08-27-2008, 10:00 PM
The Heritage Style
The old time
with vB version [3.7.3]
It's Fixed style and work with IE6 , IE7 and Mozilla Firefox fine . I installed it on my forum , work great
templates modify :
Demo , here (http://qtify.com/forum/index.php?langid=1&styleid=2)
How do I install the Style?
1. Extract the zip files to a folder on your computer.
2. Edit the logo image , you'll find it when you zip the files at (The HeritageBYqtifystyle/images/r-qtify/qtify/header.gif) write your forum logo and save it .
3. Upload the folder "r-qtify" to your forums "images" directory (ex: /forum/images/r-qtify).
4. Login to your Admincp in vBulletin and Click on "Style & Templates" to expand the menu.
5. In the expanded menu click on "Download / Upload Styles" , a new page will load.
6. In the new page look for: "Import Style XML File" click on browse and point it to the .xml file that you want to install
7. Press IMPORT to complete the installation
release history :
1.0 first release
1.1 fix an error in forum list show
release Ramadan version
Ramadan version on vb.org now ! (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=189739)
Any questions or error please told me :o
- Don't remove copyright please :rolleyes:
- Click INSTALL if you like the Style. :up: (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=189372)
Enjoy it ;)
The old time
with vB version [3.7.3]
It's Fixed style and work with IE6 , IE7 and Mozilla Firefox fine . I installed it on my forum , work great
templates modify :
Demo , here (http://qtify.com/forum/index.php?langid=1&styleid=2)
How do I install the Style?
1. Extract the zip files to a folder on your computer.
2. Edit the logo image , you'll find it when you zip the files at (The HeritageBYqtifystyle/images/r-qtify/qtify/header.gif) write your forum logo and save it .
3. Upload the folder "r-qtify" to your forums "images" directory (ex: /forum/images/r-qtify).
4. Login to your Admincp in vBulletin and Click on "Style & Templates" to expand the menu.
5. In the expanded menu click on "Download / Upload Styles" , a new page will load.
6. In the new page look for: "Import Style XML File" click on browse and point it to the .xml file that you want to install
7. Press IMPORT to complete the installation
release history :
1.0 first release
1.1 fix an error in forum list show
release Ramadan version
Ramadan version on vb.org now ! (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=189739)
Any questions or error please told me :o
- Don't remove copyright please :rolleyes:
- Click INSTALL if you like the Style. :up: (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=189372)
Enjoy it ;)