View Full Version : Event Timer for Home page

09-12-2008, 06:02 AM
I've seen a bunch of BB code timers for users to put count downs in the signatures.

I need help, I'm running 3.7.2 & need a timer which would be tied in with calendar events. So if I schedule an event in the calendar I'd like it to be displayed at the top of my forum for my members to see right away.

I'd like to to look something like this, with editable colors:

I'd greatly appreciate any help & if one is already made please point me in the right direction.

10-24-2008, 06:38 PM
I found this and it works great.

We're stil running 3.6.5 so no sure about 3.7x

You can change the notices for various days left to target date or just delete what you don't need.

You can see it in action here:

Go to Edit Header:

Find this:
<!-- content table -->

Add the following code below:

<div align='center'>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
var date = new Date("June 15, 2009");
var description = " --ES June 15-18, 2009--";
var now = new Date();
var diff = date.getTime() - now.getTime();
var days = Math.floor(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
if (days > 100) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs!" + description);
else if (days > 60) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Gettin Closer!" + description);
else if (days > 30) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Please review the safety info and send ICE info!" + description);
else if (days > 14) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! We are talking way less than 100s of days here!" + description);
else if (days > 8) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Moistness levels are rising!" + description);
else if (days == 8) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Get your bike back together!!!" + description);
else if (days == 7) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Check your list!!!" + description);
else if (days == 6) {
document.write("One week 'til Eureka Springs! Its almost here!!!" + description);
else if (days == 5) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! We are talking days here!!!" + description);
else if (days == 4) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Pack the bike!!!" + description);
else if (days == 3) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Don't do anything stupid now!!!" + description);
else if (days == 2) {
document.write(days+1 + " Days 'til Eureka Springs! Some of us are heading out!!!" + description);
else if (days == 1) {
document.write("C'YA!!!... We have left the building! " + description);
else if (days == 0) {
document.write("We are having a GREAT TIME... Wish you were here!" + description);
else if (days == -1) {
document.write("Let me check, yup we are still having a GREAT TIME... Wish you were here!" + description);
else if (days == -2) {
document.write("Oh my God... It doesn't get any better!" + description);
else if (days == -3) {
document.write("Maybe drakle toof muccch... Miss you!" + description);
else if (days == -4) {
document.write("Heading home... can't wait til next year!" + description);
else {
document.write("2009 Doofapalooza ... Yet To Be Decided ... Date To Be Decided... but it will be a great time!!!" + description + "!");
// End -->

10-29-2008, 10:36 PM
Thnx but this doesn't countdown by the second. What I'm looking for is something that will allow me to post several events & have a count down timer for each separate event.