View Full Version : Logout fix?

07-19-2000, 08:57 PM
I'm not sure if this will work, but IIRC the standard method for deleting cookies is setting the expired date in the past, so I made that code change.

(Note: for v1.1.3 b3)

In member.php,


replace with:

As I said, I haven't actually tested it (except once with IE in an unrelated script), but that should work - it sets the cookie to "" (nothing) and expires it :D

07-26-2000, 06:00 PM
This is worth bringing back up to the top since it's still relevant. Thanks Ed, it worked perfectly.

07-29-2000, 06:43 AM
I'm not sure if it worked. But I'm sure as hell going to try it.

Thanks alot and I'll keep you udated on wheather it worked or not.


07-29-2000, 02:39 PM

Seems to be working without any trouble on our end.


07-29-2000, 04:21 PM
Ed, the thing is, there is also a separate cookie/log in routine in the index.php

if you look, the log in on the main page accesses a routine in index.php while the clear cookies uses members.php

could this also be a source of problems?

Wouldn't it make more sense to have the login routine in a single file and use an http_refer to redirect properly?

[Edited by Martin on 07-29-2000 at 01:23 PM]

07-29-2000, 06:11 PM
this is really strange.

it seems to work for me if I use the IP but not if I use the URL.

I deleted all my cookies and it still kept my login info here and at my forum. I don't have to log in to either, even if I don't have a cookie.

07-29-2000, 07:22 PM

I closed all browser sessions, deleted ALL my cookies and went back and it worked.

I also figured out what is causing the Nutscrape login problem.

If a person tries to log in from http://www.atforumz.com/ Nutscrape will not parse the full http://www.atforumz.com/index.php and tries to log them in at http://www.atforumz.com/?username=whatever&password=whatever

Is there a way to fix this or is this just another thing Nutscrape users have to tolerate?

07-30-2000, 06:13 PM
I just set it up on my forum and my logout finally works.

I deeply appreciate the work you put into that.

Thank you,


07-30-2000, 07:04 PM
On mine I have

// initialise cookies
setcookie("bbpassword",substr(md5($password),0,strlen($password)),mktime (0,0,0,0,0,2020),$cookiepath);

Can I replace mine with that? I have a huge amount of people unable to post after registering, and myself cannot post with my Admin username.


07-30-2000, 07:48 PM
Brian - that code is for a different function (logging in I believe), so no. :p

10-26-2000, 03:46 PM
bringing this up cause i seem to be having problems with members not being able to log out if they used either


now i have tried the log out fix above and it alway messes up my member.php file so i can not log into edit my profile...

any help appreciated :)

10-26-2000, 07:56 PM

Why 1998??