View Full Version : New Premade In The Works

08-26-2008, 11:09 PM
A new premade I'm working on:

Let me know what you guys think so far.

08-26-2008, 11:20 PM
hmmm... what can I say, yeah it's not to bad. Though to be honest when i seen your name assigned to this thread i was expecting to see something visually way better. From your past works and comparing this to your old stuff this is below mediocre though i'm sure you'll get a flood of comments saying it's great and/or awesome.

The bright green doesn't work with the overpowering blue. The forum status icons look basic and tacky and i'm sure even you are not hapy with this. Atleast design the paper clips so they look sharper and more prominent whilst abandoning the green you opted for the paperclip.

I'm not sure what to think of the header and navbar intergration. I do know that when you hover over the links the colour clashes with the background so it makes the hover feature redundant unless you opt for another colour.

The buttons (custom button set) you have look a little drowned out and text is very hard to read. I would personally opt for another font as the font used on the custom buttons looks terrible. I'd set about replacing the other stock vb buttons as there's nothing worse than a mix and match of buttons on a style.

Same applies for other vbulletin stock images (some of which are still present on the index page). I know it's a w.i.p though you seem to have an almost complete style that for me looks mediocre.

08-26-2008, 11:34 PM
Heh, sorry if you feel let down :p At times i tend to hold back a bit with premades because of the fact that that there's a delicate line of freedom you have as oppose to when you're making something for one site only.

The vb default images are just not updated yet, still in the works heh. But yea, i agree on the blue overpowring the green quite a bit.. Going to find a way to set more balance and still keep it easy on the eyes. As for the header, that's incomplete as well.. Not sure if i want to go the more metalic route like the nav, or the "bolder" way like the rest of the header. Any suggestions there?

08-26-2008, 11:47 PM
I would keep to the bold look just for consistencies sake though that is my personal preference though i would experiemnt with some other colours... possibly orange? Not to bold with white text whilst in hover mode urning to a dark blue?

For your bg.jpg (and I'm not sure whether this will work for this style) try this colour #4e4e4e. Like I said, It may/maynot work but pending it does I personally think this will bring out your style out alot.

Thinking along the orange idea... Try and intergrate orange not on the style itself but rather the images/icons that will complement the style like the button set, forum icons etc.

Though try the bg.jpg suggestion i wouldn't mind seeeing how that will look you have my curiosity buds on the go though this depends on how active/lazy you are when it comes to styling. :)

08-26-2008, 11:53 PM
Changed : )

08-26-2008, 11:57 PM
Personally, I like it. I would possibly go a little darker but not to the point that it's #ffffff. With tads of orange in the icons, and a few colour changes in the css with regards to the links you have a visually more pleasing style on your hands or atleast I think you have. :up:

08-27-2008, 12:03 AM
Oh my that's lovely. I hope to be able to create styles like that one day.