_global.php) [function.require-once (]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/tabsample1.php on line 28
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require (]: Failed opening required './includes/vba_cmps_global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/******/public_html/vbtest/forums/tabsample1.php on line 28
Fixed: I deleted line 28 and now it is working after clearing my cache.
Any recommendation on where a good place to show this on the forums is? which template and spot?
Also, I think I would like to show this up as if it was an extra forums on the site. how would I go about doing that? code would be needed, as I am not that experienced just yet.
Many thanks for such a wondering mod.
ah crap.. I keep forgetting to strip out that function (its not needed)... it was for some older stuff that only dealt with CMPS .. I need to update those files asap...
As far as where? Anywhere that you want to have tabbed content.. FORUMHOME, Specific Forums, Custom Pages, vBa CMPS etc...
If you want it to appear on the Forum Home page, then you can edit the FORUMHOME Template and add the template code right after or before the <! -- MAIN areas (that will make it appear above or below the forums listings) ..
09-25-2008, 01:32 PM
btw, if anyone was having issues with IE, the culprit was 2 unvalidated tags in the header (forgot the / to close the links to the CSS)...
simple fix.. (IN RED BELOW)
Step 3. Add the below code to the end of your HEADINCLUDE TEMPLATE.
<!-- YUI CSS for TabView -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/yui/tabview/assets/tabview.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/yui/tabview/assets/tabview-skin.css" />
<!-- JavaScript Dependencies for Tabview: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/utilities/utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/element/element-beta-min.js"></script>
<!-- Source file for TabView -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>
<!-- Source file for Dispatcher -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/yui/tabview/dispatcher-min.js"></script>
09-26-2008, 01:54 PM
I installed this on and it is working great. This is a very good mod.
I then installed in on and the tabs are showing up but no content. I have re-installed and it is still the same.
Cant think what i am doing wrong.
Anyone got any ideas?
If you look on the site it is right at the bottom of the homepage.
09-26-2008, 09:18 PM
I installed this on and it is working great. This is a very good mod.
I then installed in on and the tabs are showing up but no content. I have re-installed and it is still the same.
Cant think what i am doing wrong.
Anyone got any ideas?
If you look on the site it is right at the bottom of the homepage.
Check the end of these to make sure you have the / at the end (in red below).. I know that sometimes effects things..
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
09-26-2008, 09:43 PM
sorry for bein thick but where do i check that above please
09-26-2008, 09:46 PM
sorry for bein thick but where do i check that above please
09-26-2008, 10:02 PM
thank you very much. i will check it now.
09-26-2008, 10:07 PM
Its still not working
any more ideas
09-26-2008, 10:29 PM
Its still not working
any more ideas
are both sites on the same server? And you set both up the same exact way? How about the content files.. did you try the content files that are working on the first site to see if they work on the 2nd site?
09-26-2008, 11:39 PM
I have a dedicated server and both of the sites are on there.
I have set them up exactly the same way.
I will try copying the content files from one to the other and see if that works.
09-27-2008, 11:43 AM
I want this to display content in the same page, not an external page. Any help?
09-27-2008, 12:45 PM
I want this to display content in the same page, not an external page. Any help?
That is what this does.. I don't understand what you are having problems with. Can you explain what you've done so far and what you are attempting to do?
09-27-2008, 01:01 PM
I noticed it fetches content from external pages. I want it to fetch content from the same page.. something like this:
09-27-2008, 01:31 PM
I noticed it fetches content from external pages. I want it to fetch content from the same page.. something like this:
This CAN do the same thing. YUI is FAR superior to the Dynamic Drive scripts (which I have also released.. )
As I mentioned in the First post, there is A TON that YUI Tab view CAN do.. if you just want non ajax tabbed content, You can read up on YUI Tab View here..
Try this and see if its more in tune of what you want to do..
Use the same two CSS Files, but there is no need for the Dispatcher.js, so you can use a different connection method.. (Replace the rest of the HEADINCLUDE from step 3 with the below:
<!-- JavaScript Dependencies for Tabview: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/element/element-beta-min.js"></script>
<!-- OPTIONAL: Connection (required for dynamic loading of data) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/connection/connection-min.js"></script>
<!-- Source file for TabView -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>
Then you can use one of the following two content methods.....
TabViews can be created from existing HTML markup or entirely through JavaScript. Each Tab in the TabView is a list item (<li>). The root element of the TabView is a <div> element.
The TabView control is defined by YAHOO.widget.TabView. To create a TabView from existing markup you can simply pass the id (or object reference) for the HTMLElement that will become the TabView. If you follow the default markup pattern outlined below, the tabs will be constructed automatically. The list item with class="selected" becomes the active tab.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("demo");
<div id="demo" class="yui-navset">
<ul class="yui-nav">
<li class="selected"><a href="#tab1"><em>Tab One Label</em></a></li>
<li><a href="#tab2"><em>Tab Two Label</em></a></li>
<li><a href="#tab3"><em>Tab Three Label</em></a></li>
<div class="yui-content">
<div><p>Tab One Content</p></div>
<div><p>Tab Two Content</p></div>
<div><p>Tab Three Content</p></div>
In the this example, the TabView is generated entirely through JavaScript. Here the TabView's DOM structure will be assembled in a new element and appended to the existing document.body.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("demo");
myTabs.addTab( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Tab One Label',
content: '<p>Tab One Content</p>',
active: true
myTabs.addTab( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Tab Two Label',
content: '<p>Tab Two Content</p>'
myTabs.addTab( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Tab Three Label',
content: '<p>Tab Three Content</p>'
09-28-2008, 02:06 PM
Anyone solved the problem with the loading.gif?
Check first post on page 4 in this thread. ^^
peaze ;)
09-28-2008, 02:39 PM
Anyone solved the problem with the loading.gif?
Check first post on page 4 in this thread. ^^
peaze ;)
sorry, not yet.. I have not even had 5 minutes to look into it yet. I am sure its something simple tho as it works, just that its showing up in ALL the divs lol
09-28-2008, 03:17 PM
Hi Bobster and thank you again for the "Album-Pics"-Feature.
Is it possible to show latest comments for Album-Pics in a seperate Tab.
This would be helpful.
Another thing is this. I´m showing up the latest events from calendar on my forumhome. Now, i like to put it in a seperate tab, to clean up my forumhome. I tried a few things but that didn´t work. maybe you got an idea how to solve it?
Sorry for my questions, i know, you must be very busy.
Thanks for your support and for this very useful addon!
Greetings, Peter
09-28-2008, 03:32 PM
Hi Bobster and thank you again for the "Album-Pics"-Feature.
Is it possible to show latest comments for Album-Pics in a seperate Tab.
This would be helpful.
Another thing is this. I?m showing up the latest events from calendar on my forumhome. Now, i like to put it in a seperate tab, to clean up my forumhome. I tried a few things but that didn?t work. maybe you got an idea how to solve it?
Sorry for my questions, i know, you must be very busy.
Thanks for your support and for this very useful addon!
Greetings, Peter
Hi Peter,
I do have a couple different calendar/event content files.. however, they were written over a year ago, so I will have to update those before I release them.. if you want to PM me a mock up of what you are looking for, go ahead and do that and I'll try and get something out soon..
As far as latest comments for album pics, I'll look into it.. shouldn't be to tough.
09-29-2008, 09:56 AM
Is it possible to use this Tabs Content Script to replace the forumhome?
Like your other one can: ?
Cuz i was thinking of getting rid of the vBAdvanced portal :D
10-02-2008, 12:04 AM
Again thanks for a great mod
I have this installed on my site as a vba module but would there be any way to have a second module with different tabs.
Thank you in advance
Ben Jones
10-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Again thanks for a great mod
I have this installed on my site as a vba module but would there be any way to have a second module with different tabs.
Thank you in advance
Ben Jones
Hey Ben..
ok, to do multiple modules, its just a matter of some IDs (Vars and Divs) within the template..
So lets take a look at the base template:
I've highlighted in RED the VAR Name that needs to be unique for each instance (and the same within each instance). NOTE: Pay attention to the end of each tab line as there is a VAR at the end that needs to match
I've highlighted in GREEN, the Div ID that needs to be unique for each instance (and the same within each instance).
<!-- YUI Tabs Display Start -->
<div id="tab_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 1', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 2', dataSrc: 'tabsample2.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 3', dataSrc: 'tabsample3.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
<!-- YUI Tabs Display End -->
So if you want a 2nd Module, you would do something like this.. (I just added the number 2 to everything to make it unique and identify it as the 2nd module.. you can name them anything you want***
<!-- YUI Tabs Display Start -->
<div id="tab_container2"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabView2 = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 1', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView2);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 2', dataSrc: 'tabsample2.php', cacheData: false }), tabView2);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'tab 3', dataSrc: 'tabsample3.php', cacheData: false }), tabView2);
<!-- YUI Tabs Display End -->
** NOTE: Altho I said you can name them anything you want to, we need to also be careful in doing so.. for example, using myTabs will conflict with vbulletins use of the YUI Tabs within the profiles.. so come up with something unique to your site when naming these.. also, DO NOT USE TabView (Capital T and capital V) ... that is a no no as its part of the TabView Function lol.
Hope this made sense?
10-03-2008, 02:37 PM
Is it possible to use this Tabs Content Script to replace the forumhome?
Like your other one can: ?
Cuz i was thinking of getting rid of the vBAdvanced portal :D
Well, sorta, but there are some extra things involved in pulling off Tabbed Forum Home that doesn't come with this. That Modification is in the process of being upgraded and uses the same base as this one (YUI Tab View).... It however has an Admin CP interface to control the Tabs... it also comes with a Module interface that will allow you to add any of the content modules that also work with this. It is very close to being released as Beta (just finishing up install documentation now)..
10-04-2008, 07:29 AM
Great mod, working great, thankyou.
Only problem I have seen is that under Firefox (2) the tabs themselves take on a life all of their own :eek:
As you'll see from the images below one tab will assume it's natural form, whilst the other two get severe vertical belligerence!
Where do you think I should look for an issue fixer for this? Firefox itself or maybe somewhere else?
Many thanks in advance :D
10-04-2008, 09:30 AM
Well, sorta, but there are some extra things involved in pulling off Tabbed Forum Home that doesn't come with this. That Modification is in the process of being upgraded and uses the same base as this one (YUI Tab View).... It however has an Admin CP interface to control the Tabs... it also comes with a Module interface that will allow you to add any of the content modules that also work with this. It is very close to being released as Beta (just finishing up install documentation now)..
Well, that sounds even better :)
10-04-2008, 02:46 PM
Great mod, working great, thankyou.
Only problem I have seen is that under Firefox (2) the tabs themselves take on a life all of their own :eek:
As you'll see from the images below one tab will assume it's natural form, whilst the other two get severe vertical belligerence!
Where do you think I should look for an issue fixer for this? Firefox itself or maybe somewhere else?
Many thanks in advance :D
You can change the settings in the tabview-skin.css file to your liking. I really don't have any "standard" suggestions.. Based on your images, I would lower the 0.4 to 0.3 and see how that looks..
the two blocks of CSS that effect that are (settings highlited in red..
lines 30-31 (Raises from the set height)
/* raise selected tab */
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a em {padding:0.4em 0.6em;}
lines 16-23 (specifically line 20) (default set height)
.yui-navset .yui-nav li a em {
border-top:solid 1px #a3a3a3;
padding:0.2em 0.5em;
top:-1px; /* for 1px rounded corners */
10-04-2008, 03:59 PM
Many thanks for the really fast response. Worked a treat :D
10-09-2008, 08:16 AM
I loved the TFH, but this is more suitable for me. I'll be loading it up on the dev site and testing it out asap. Nice work Bob!
10-10-2008, 12:17 PM
Is it possible to show per category? Not threads but topics..
10-11-2008, 10:42 AM
Just want to share my experience,
I think this mod assumed that cmps resides inside vbulletin root folder. I have my cmps file 1 folder up from vB, and i can not get this working by following original instruction.
After a lot of trial and error I finally geit it working by changing path in the template to point to the content php files. Then after that also need to edit content files to add required path.
hope this is useful for somebody :)
*ps: bobster65, if this is not how you intend it to be can please let me know what is the correct approach ?
Thanks ! great mod ! :)
10-11-2008, 11:27 AM
Can I use it?
NEW GARS 02-07-2008 - ( - GARS Content File - ZiG
10-13-2008, 01:40 PM
Why not just try it? ^^
Hey bob looks like you aint have plenty of time, but please buddy I need that loading.gif error fixxed, because this error is a pain in the azz. :D
I want to go online very soon and hopefully without any bugs on my site.
10-18-2008, 06:27 PM
Hey Bob-o,
I want to combine this hack with this ( because the tab content script conflicts with vb's ajax.
If you have any idea or can point me in the direction, please lemme know.
I tried screwing with it, but get all the posters tabs in the first post.
10-18-2008, 07:34 PM
For a newbye is impossible to install this hack, very hard explanation.
10-18-2008, 08:16 PM
This isn't your average hack to install. It's not like it's a straight plugin. You have to have some knowledge but bob is very good at supporting his hacks. Just ask.
10-19-2008, 02:33 AM
Don't worry... sorted it out!
Can anyone show me how to set a tab up to include my own content/html and still use the forum style? I want to put some tables with links in them. I have no problems with all the html, I just don't know how to put this content in for a tab.
I am new to this, so any help would be appreciated.
10-22-2008, 08:54 PM
Oye! Lots to catch up on!! Sorry guys, going through a rough time in personal life right now, so my dev time has taken a serious hit.... Family comes first.. hope you can all understand that.
Is it possible to show per category? Not threads but topics..
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for. Can you give me an example. Btw, you can write any content file you want and feel free to use/modify the ones I've written to do what you need to do. Yer not limited to using the ones I've provided.
Just want to share my experience,
I think this mod assumed that cmps resides inside vbulletin root folder. I have my cmps file 1 folder up from vB, and i can not get this working by following original instruction.
After a lot of trial and error I finally geit it working by changing path in the template to point to the content php files. Then after that also need to edit content files to add required path.
hope this is useful for somebody :)
*ps: bobster65, if this is not how you intend it to be can please let me know what is the correct approach ?
Thanks ! great mod ! :)
Ya, the path thing works for some setups and not for others. I'll try and explain that better in the install instructions and also try and work in some fixes to alleviate that issue.
Can I use it?
NEW GARS 02-07-2008 - ( - GARS Content File - ZiG
Don't see why you couldn't.. as long as its written for the version of Gars that you have, you should be good to go.
Why not just try it? ^^
Hey bob looks like you aint have plenty of time, but please buddy I need that loading.gif error fixxed, because this error is a pain in the azz. :D
I want to go online very soon and hopefully without any bugs on my site.
ya ya ya :o ... I got that as a "bug" its buggin me too, just have not had the time with all that's going on right now... I'm sure its a simple CSS fix. Hang tight!
10-22-2008, 09:11 PM
Hey Bob-o,
I want to combine this hack with this ( because the tab content script conflicts with vb's ajax.
If you have any idea or can point me in the direction, please lemme know.
I tried screwing with it, but get all the posters tabs in the first post.
Sup G.. damn your chargers anyway! lol
Not sure what you mean by combining... yer still running the ver 2 of AJAX Tabs right? that other hack uses the same JS from dynamic drive, so its probably just some variable clashes.. they both should work fine together..
Or are you wanting to convert his mod to use YUI?
For a newbye is impossible to install this hack, very hard explanation.
my appologies.. this was never written to be a XML plugin for easy install. Its done this way so that it is beyond flexable for multiple uses and ease of customization. Its really not that difficult... if you are having problems with a certain step, just ask.
This isn't your average hack to install. It's not like it's a straight plugin. You have to have some knowledge but bob is very good at supporting his hacks. Just ask.
I try my best, but right now its been difficult because of some real life issues.. I still try tho.
Don't worry... sorted it out!
Can anyone show me how to set a tab up to include my own content/html and still use the forum style? I want to put some tables with links in them. I have no problems with all the html, I just don't know how to put this content in for a tab.
I am new to this, so any help would be appreciated.
Glad you got it figured out.. hope you didn't waste to much time figuring it out :o
10-23-2008, 01:19 AM
Sup G.. damn your chargers anyway! lol
Not sure what you mean by combining... yer still running the ver 2 of AJAX Tabs right? that other hack uses the same JS from dynamic drive, so its probably just some variable clashes.. they both should work fine together..
Or are you wanting to convert his mod to use YUI?
Yep, convert it to YUI
10-23-2008, 01:35 PM
Yep, convert it to YUI
ok, I'll chat with him about it. He's testing this out right now, so he might upgrade his to YUI by seeing how this one works.. hang tight!
10-24-2008, 10:25 AM
i have installed it in a fresh vbulletin instalation for tests, i can see the tabs, but no the contents
the tabsample files are in place (root directory), the headinclude was correct (i have added my url path to the href..but the same result)
i have added your template code to forumhome (after main section), i can see the tabs, but no the content
10-24-2008, 04:22 PM
i have installed it in a fresh vbulletin instalation for tests, i can see the tabs, but no the contents
the tabsample files are in place (root directory), the headinclude was correct (i have added my url path to the href..but the same result)
i have added your template code to forumhome (after main section), i can see the tabs, but no the content
when you say "root" do you mean FORUMS Root (where the vB files are located) ?? if not, that's where they need to be. If you want, PM me a link to your site so I can check it out..
10-24-2008, 09:16 PM
Hello Bobster,
thanks for this nice idea. I got a question because I can't get it working for the way I want it to use the tabs:
I've put the tabs into the USERCP template and instead of showing php files in the tabs, I'd like to show the diffrent existing vb contents, such as /profile.php?do=editavatar or /profile.php?do=editprofile for example.
I tried to put these links into the YUI TABS DISPLAY START in the place of tabsample1.php without success.
Could you provide me a solution or give me the hint to realise please?
10-25-2008, 09:22 AM
Sorry for asking there any forum already running this mod to see how it works?, any demo?.
11-06-2008, 05:53 AM
<a href="" target="_blank">Here... </a> bro....
11-06-2008, 11:05 AM
sounds good. will try it soon.
11-08-2008, 06:30 AM
For a newbye is impossible to install this hack, very hard explanation.Hey.. I'm newbie too, but i can installed this hack at my board, just read carefully the manual..
I had installed this hack at non VBA CMPS forum, but i didn't want the forum list in other tab included, would you mind giving me the " How To " magic words....?
Ex :
1. Tab 1 ( Forum List Only )
2. Tab 2 ( Album Only )
3. Tab 3 ( New Post Only )
4. Tab 4 ( Blogs Only )
Btw i put this script on FORUMHOME, just like you said
<!-- YUI Tabs Display Start -->
<div id="tab_container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'Forum', dataSrc: 'tabsample1.php', cacheData: false, active: true }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'Albums', dataSrc: 'tab_album.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
YAHOO.plugin.Dispatcher.delegate( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'New Posts', dataSrc: 'tabexcerpts.php', cacheData: false }), tabView);
<!-- YUI Tabs Display End -->
Thx so much
11-11-2008, 02:17 PM
Yoo is bob tha man still alive? :D
Man hope you?re not going down like my stocks did. hehe
Bah they?ll be back on tha track sooner or later. ^^
11-11-2008, 02:29 PM
Yoo is bob tha man still alive? :D
Man hope you?re not going down like my stocks did. hehe
Bah they?ll be back on tha track sooner or later. ^^
ya, still alive.... just extremely busy with work and life in general... Will find time soon hopefully. I need to get KK and Bree up to speed on this so they can help with support.
11-19-2008, 06:33 AM
tnx bobster65. I am installed my site.
12-03-2008, 06:11 PM
Great job again ... but no time for fixxin this babe?
Dont drop this babe here, its worth it :D
No offence tho!
Forum Lover
12-13-2008, 07:45 AM
Recent Threads is showing by last post, is there any way that I can show only newly opened thread? I mean not newly replied thread, only newly opened thread.
thnx in advance.
12-15-2008, 12:37 AM
someone knows about this error?
01-02-2009, 02:37 PM
Does it works for vB 3.8 ?
01-03-2009, 04:23 PM
Does it works for vB 3.8 ?
Yes it does..
01-03-2009, 04:24 PM
someone knows about this error?
yup, its an error with the 3rd party dispachter.js and is being fixed.. an update will be out soon..
01-03-2009, 04:27 PM
Recent Threads is showing by last post, is there any way that I can show only newly opened thread? I mean not newly replied thread, only newly opened thread.
thnx in advance.
ya, you'd just have to modify the query slightly.. I don't have time right now to do this, but might sometime down the road..
01-20-2009, 01:10 PM
Hey.. this is a great mod, you can see it working on
Right now, the tabs need to be clicked to switch content, any easy way to make it switch when the tabs are hovered over?
01-21-2009, 11:12 PM
Hello Bobster,
thanks for this nice idea. I got a question because I can't get it working for the way I want it to use the tabs:
I've put the tabs into the USERCP template and instead of showing php files in the tabs, I'd like to show the diffrent existing vb contents, such as /profile.php?do=editavatar or /profile.php?do=editprofile for example.
I tried to put these links into the YUI TABS DISPLAY START in the place of tabsample1.php without success.
Could you provide me a solution or give me the hint to realise please?
Is this possible to do?
01-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Is this possible to do?
I am sure it is, however, I have not attempted it yet. just would have to make sure it doesn't conflict with any of the YUI Profile stuff built into vB
For some reason it won't parse HTML. Do you know why?
01-25-2009, 04:45 PM
For some reason it won't parse HTML. Do you know why?
what do you mean "it" .. can you explain what you are doing? maybe post your content file that you are having issues with..
I'm using the Tabnews.php file and I have it displaying two pieces of news. For some reason it's only parsing the first piece of news. The other news piece is all code.
01-31-2009, 07:24 PM
I'm using the Tabnews.php file and I have it displaying two pieces of news. For some reason it's only parsing the first piece of news. The other news piece is all code.
Can you zip it up and attach it to this thread so I can take a look at it..
Okay here ya go. I renamed it to newstab.php.
01-31-2009, 11:54 PM
Okay here ya go. I renamed it to newstab.php.
OK, I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning..
Any update on my problem?
02-07-2009, 06:52 PM
hey bob some questions.
1. Is there a way to set the time speed for the rotating tab news? Set it to slower speeds?
2. How can i change the colors on the tabs, the blue doesnt match my red forum.
02-08-2009, 04:15 PM
Any update on my problem?
no, not yet... work and life in general are consuming all my time. This one was written by someone else, so what I think I am going to do is just create a new version of it based on vBa News Module..
hey bob some questions.
1. Is there a way to set the time speed for the rotating tab news? Set it to slower speeds?
2. How can i change the colors on the tabs, the blue doesnt match my red forum.
The YUI version doesn't have a rotating time.. are you using the older ajax one that has that setting? If so, then yes, you can change it in the template itself.. mytabs.init() change that to mytabs.init(5000) its done in micro seconds, so 5000=5 seconds .. 10000=10 seconds
The colors of the tabs are controlled by the CSS file(s) ... just edit then to change to the colors that match your style :cool:
02-18-2009, 02:30 AM
Hi Peter,
I do have a couple different calendar/event content files.. however, they were written over a year ago, so I will have to update those before I release them.. if you want to PM me a mock up of what you are looking for, go ahead and do that and I'll try and get something out soon..
As far as latest comments for album pics, I'll look into it.. shouldn't be to tough.
I'm also awaiting an upcoming events features. Thanks. I'll be watching this mod.
02-18-2009, 04:34 PM
I'm also awaiting an upcoming events features. Thanks. I'll be watching this mod.
Never did get a mock up from the guy, so if you want to provide me a mock up and or some specs that you are after, I'll try and get one knocked out.. probably will add it to TFH as a module as well..
02-21-2009, 08:47 PM
Hey bob,
You customized my mod a while back at The tabs I have now have thread titles only coming into them! I would like to have the actual content from the most recent post from those thread coming through. I think it maybe news.php. Is that correct? Where do I go to change the data source?.
If you want a sample of what I am looking for please see my homepage on the right and the module called "recent post" That is the type of data I want coming into my tabs!
Is there a way to copy the file that generate that recent post module and just paste it into the file that generates each tab I want like that?
Thanks for you help!
02-22-2009, 02:03 PM
Hey bob,
You customized my mod a while back at The tabs I have now have thread titles only coming into them! I would like to have the actual content from the most recent post from those thread coming through. I think it maybe news.php. Is that correct? Where do I go to change the data source?.
If you want a sample of what I am looking for please see my homepage on the right and the module called "recent post" That is the type of data I want coming into my tabs!
Is there a way to copy the file that generate that recent post module and just paste it into the file that generates each tab I want like that?
Thanks for you help!
Hi Lark,
Yes, those tabs use the default recent threads content module.. that was designed to mimic the output of the default vBa CMPS Recent Thread Module. The best way to do this is to edit each custom content file and add the output of the "ALT" text (or preview) .. I know YOU can't easily do this, but I can, so just email me. And no, you can't just "over write" these files with code from another file as there are specific setting in them to tell them what Forum to pull from, how many thread to pull, what order, etc etc etc...
02-24-2009, 07:40 AM
hello i noticed how this displays threads from spacific forums. i would like this to display a whole section of my site like the Whole General section which contains the news,rules,intro and so forth. how can i get my tabs to display something like that.
here is a demo of what i am trying to do
02-24-2009, 08:06 AM
hello i noticed how this displays threads from spacific forums. i would like this to display a whole section of my site like the Whole General section which contains the news,rules,intro and so forth. how can i get my tabs to display something like that.
here is a demo of what i am trying to do
I see you are running my version 1 Tabbed Forum Home.. v2 of TFH is based on the same YUI Tabview JS as this mod is...
v2 also has a Modules capability that will run any of the content modules that I built for this... so in essence, you could configure TFH to have a recent thread module for each category ie, Tab 1 = Cat 1, but using the Recent thread module would display all recent threads from all forums within that Category... or you could just break out your tabs by Multiple Categories like you are doing with the non ajax version now, cept with v2, its all done via the Admin CP.. Setup is a breeze compared to ver 1 or 1.5
02-26-2009, 04:53 AM
I'm trying to get attachments to display inline on each post within the tabs, but i cant see any settings for it. Is there a way to do this by adding some code to the content files?
02-26-2009, 04:59 AM
I'm trying to get attachments to display inline on each post within the tabs, but i cant see any settings for it. Is there a way to do this by adding some code to the content files?
ya, no settings or code included to do that right now, but its doable ... I don't have time right now to do it, but most coders here should be able to help you out without a problem.. If I run across anyone that has done it, I will certainly let you know..
02-26-2009, 11:06 PM
Ny indications when v.2 will be ready for the public?
I am very close to installing this version since I already are running the vba version, but it will be pointless if a new version are very close.
02-26-2009, 11:13 PM
Ny indications when v.2 will be ready for the public?
I am very close to installing this version since I already are running the vba version, but it will be pointless if a new version are very close.
huh? are you asking about TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) .. This mod is different than that one..
03-01-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi @ all!
Could anyone fixx the small .css error for the loading.gif yet?
This beautiful hack is 99% perfect ... lets make it 100% please! :D
03-02-2009, 05:25 AM
Is there a way to pass the Forum ID through so that the forum ID can be used for various things within the PHP files (tabsampel1.php, tabsample2.php, tabsample3.php, ect)? Or is there another way to about grabbing the current Forum ID of where the php file is currently being viewed? Hope that makes sense.
03-02-2009, 12:53 PM
Is there a way to pass the Forum ID through so that the forum ID can be used for various things within the PHP files (tabsampel1.php, tabsample2.php, tabsample3.php, ect)? Or is there another way to about grabbing the current Forum ID of where the php file is currently being viewed? Hope that makes sense.
Not sure I follow you .. can you try and explain in more detail..
03-02-2009, 01:10 PM
Hi Lark,
Yes, those tabs use the default recent threads content module.. that was designed to mimic the output of the default vBa CMPS Recent Thread Module. The best way to do this is to edit each custom content file and add the output of the "ALT" text (or preview) .. I know YOU can't easily do this, but I can, so just email me. And no, you can't just "over write" these files with code from another file as there are specific setting in them to tell them what Forum to pull from, how many thread to pull, what order, etc etc etc...
Hey bob,
had not heard back! Was wondering about any update on this add-on? Thanks
03-02-2009, 01:39 PM
Hey bob,
had not heard back! Was wondering about any update on this add-on? Thanks
I wrote you back, said that I would try and work on something for you during my free time (which I don't have a lot of).. If you need something done faster, put in a request for paid services, there are a ton of people here that can easily assist you and you might even find someone that can do it for free.. I just don't have time to do a bunch of free customizations for people..
03-02-2009, 04:15 PM
Not sure I follow you .. can you try and explain in more detail..
Well for some reason when i try to program in php in the files that are being viewed through the tabs (tabsample1, tabsample2, tabsample3), I've make new files and put my own code in and I can't use the $foruminfo['forumid'] to do anything, whether it be echo the value or use a condition. Are there certain files i need to include in those? I have global.php included, and i've tried having several others included, but not matter what i do i can't get the forum id of the forum currently viewing the ajax tabs to show the id inside that tab. I hope that makes sense. I can get what i need to show through the tabs, now i just need that to change based on the forumid without having to make a new module with a new set of tabs. Thanks for any help you can give.
For example, INSIDE the php file tabsample1.php, pretent i've made my own file out of it. I need to be able to say if($foruminfo[forumid]==5) show this, and if it is something else, show that. "Echo $foruminfo" shows the word "array", but $foruminfo[forumid] shows nothing at all. So it clearly isn't being able to pick up the forumid. Unless i'm doing something wrong like not including the right support files or not coding something right.
03-02-2009, 10:02 PM
I wrote you back, said that I would try and work on something for you during my free time (which I don't have a lot of).. If you need something done faster, put in a request for paid services, there are a ton of people here that can easily assist you and you might even find someone that can do it for free.. I just don't have time to do a bunch of free customizations for people..
Thanks for the reply bob
I guess my original request was for something similar to what was requested a few post before mine which would be an addon .php file. I think you mentioned to that poster you were working on that additional option. Is that no longer in the works?
03-02-2009, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the reply bob
I guess my original request was for something similar to what was requested a few post before mine which would be an addon .php file. I think you mentioned to that poster you were working on that additional option. Is that no longer in the works?
which post, there are so many lol.. it might have been one of the addons for TFH (Tabbed Forum Home) ?
One of these days, members might actually realize that they can release and support content files for this...
03-03-2009, 01:11 AM
Ignore what i said earlier, and let me put it this way.
When i create a new PHP MODULE with vbadvanced, and in the settings section i set the "Initialize Forum Permissions" to YES, it allows me to use $foruminfo[forumid] in the php file and it works fine. When i copy this exact same file and call it with the TEMPLATE module for this AJAX TABS, (EX: Datasrc: "tabsample1.php") i CAN NOT use $foruminfo[forumid]. It simply doesn't work. Is this because "Initialize Forum Permissions" haven't been allowed for this? Is it because this is a TEMPLATE module rather than a PHP module? Is there a way to set TEMPLATE modules to have this very same setting? Is there a way i can go about getting $foruminfo[forumid] to work when the php files are called through these AJAX tabs? I hope to God in heaven this made sense. I really need this to work.
03-27-2009, 07:23 AM
it's work on 3.8.x ?
03-27-2009, 01:06 PM
Ignore what i said earlier, and let me put it this way.
When i create a new PHP MODULE with vbadvanced, and in the settings section i set the "Initialize Forum Permissions" to YES, it allows me to use $foruminfo[forumid] in the php file and it works fine. When i copy this exact same file and call it with the TEMPLATE module for this AJAX TABS, (EX: Datasrc: "tabsample1.php") i CAN NOT use $foruminfo[forumid]. It simply doesn't work. Is this because "Initialize Forum Permissions" haven't been allowed for this? Is it because this is a TEMPLATE module rather than a PHP module? Is there a way to set TEMPLATE modules to have this very same setting? Is there a way i can go about getting $foruminfo[forumid] to work when the php files are called through these AJAX tabs? I hope to God in heaven this made sense. I really need this to work.
If you are needing to include variables that are created by a specific function, then you need to include that function within the content php file.
it's work on 3.8.x ?
03-29-2009, 08:34 PM
I haven't read through all this, so my apologies if it's been answered:
What I want to do is have 5 tabs on my forum home, ontop of my forums and each tab will load a different set of forums. Example:
So, when I click 'Knights of Maple' it'll load up 5 or so forums, each one will have a different set of forums. How would I accomplish this and is there an easy or rather, already-done method or would I have to script my own?
03-29-2009, 08:39 PM
I haven't read through all this, so my apologies if it's been answered:
What I want to do is have 5 tabs on my forum home, ontop of my forums and each tab will load a different set of forums. Example:
So, when I click 'Knights of Maple' it'll load up 5 or so forums, each one will have a different set of forums. How would I accomplish this and is there an easy or rather, already-done method or would I have to script my own?
You'd have to build a specific "forum" display content file (which would not be that tough) you can take a look at my "Tabbed Forum Home" modification .. you could use the NON AJAX version to do this.
04-06-2009, 06:43 PM
having trouble and need some help:
-my forums are in
-i am running vbadvanced cmps on the root folder of the domain so when you go to vb cmps shows up
-to get the tabs to show i must put the tabsample content files in the folder AND i must edit the template to have the full path to the tabsample content files
-but now when i go to, threads that show in the tabs have links like which dont work since my forums are installed at
i assume i need to edit the content files. if so, how/where do i make the edits? or is there somewhere where i can define the correct paths?
would appreciate any pointers...
04-06-2009, 08:17 PM
having trouble and need some help:
-my forums are in
-i am running vbadvanced cmps on the root folder of the domain so when you go to vb cmps shows up
-to get the tabs to show i must put the tabsample content files in the folder AND i must edit the template to have the full path to the tabsample content files
-but now when i go to, threads that show in the tabs have links like which dont work since my forums are installed at
i assume i need to edit the content files. if so, how/where do i make the edits? or is there somewhere where i can define the correct paths?
would appreciate any pointers...
ya, just edit the content files .. down towards the bottom are where the URLs are echo'd out.. just add /forums to the URL paths .. pretty easy fix ;)
04-06-2009, 08:57 PM
anyone have new content files
just asking
04-08-2009, 03:56 AM
anyone have new content files
just asking
I have a few that I have not released yet, mostly for Social Groups stuff.
Anything in particular that you are looking for?
04-12-2009, 10:17 PM
<a href="" target="_blank">vBISpy module</a> doesn't work with YUI tabs !
Any hint to make it works ?
04-16-2009, 02:04 AM
I have a few that I have not released yet, mostly for Social Groups stuff.
Anything in particular that you are looking for?
Lots ;)
I would be interested in an 'online users' tab and in the social group ones. A random members one would be cool as well. Together they could make a nice 'community' module.
If you got any you want to share, I would be very glad!
06-04-2009, 03:32 PM
Can someone help me get the tables to style like my vb ones. See attached photo. The tables around the threads are all white?
Also is ther anyway to get a tab that contains a Quick Registration?
07-16-2009, 04:20 PM
How do I add custom content? the tutorial doesn't tell me how.
07-16-2009, 04:28 PM
How do I add custom content? the tutorial doesn't tell me how.
Simply create your own content files.. can be as basic is simple html in a .html file or as complex as you want with php in a .php file .. I've provided a few common content files (like recent threads and blogs) that you can modify to your liking, but the true power is coming up with your own custom content files..
07-16-2009, 04:43 PM
Ah, I get it now... thanks for your quick reply :) - I'm already using your other script for my A-Z game tabs, and I'll use this to generate what new 'Achievements' 'Media' and etc, have been added.
ConsoleCommunity (
07-21-2009, 07:45 AM
Include Thread Prefix in Recent Threads?
How can I include thread prefixes in the recent threads tab? I really need that.
Attached is the file I am using.
07-21-2009, 01:20 PM
Include Thread Prefix in Recent Threads?
How can I include thread prefixes in the recent threads tab? I really need that.
Attached is the file I am using.
I need up update the recent threads content file(s) to include them. They were written prior to thread prefixes... just need to update the SQL statement and the output is all..
07-21-2009, 06:32 PM
I need up update the recent threads content file(s) to include them. They were written prior to thread prefixes... just need to update the SQL statement and the output is all..
Ummm is there any chance of getting that soon? I just busted my @SS with another designer getting a certain prefix mod working which allows me to open and close threads based on inline prefix changing to create a help forum where the prefixs are color coded. Sort of useless in the help tab I made with your mod doesn't even list the prefixs in the first place. :(
Is this the point where I have to get down and beg? :erm:
07-21-2009, 06:56 PM
Ummm is there any chance of getting that soon? I just busted my @SS with another designer getting a certain prefix mod working which allows me to open and close threads based on inline prefix changing to create a help forum where the prefixs are color coded. Sort of useless in the help tab I made with your mod doesn't even list the prefixs in the first place. :(
Is this the point where I have to get down and beg? :erm:
Ya, I will be updating a few of the basic content files next week (recent threads will be one of them)..
07-21-2009, 07:18 PM
Ya, I will be updating a few of the basic content files next week (recent threads will be one of them)..
THANKS! So needed! BTW aren't the content files missing a line break code to provide a space between vba blocks which are underneath...
07-21-2009, 07:27 PM
THANKS! So needed! BTW aren't the content files missing a line break code to provide a space between vba blocks which are underneath...
That would be handled by the Module Wrapper, not each content file.
07-21-2009, 08:01 PM
That would be handled by the Module Wrapper, not each content file.
OPPS missed that so I added the br code to each of my content files which seemed to work. LOL
Better to place it in one central place then in many! DOH! Ill look into correcting that.
07-21-2009, 08:38 PM
Chatbox Evo and Tabs Bug
There is a problem with the tabs and Chatbox Evo. Since I have my tabs block under the chatbox block, the drop menu inside the chatbox where we can admin the messages opens up under the Tabs blocking the view of the menu.
(See attached screenshot)
Can this be fixed?
07-21-2009, 11:32 PM
Hi,... does this work on vb 3.8.3 . or is it not meant to lol. i have it workin on one site which is 3.8.1, which works fine in FF and IE ... but on my 3.8.3 site.. it only shows in FF .. but not in IE
Any suggestions...
Thanks :)
07-22-2009, 04:15 PM
Downloaded and installed (also marked as installed plus nominated), thanks dude for your great job... go ahead and release some new content files too :D
07-29-2009, 09:45 PM
need the thread prefix to show in the tabs on both my form tabs and vbacmps tabs. Since the current version does not handle thread prefixes.... I installed a inline thread icon rotator because I need the prefix to show in my help forum where threads are marked as SOLVED or UNSOLVED.... At least with the thread icon rotator I can now rotate between the ? icon and a check mark. So I can quickly see what is a question that is unsolved and what is checked for solved. ;)
If anyone need a check mark for post icons for their editor here is mine in transparent PNG format. ;)
Looking forward this this set of mods' next version with new content files. :)
07-29-2009, 11:43 PM
need the thread prefix to show in the tabs on both my form tabs and vbacmps tabs. Since the current version does not handle thread prefixes.... I installed a inline thread icon rotator because I need the prefix to show in my help forum where threads are marked as SOLVED or UNSOLVED.... At least with the thread icon rotator I can now rotate between the ? icon and a check mark. So I can quickly see what is a question that is unsolved and what is checked for solved. ;)
If anyone need a check mark for post icons for their editor here is mine in transparent PNG format. ;)
Looking forward this this set of mods' next version with new content files. :)
here is a recent threads content file that includes thread prefixes.. not sure which one of the recent thread content files you are using tho (There are many versions running around), so you might need to do some editing to this one to match the one you are using (this one is the most recent that I've released here or at vBa)..
07-30-2009, 12:27 AM
Ok I will try it out in a new tab is all and compare. THANKS!
07-30-2009, 12:46 AM
Oh BUMMER! your new version is missing the Forum Name. I need the Forum Name to replace the 2 columns of replies and views.
Here is the file I am using. Can you add the thread prefix code to my file version please. I really need my version of the file to include the thread prefix and keep forum names. Replies and views is much less useful for me. THANKS!
We need to have these content files with even more code options in them we can comment out or include that are described in the file like the editable section towards the top. So if some want replies and views they can uncomment that block of code and if others want Forum Names they can uncomment that and block what they don't want.
07-30-2009, 12:51 AM
Security Issue Question
My site is a locked members only site. No content is shown to guests.
HOWEVER! Now that I am using your tab mods if you access the tab php files directly a bunch of private info can been seen. How can I prevent this please.
07-30-2009, 01:01 AM
Oh BUMMER! your new version is missing the Forum Name. I need the Forum Name to replace the 2 columns of replies and views.
Here is the file I am using. Can you add the thread prefix code to my file version please. I really need my version of the file to include the thread prefix and keep forum names. Replies and views is much less useful for me. THANKS!
We need to have these content files with even more code options in them we can comment out or include that are described in the file like the editable section towards the top. So if some want replies and views they can uncomment that block of code and if others want Forum Names they can uncomment that and block what they don't want.
here ya go..
07-30-2009, 01:04 AM
Security Issue Question
My site is a locked members only site. No content is shown to guests.
HOWEVER! Now that I am using your tab mods if you access the tab php files directly a bunch of private info can been seen. How can I prevent this please.
wrap the content file(s) with a permissions conditional .. simple as that ;)
07-30-2009, 01:14 AM
wrap the content file(s) with a permissions conditional .. simple as that ;)
I know my name says coder but there are things I don't know yet....
For instance I could use some code help with that. PLEASE
Maybe usng my help file as an example. :)
You need to buy your own church so we all can worship you as god! HAHAHA
07-30-2009, 01:17 AM
I know my name says coder but there are things I don't know yet....
For instance I could use some code help with that. PLEASE
Maybe usng my help file as an example. :)
You need to buy your own church so we all can worship you as god! HAHAHA
lol.. sorry bout that.. I'll drop another file later tonight or in the AM for ya with an example on using perms in these content files.. just sitting down for dinner and some R&R time with the GF :D
07-30-2009, 01:20 PM
I know my name says coder but there are things I don't know yet....
For instance I could use some code help with that. PLEASE
Maybe usng my help file as an example. :)
You need to buy your own church so we all can worship you as god! HAHAHA
Try this .. (look at lines 48-59 to see what I did). This prevents guests from viewing the file directly or accessing the content via the Tabs..
07-30-2009, 03:59 PM
Hello bobster65!
I really dont want to bother you, but did you find the time to check the loading.gif problem in css yet? I´d appreciate your prof help.
07-30-2009, 04:03 PM
Hello bobster65!
I really dont want to bother you, but did you find the time to check the loading.gif problem in css yet? I?d appreciate your prof help.
messing around with that now ;)
07-30-2009, 06:32 PM
Just wondering if your script would be able todo something like I'm wanting... see this thread for more info. (
If it is possible, would I be able to get some help with implementing it on my website ?
Kind regards,
07-31-2009, 06:55 PM
Try this .. (look at lines 48-59 to see what I did). This prevents guests from viewing the file directly or accessing the content via the Tabs.
userinfo['userid']==0In your code do I have to change the user ID to match the usergroup(s) I wish to block from seeing the content?
You do not explain how to select which usergroups have access and which usergroups do not.
Can you please provide these instructions so I can finish securing my site.
07-31-2009, 08:00 PM
In your code do I have to change the user ID to match the usergroup(s) I wish to block from seeing the content?
The way I did that one was to only prevent "guests" Guests have a UserID of 0. You asked me to show you how to prevent "GUESTS" from viewing the tab content files directly.
To block specific user groups, use this instead... in this example, it blocks user groups 5 and 6 from seeing the content.
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6))
07-31-2009, 08:02 PM
Just wondering if your script would be able todo something like I'm wanting... see this thread for more info. (
If it is possible, would I be able to get some help with implementing it on my website ?
Kind regards,
Im not seeing how this would work for what you want to do..
07-31-2009, 08:35 PM
The way I did that one was to only prevent "guests" Guests have a UserID of 0. You asked me to show you how to prevent "GUESTS" from viewing the tab content files directly.
To block specific user groups, use this instead... in this example, it blocks user groups 5 and 6 from seeing the content.
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6))
<--- on knees bowing to his god chanting THANK YOU!
Simple code! Thanks! Im learning all the vbphrases to code myself. ;)
07-31-2009, 08:45 PM
<--- on knees bowing to his god chanting THANK YOU!
Simple code! Thanks! Im learning all the vbphrases to code myself. ;)
:cool: You'll catch on just fine. The best way to learn is just check out other modifications and core vB code...
07-31-2009, 10:39 PM
To block specific user groups, use this instead... in this example, it blocks user groups 5 and 6 from seeing the content.
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 5,6))
This has worked perfectly on all my tab content files except one which I had to put this code into the actually Photopost Pro gallery php file: inc_features.php
So for people who are using Photopost Pro in a tab you must place the code not in your tab php file but in your pp gallery file directly: inc_features.php
Place the code just under: == END CONFIGURATION ==
Thanks for the help! All my tabs are now locked tight!
I highly suggest these instructions be added to your main instructions in your first posts. ;)
08-01-2009, 03:49 PM
Im not seeing how this would work for what you want to do..
Okay, thanks for the reply :)
08-04-2009, 10:03 AM
You Have Empty Profile Field ERROR
I Just added a new profile field that is required at registration and at all other time for gender. When a member logins in the theme of my vba homepage layout breaks and the message that you have uncompleted fields sits in the middle of the tabs. :(
I need to get this fixed ASAP please.
Please see attached screenshot of the error.
08-04-2009, 01:27 PM
You Have Empty Profile Field ERROR
I Just added a new profile field that is required at registration and at all other time for gender. When a member logins in the theme of my vba homepage layout breaks and the message that you have uncompleted fields sits in the middle of the tabs. :(
I need to get this fixed ASAP please.
Please see attached screenshot of the error.
A screen shot doesn't do anyone any good in this case. Give me a link to your site with a username and password with a missing profile field so I can see what might be causing it. It could be malformed HTML in any of the Modules on the vBa page. Check the syntax in the first content file ("Instructions") to make sure it doesn't contain any malformed HTML ... Since its AJAX, it can only be the first content file, so it wouldn't matter what the other content files contain and I can tell ya that the core base code is compliant as long as you added it exactly like was specified.
08-04-2009, 02:43 PM
Am I able to have this set to only display in certain forums? and could I have different tabs/content displayed over multiple forums? And I mean almost 2000 forums, each with different content ? would this script handle it?
08-04-2009, 03:59 PM
Am I able to have this set to only display in certain forums? and could I have different tabs/content displayed over multiple forums? And I mean almost 2000 forums, each with different content ? would this script handle it?
yes, the power is in the actual content files themselves.. you can modify them to your own needs as well as putting the tabbed script itself to run as many different content files on as many different templates as you wish.
08-04-2009, 04:20 PM
Great, what code would I need to go about displaying in certain forums only ?
08-04-2009, 04:52 PM
Great, what code would I need to go about displaying in certain forums only ?
Included in the zip file is a folder with some sample types of content files (recent threads, news, blogs, etc) ... you can use those as a starting point and customize them to your specific needs.
08-04-2009, 05:53 PM
I will send you a PM now with admin login info.
I will need help hunting down and correcting code if thats the problem.
08-06-2009, 06:20 AM
Content File for Social Groups and Comment? (for vb 3.7x)
Can anyone please provide me with a working content file for Social Groups and comments?
The one I tried didn't work for me. :( (I attached it as reference.)
Developer God to the rescue???
08-06-2009, 01:03 PM
Content File for Social Groups and Comment? (for vb 3.7x)
Can anyone please provide me with a working content file for Social Groups and comments?
The one I tried didn't work for me. :( (I attached it as reference.)
Developer God to the rescue???
Whats not working? Is the content file simply "dieing" on you or is it just not producing what you are looking for?
What specs do you want?
08-06-2009, 01:14 PM
You Have Empty Profile Field ERROR
I Just added a new profile field that is required at registration and at all other time for gender. When a member logins in the theme of my vba homepage layout breaks and the message that you have uncompleted fields sits in the middle of the tabs. :(
I need to get this fixed ASAP please.
Please see attached screenshot of the error.
It's in the options for that user profile field, you must have had it set to something causing it to say hey.. I need info lol :D
AdminCP --> User Profile Fields --> Profile Field Manager
Now select the profile field to edit, then look for this option:
Field Required - It has 4 selections so choose appropriately i.e. before you must have had it set to either [Yes, at registration and profile updating] OR [Yes, Always] so simply change that to [No, but display at registration] or simply [No] and keep on trucking :D
Love your mods Bob ;)
08-06-2009, 05:19 PM
Included in the zip file is a folder with some sample types of content files (recent threads, news, blogs, etc) ... you can use those as a starting point and customize them to your specific needs.
I'm still stuck on the code I'm meant to use... can anyone provide me with the code needed?
08-06-2009, 07:00 PM
It's in the options for that user profile field, you must have had it set to something causing it to say hey.. I need info lol :D
AdminCP --> User Profile Fields --> Profile Field Manager
Now select the profile field to edit, then look for this option:
Field Required - It has 4 selections so choose appropriately i.e. before you must have had it set to either [Yes, at registration and profile updating] OR [Yes, Always] so simply change that to [No, but display at registration] or simply [No] and keep on trucking :D
Love your mods Bob ;)
Sorry but your reply is not correct. There is a glitch in the tabs when displayed on a VBA homepage. The standard VB incomplete profile message will break the tabs. This issue is unresolved. I worked with the dev and he was not able to figure out this issue. I am working on a way to make the standard VB incomplete profile message go into a top vba block to prevent it from breaking the tabs layout.
I will report back when I have the proper solution to this issue.
08-06-2009, 07:07 PM
Whats not working? Is the content file simply "dieing" on you or is it just not producing what you are looking for?
What specs do you want?
I need content files that work for social groups:
1. A tab to show latest groups
2. A tab for latest group comments
3. (were also missing a content file for tab blog comments) :(
When I enable the group php file I attached it spits back a database error:
Note: I know there are social group changes from vb3.7x to 3.8x
Are there any working social group content files for recent groups and comments? :(
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT socialgroup.groupid,, socialgroup.description, socialgroup.dateline, socialgroup.members
FROM vb_socialgroup
WHERE socialgroup.visible='1'
ORDER BY dateline DESC
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'socialgroup.groupid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, August 6th 2009 @ 03:54:58 PM
Error Date : Thursday, August 6th 2009 @ 03:54:59 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxx
Username : xxxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-log
08-06-2009, 07:10 PM
Sorry but your reply is not correct. There is a glitch in the tabs when displayed on a VBA homepage. The standard VB incomplete profile message will break the tabs. This issue is unresolved. I worked with the dev and he was not able to figure out this issue. I am working on a way to make the standard VB incomplete profile message go into a top vba block to prevent it from breaking the tabs layout.
I will report back when I have the proper solution to this issue.
Ahh ok, I C ;) it won't help in your situation... couldn't you locate it and comment it out using the if this script etc w/ an else to do it otherwise then no need to move to another block/module? Just an idea but no time to tinker w/ it now otherwise I would look into it but maybe!
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'">Code or Phrase here to hide</if>
However I have seen some mods w/ auto template edit not work if the phrase is not found so you should use an else to prevent future headaches ;)
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'">Code or Phrase here to hide<else />
Just show the Phrase</if>
Omar Al-Ansari
08-07-2009, 12:55 PM
I got this error ...
I have vba in the root and the forum is in /forums .. is that the issue?
Warning: require_once(./global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/qlick/public_html/tabsample1.php on line 27
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/qlick/public_html/tabsample1.php on line 27
08-07-2009, 04:23 PM
I got this error ...
I have vba in the root and the forum is in /forums .. is that the issue?
Warning: require_once(./global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/qlick/public_html/tabsample1.php on line 27
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/qlick/public_html/tabsample1.php on line 27
put your content files in /forums
Omar Al-Ansari
08-07-2009, 11:46 PM
put your content files in /forums
Hi bobster,
that fixed the error however nothing shows up?
all i got are empty tabs ?
08-08-2009, 01:05 AM
Hi bobster,
that fixed the error however nothing shows up?
all i got are empty tabs ?
Im not sure what content file(s) you are using. They are Samples, so you need to edit them and change settings like ForumIDs (if you are using the sample News or Recent Threads Content files) .. also, being that not everyone has the same server setup, you might need to edit some of the "paths" in the echo statements (which are towards the end of the content files)..
Omar Al-Ansari
08-08-2009, 08:38 AM
Hey bobster,
I am using the sample content files.
I have changed forums ids in those and just changed some paths for the echo statements
still getting empty pages? am I missing something?
08-08-2009, 03:54 PM
Hey bobster,
I am using the sample content files.
I have changed forums ids in those and just changed some paths for the echo statements
still getting empty pages? am I missing something?
I'd have to LOOK to know if you are missing something.. PM me a link to your site so I can at least check things out for you.
Omar Al-Ansari
08-09-2009, 02:01 AM
nevermind .. got it working :)
Thanks for this great MOD
08-17-2009, 06:07 AM
Thank you for this mod, is really cool :)
Im using recentthread in vbadvanced, I have two problems.
Threads dont update if I use IE 8, and I need use forum permissions.
Thank you.
08-17-2009, 02:35 PM
Thank you for this mod, is really cool :)
Im using recentthread in vbadvanced, I have two problems.
Threads dont update if I use IE 8, and I need use forum permissions.
Thank you.
What sorta permissions are not working for you (or what are you looking for it to do)?
I've not seen any issues with IE8 yet, can you explain more about what issues with IE8 that you are having?
hey, i have this mod installed:
and using shadowbox, i have a simplepie rss feed within the tabbed content and adding the rel="shadowbox" element to the <a href but shadowbox is not functioning within the tabbed content. it works everywhere else, how can I get it to function within the tabs?
08-17-2009, 08:01 PM
What sorta permissions are not working for you (or what are you looking for it to do)?
I've not seen any issues with IE8 yet, can you explain more about what issues with IE8 that you are having?
Ill try, my english is not good...
I have threads in a staff forum, that threads are showing in the resentthread module like always but now with your modification users can see them, only the titles ofcourse but I dont whant that, with the vBadvanced recentthreads if I setup the "Apply Forum Permissions" to "yes" only staff can see that threads... the same happen with threads that are only for registered users, now visitors can see them.
I fount this web in this thread (post 105).
If you reload the page using Firefox you will see new posts in the Tab "New Posts", but if you reload the page using IE 8 nothing happen, "New Posts" only show posts that was there when you enter into the web the first time, you have to close IE, open again, then you can see the new posts.
I have that same problem...
08-24-2009, 03:48 PM
Bump :erm:
Another question please.
How can I add a pagination in recentthread?.
08-25-2009, 01:47 PM
Bump :erm:
Another question please.
How can I add a pagination in recentthread?.
If you are a knowledgeable coder, then I'd suggest taking a look at how Brian did pagination for the vBa recentthreads or news modules and code it in.
If you are not a coder, then I would suggest asking a coder via the request for paid services area.
08-25-2009, 01:50 PM
hey, i have this mod installed:
and using shadowbox, i have a simplepie rss feed within the tabbed content and adding the rel="shadowbox" element to the <a href but shadowbox is not functioning within the tabbed content. it works everywhere else, how can I get it to function within the tabs?
I believe that you need to pass in that CSS via dispatcher .. either that or just add those CSS elements to the Tabs CSS files... give that a shot.
09-06-2009, 02:04 PM
Thank you for this mod, is really cool :)
Im using recentthread in vbadvanced, I have two problems.
Threads dont update if I use IE 8, and I need use forum permissions.
Thank you.
It's ie settings, here's the fix. Also attaching screenshot.
Tools>Internet Options>Browsing History>Settings
Now make sure Every time I visit the webpage is checked.
09-30-2009, 12:32 AM
Hmmm you guys are better than me, I cannot even get the tabs to display?? :(
11-24-2009, 12:46 PM
Tag Cloud, Populer Members,Most Populer Topics,Random Poll
I will be very happy if you add. :) This is really beautiful topic :) Thanks
12-21-2009, 03:59 PM
I see there's a version 1.01 and 1.50 in the 3.8 vbulletin forum addons, I'm not sure which version I should Use, I'm running vb3.8 with cmps 3.2.1, Any Guidance would be appreciated Bobster
Thank you,
12-22-2009, 03:46 AM
I see there's a version 1.01 and 1.50 in the 3.8 vbulletin forum addons, I'm not sure which version I should Use, I'm running vb3.8 with cmps 3.2.1, Any Guidance would be appreciated Bobster
Thank you,
doesn't matter.. this one works fine with 3.8 .. the difference is in the JS being used. Content files are interchangable between versions.
12-22-2009, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the Quick Responce Bobster :D
12-22-2009, 02:44 PM
Installed and working but if I remember correctly, we used to be able to automate the Tabs to switch.(Slideshow) I can't figure out how to do that anymore and can't find anything on it in ANY of the posts here. I did find the Old Code in the 2.0 Thread but cant seem to get it to work...
<script type="text/javascript">
var mytabs=new ddajaxtabs("maintab", "ajaxcontentarea")
mytabs.setselectedClassTarget("link") //"link" or "linkparent"
Is that still Possible Bobster65?
"Marked as Installed" :up:
12-23-2009, 07:34 AM
Installed and working but if I remember correctly, we used to be able to automate the Tabs to switch.(Slideshow) I can't figure out how to do that anymore and can't find anything on it in ANY of the posts here. I did find the Old Code in the 2.0 Thread but cant seem to get it to work...
<script type="text/javascript">
var mytabs=new ddajaxtabs("maintab", "ajaxcontentarea")
mytabs.setselectedClassTarget("link") //"link" or "linkparent"
Is that still Possible Bobster65?
"Marked as Installed" :up:
that script code needs to be used with v1.5/2.0 as its part of the Dynamic Drive AJAX Tabs script.. it won't work with YUI Tab View and Dispatcher..
12-24-2009, 12:39 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh.... yeah I saw in another post somewhere you have said it is possible, but not validated yet... I think. Any idea if anyones doing what ever they do to make it available? If I remember correctly that post was dated quite a while ago.... Wasn't in this Thread through...
Anyway I got it working nicely, without the slideshow and I thank you for all the dedicated work and support you provide us all. If you do hear of anything concerning that please keeps us updated. :)
Happy Holidays,
United For Freedom (
Doom Stone
04-11-2010, 03:58 PM
Quick question, I know this isn't a replacement or upgrade for TFH, but I would like to know if it's possible to configure it in the same manner. IE; Use this modification to display the forum home in tabbed content just as TFH does?
Edit: I've modified my forumhome to allow the use of this modification to act like the TFH, but it's not quite the same.
I know thats obviously because thats not what this modification is designed for :P
So I'm wondering if the TFH will be updated soon.
04-13-2010, 12:12 AM
Quick question, I know this isn't a replacement or upgrade for TFH, but I would like to know if it's possible to configure it in the same manner. IE; Use this modification to display the forum home in tabbed content just as TFH does?
Edit: I've modified my forumhome to allow the use of this modification to act like the TFH, but it's not quite the same.
I know thats obviously because thats not what this modification is designed for :P
So I'm wondering if the TFH will be updated soon.
Ya, you can use it on Forum Home.. you can use it just about anywhere actually. Also, all the content files can be used within TFH as well (the new 3.8 version which will be released this week).
To much updating by vb is giving me a headache lol
05-02-2010, 10:26 PM
oh, I've accidentally deleted images. sry my english is bad.
Yes, I mean forum post.
has something to do with the charset? how do I change it?
I have utf-8
05-19-2010, 06:39 PM
I'm not very technical and my brain hurts after reading this thread so please excuse me if these questions have been addressed already.
Can the tab be made to link directly to a forum say "Sports" forumid=7 ?
Is there a simple way to pick up the colours from the style sheet?
05-24-2010, 08:15 AM
Hmmm...followed step by step...
Warnung: require_once(./includes/vba_cmps_global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/tabsample1.php (Zeile 28)
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/vba_cmps_global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php5') in /homepages/33/d278397953/htdocs/FL/tabsample1.php on line 28
What's the problem?
05-24-2010, 09:24 AM
Does this only work with VBA and VB?
05-27-2010, 07:32 PM
Does this only work with VBA and VB?
if you don't use vba, remove the calls to the vba files.
06-25-2010, 10:43 PM
Ok Im done, time to ask for help.
I just cant seem to get the first tap to load.
Ive set the cache to "true" with active also set true.
The code in my vb template is exactly the same as above placed in headincludes.
Portal is //root/index.php
Forums //root/forum/.
Any help would be great.
06-26-2010, 04:04 AM
Got it. It was the "/" before forums in the content scripts and the "/" before the JS scripts in the headinclude.
Still cant seem to get the loading.gif to work. I see thats been an issue all along. Anyone figure it out???
07-27-2010, 04:34 AM
Can this be used on vbulletin publishing suite 4.0? I am attempting to use this in a widget on the CMS page.
08-04-2010, 08:49 AM
Really great mod, but I cannot figure out how to show link to specific threads rather than latest threads in a forum. Basically I want some forums to have tabs to specific threads. At them moment I have sticky threads but I would rather they were tabs.
In otherwords the tabs would be in a sub-forum with only threads below and I want to tab link to some of them.
is this possible please?
BTW. I struggled to get the examples to work until I deleted this line:
(this is only required when using vbdynamics).
I can see others having this issue!
10-05-2010, 09:35 AM
These files are taking up a lot of resources and bandwidth:
In AdminCP > vbulletin options > Server Settings and Optimization Options > remote YUI, I have set hosting to Google.
I remember there where some issues with Yahoo not hosting all YUI files.
How can I get reduce the resource and bandwidth use of these files?
is it possible to host these files on Yahoo or Google? If yes, how?
10-09-2010, 08:30 PM
I see that other js files are also eating up a lot of resources and bandwidth. To resolve this I need to find the files on or and add the location of those files to the addition css.
Which of the css files can not be replaced by the standard files on yahooapis or googleapis? i.e. Which files did you modify?
Can I replace tabview.css and tabview-skin.cs with the version on yahooapis?
10-23-2010, 07:52 PM
I've just decided this is my new favourite mod! :) It has so much potential! Unfortunately, I'm not a programer, so I was just wondering if there is any way to show rows of images in the tabthumb_sidebyside.php page, instead of them all shown in a row. I'd like to be able to show 3 rows of 3 images, if it's possible.
10-23-2010, 08:15 PM
Do you mean columns and rows of photos like my screen shot?
10-23-2010, 08:48 PM
Yes, something like that :)
10-26-2010, 08:25 PM
Also, would it be possible to modify this to show something like they have on Modthesims when viewing a post:
So if I wanted to show one tab for the info and one for the comments for example.
11-08-2010, 12:01 PM
Do the new YUI release (2.8.2r1) and the use of PHP 5.3 make any difference for this addon?
03-22-2012, 11:40 AM
07-27-2012, 10:07 PM
I am having an issue that I hope someone will be able to assist me with. I am using this on my website to have the latest ladders on the sidebar. The issue is no matter what I attempt to put in the styling section the words for the tabs inherit their colors from the overall board style.
I was wondering if this could be changed. Please visit the site look on the right hand side where it says ladders and you will see what I mean. Is there anyway to get it so the words show up as ffffff or something so that they can stand out?
08-01-2012, 05:07 AM
I am having an issue that I hope someone will be able to assist me with. I am using this on my website to have the latest ladders on the sidebar. The issue is no matter what I attempt to put in the styling section the words for the tabs inherit their colors from the overall board style.
I was wondering if this could be changed. Please visit the site look on the right hand side where it says ladders and you will see what I mean. Is there anyway to get it so the words show up as ffffff or something so that they can stand out?
/* selected tab background color and text color */
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover {background:#053764 url(image.png) repeat-x left; color:#ffffff;}
change background:#053764 to the color you want.. 053746 is that darkish blue. also, set an !important on the color element (fro the text).. ie color: #ffffff !important; as its being over rode by #sidebar_container a
This below change (just adding !important) makes it look much better ;)
/* selected tab background color and text color */
.yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus,
.yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover {background:#053764 url(image.png) repeat-x left; color:#ffffff !important;}
This file contains ALL the style settings, so to replace that blue, find other instances of it in the file and replace those as well.
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