View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - Postbit/Postbit_Legacy User Option

08-26-2008, 10:00 PM
This mod will allow your members to be able to choose between the postbit view and the postbit_legacy view.

First, make sure the legacy option in your admincp is set to no. If this is set to yes, then this will not work.
AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Style & Language Settings->Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template

Secound, make a new profile field.
AdminCP->User Profile Fields->Add New User Profile Field
Pick Single-Selection Radio Buttons from the drop down box.

Now fill in the form like so,
Title: Postbit_Legacy
Description: Show the posts in legacy view. (User info is horizontal.)
Options: Yes, No (No comma and on separate lines.)
Now Save.

After the page redirects you to the list of field you have, keep a mental note of the number of the field you just made.

Now import the file, vbulletin-plugins.xml.
AdminCP->Plugins & Products->Download / Upload Plugins

Last,edit the plugin to add the correct field number.
AdminCP->Plugins & Products->Plugin Manager
Now find the plugin you just added. The title is Allow Members to pick the postbit. Click the link. This will bring up a page to allow you to edit the plugin code.
fieldXReplace the X with the number of the field you made.


Make sure to click install.

08-27-2008, 06:09 AM
screen shot ?

08-27-2008, 06:34 AM
Not much I can screenshot here. All it adds is an option in the Edit Details page for users. I could do a demo, but then you would be required to register.

08-27-2008, 10:42 AM
Not much I can screenshot here. All it adds is an option in the Edit Details page for users. I could do a demo, but then you would be required to register.

u can open a "testing user" for sharing here
u can share its pass and nick
so,we can see ;)

08-28-2008, 05:15 PM
I have a question. Right now the default is post bit on the left and if members want it on the top they have to go to their UserCP. I was wondering if it could be the opposite. Where the top is default and if they want it on the left they have to go to their UserCP.

01-21-2012, 02:20 PM
^ Anyone figured out the above?

06-24-2014, 12:09 PM
This works with ver. 4.2.1 I have it installed and running smooth.

Max Taxable
06-24-2014, 12:11 PM
I have a question. Right now the default is post bit on the left and if members want it on the top they have to go to their UserCP. I was wondering if it could be the opposite. Where the top is default and if they want it on the left they have to go to their UserCP.That's exactly how this works already.