View Full Version : Forum help!!!

09-15-2008, 01:20 AM
My forum has been tampered with and everything is now messed up. I did save the HTTPDOCS every day just for back up purposes. I have no idea how to get my site back to the way it was, and im having a majore problem. Please help


09-15-2008, 01:36 AM
Any idea what happened to mess it up? It looks like your style/templates are messed up. If that's the case, the only way to get the style back is if you Exported it and thus have a backup that way, or if you have a database backup that you can get it from. Otherwise, you can just go into the templates and hit Revert for the templates you have modified and get back the default vbulletin style with your own colors.

09-15-2008, 01:44 AM
Well Lynne i did make the revert change, and it looks like our custom template is gone. What do you think i should do.

09-15-2008, 01:54 AM
That's very weird, your colors should not have disappeared simply by reverting the templates. But anyway, does your site look 'normal' now? Do you have a backup (If not, you really should make it a priority to have a cron job to make backups of your site)? Do you have a test site you can restore a backup database onto?

09-15-2008, 02:01 AM
i back up all my httpdocs to my computer every day. I have no idea what caused this error. i dont know what i can do to go back to my original scheme

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Do you think if i reinstall my old theme it would fix it or do you think there is another option?

09-15-2008, 02:28 AM
You really haven't said what is/was wrong. I saw your style all wacked out and suggested reverting the templates. Did that fix the issue or what? If you still have the issue, can you explain exactly what is wrong?

Backing up your httpdocs will don't back up all your data. Your data is stored in the database and that cannot be backed up by just saving all the documents to your computer.

09-15-2008, 04:14 AM
Looks like you got that back up and running :up: