View Full Version : REQUEST: requires reply to see certain content
I'd REALLY like to get a simple custom hack done for my forum, yet I cant seem to get anyone to do it (not enough demand by other users)
I'd REALLY appreciate this if anyone could get a chance to hack this..
heres what i'm looking for..
when a user goes to start a thread in a particular specified forum, there are 2 special fields (i suppose it could be one field though), one that is IP: and another that is Path:
then, those parts of the post are hidden, UNTIL a user replies to that thread, as soon as the user replies, THEN that user can see those particular "hidden" bits of info..
this hack would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL for my site, and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you get a chance to code this
I'm not in a situation where I can provide any kind of financial compensation for this, however I'd be damn happy if anyone could do this.
Space MoNkEy
06-01-2001, 03:42 PM
hell yeah that would be mighty useful... i think it would be great if anyone did that hack... i could definitely use it in my site...
06-01-2001, 06:07 PM
very very useful hack... i believe its known as LoCkDoWn
i could use it too
06-01-2001, 07:33 PM
Had you searched before you posted you would have found that the hackers here will not create such a hack, especially when you are so blatently using it for piracy. At least the other guy tried to cover it up with a quiz-type format.
06-01-2001, 11:25 PM
Actualy I run a pronography board where we trade amature (by this I mean homemade) pornigrahic vids and this would be very useful. Is there a way to set this hack so that you can vew a few (2 or 3) before you reply, to kind of give the users a taste then it kicks in so they must reply to get more?
06-02-2001, 12:33 AM
piracy? you mean like robbing ships? why would anyone ever have a board about that?
geeze, psychos...
06-02-2001, 01:05 AM
By piracy I think he is talking about selling stolen computers and cars and the such over the internet.
06-02-2001, 03:14 AM
o, you mean like that warz stuff? and as for stolen cars, i guess im not a net criminal, cuz i have never heard of that... lol
bad bad people... :( you should not be taking plunder from people
06-02-2001, 03:16 AM
o -
forgot to mention
my site is a "NetNanny Gossip Site". We have like 2500 online users at any given time... thats why I want this hack, so that we could hide parts of our posts from the little kiddies who dont have netnanny rights.
06-02-2001, 03:45 AM
im sick of gettin e-mails from parents about how they get crap from my site . and since I cant get their ip cause they dont post... bla!
06-02-2001, 04:36 AM
Wayne Luke
06-02-2001, 06:11 AM
Make it so guests can't browse your boards. IP addresses are stored when someone registers.
06-02-2001, 06:51 AM
The one that makes that kinda hack can count on a whole new life!
06-02-2001, 03:07 PM
but I want guests, I just want them to reply when they rae getting movies from people. that is the one big complaints I have is that no one thanks people for getting their stuff.
06-02-2001, 03:39 PM
I'm in agreement with tubedogg that there are alot of people who would use this program for illigal purposes, but i still think it would be a nice to hack to have to make sure that people participate in threads and keep the board posts flowing better.
Also if you think about it, wouldn't this hack helps prevent people from getting warez considering that it would be in plain view and they wouldn't have to register at the board to get the warez, where as with it they have to go through the trouble of registering at the board and making a post before they can get the warez where as before they just had to show up and it was right infront of them.... just a thought...
06-02-2001, 04:37 PM
Read my mind. It doesnt help with warez if anything it helps prevent peeps from gettin warez.
06-02-2001, 05:43 PM
OK maybe, but look at what you're saying - you want this for a warez board. I (and the other hackers here) are not going to knowingly write hacks that are of primary use to a board that promotes piracy when we're trying to combat the piracy of vBulletin. It just doesn't make sense.
06-02-2001, 07:11 PM
I dont remember running a warez board.
06-02-2001, 07:15 PM
What I meant was you were defending it's use on warez boards by saying it made it harder to get warez. That does not make me any more eager about writing it.
06-02-2001, 11:29 PM
oh ok I understand. I thought it existed tho?
didnt someone cal it lockdown, or is this just a similer hack.
06-03-2001, 01:17 AM
i just wrote this hack and installed it on my board, thanks for the lack of help vbulletin :o :mad:
and ****, yes, i do run a warez board, so bite me. at least i bought my copy of vbulletin tho
and no, im not giving it out just like NW*K
06-03-2001, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Flare945
i just wrote this hack and installed it on my board, thanks for the lack of help vbulletin :o :mad:
I don't recall seeing anywhere that we owed you anything...
06-03-2001, 02:05 AM
those warez people are soo ignorant. they think because they bought a great service that the dev team will keep doing whatever they want.
06-03-2001, 10:36 PM
Maybe they thought that you would help them. seeing as how this would be the fourm to go and help them.
06-04-2001, 05:42 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but exactly how is this type of board used for warez?
06-04-2001, 08:45 AM
I didnt say they were here about a warez problem, they have a problem with their Vbulletin, this being teh vbulletin board I figured that when people need help with Vbbulletin, that this would be the place to help.
the fact is, almost all of teh hacks on here can and probably are used on warez boards, im sure there are some that work better on a warez board than on any other, I dont see why this one would be any different. even IF it was for a warez board.
I hope that made sense, im going on 35 hours with no sleep now.
06-04-2001, 08:51 AM
posted by Skeptical
Excuse my ignorance, but exactly how is this type of board used for warez?
posted by slip
when a user goes to start a thread in a particular specified forum, there are 2 special fields (i suppose it could be one field though), one that is IP: and another that is Path:...
06-04-2001, 09:48 AM
tubbdog, I can kind of see what's involved, but still not sure. Is it where someone starts a thread and posts a link to some warez download? But why the restriction where only when a user replies can he see the rest of the post?
06-04-2001, 08:37 PM
Well this hack to me has it benefits for everyone.. or no one.
I mean... if you made it where they had to reply.. you might want to add where it has to be more than so many words.. cause.. well lets say it was used on a warez related board.
someone could reply with this "thanks" or "testing 1 2 3"
and then.. the information they wanted will show.... it would only help... in any way for making it where guests that have not registered can view the total information, so rendering them to have to register to see the contents... so it will not be like real feedback.. like if you were using it for a regular board or a support board.. and you have a question... and the main part of the question is hidden... so it makes ppl reply to read it.. doesn't that defeat the purpose on that level lol.. you want feedback but someone has to reply with a dummy reply to read the full post and then reply with a logical answer if they know it :)
I am usually thinking inside the box.. lol, but to me.. it could really on benefit in once sense...
I mean everyone wants the community of users to be active and always post instead of just thread surfing and reading and going on to the next post... but... making them reply to read a whole post would be odd.. I mean I could really visualize alot of replies that are 1 word.. or 2 words... and then maybe a couple at the end that are... like actuall feedback :)
but that is just me...
2 cents.. thrown in a wishing well.
06-10-2001, 11:54 PM
I guess it doesn't matter what you guys do warez are going to be around no matter is a giant that can't be stopped so easily...i should know i work for a large company and the amount of warez and cracked software i find o our computers i have to delete and it is definetely a time consuming process...thank goodness for SOE Ghost image...5 mins and im done...
06-11-2001, 12:00 AM
That's part of the problem - you think the issue is too large so you can't/won't do anything about it. By not writing the hack, it might still exist and someone may write it for themselves, but at least we're not facilitating it.
In Ohio, if you (as a parent) are the host of a party and serve alcohol to your children's underage friends, you are legally responsible if that kid goes out driving and hurts or kills someone. It's the same idea - in the end you're facilitating the warez/piracy.
06-11-2001, 12:06 AM
i didn't say that it was too large or unstoppable or that im not trying to stop it im just saying as soon as you get one another one pops up. It isn't easy but with persistance we can get there....
06-11-2001, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by Enigma
I guess it doesn't matter what you guys do warez are going to be around no matter is a giant that can't be stopped so easily...i should know i work for a large company and the amount of warez and cracked software i find o our computers i have to delete and it is definetely a time consuming process...thank goodness for SOE Ghost image...5 mins and im done...
What do you do, apply Ghost every night before leaving the office? I'm thinking about doing that for some of our office computers. I really don't know what folks are downloading and/or what viruses are there.
06-11-2001, 07:24 AM
bit hard to do every pc when you have 2000 pcs and some at remote sites... i do it whenever i find a pc with any illegal software on that...
Wayne Luke
06-11-2001, 03:38 PM
This is where you install Windows NT or 2000 on all the PC's and revoke the end-users permission to install software. Only all admins would be allowed to do this.
With PCAnywhere you can easily install software and maintain even remote machines.
12-05-2001, 01:16 PM
hes right thats the way to go. aside for a few linux boxes, we run NT and 2k exclusively. And PC anywhere is great for remote locations. BTW: as much as youa re finding on your pc's are you running anon ftp services? Site admins crack me up when they give write access to anon ftp servers and then one day realize their 40 gig hdd has 30 megs free. hehe Whats really funny is to watch a rooky try and right click & delete those locked directories the warez guys make. and the com1's which must be removed in dos.
12-05-2001, 07:54 PM
Yes, but you can use ghost to do multiple machines at one time, I used to do 8 at a time but only cause that's the most that would fit on my server rack:D
I really don't understand this whole lockdown hack issue. The hack isn't what is illegal, and I think it's wrong for the mods to auto-assume that the majority of peeps would use this for piracy, but it's your choice of course as the writers. I really doubt though that you are preventing ANY piracy by not writing this hack as they aren't going to stop simply because of the lack of this hack.
12-05-2001, 08:54 PM
I dont think they are thinking so much along the lines of "helping prevent warez" or "stop it." But they darn sure arent going to help make it easier on the warez people who scatter their hard work across the web for free, and although I agree that lockdown could be used for good purposes, and should be made available to "paying" VB license holders, It is hard to argue with their reason for not coding it if you put yourself into their shoes.
But i do think that Valid license holders should be able to talk freely about it, and maybe they should be pointed in the right direction as far as how to code it or who can help them out. I have sat and watched many of these topics on here and before replying to any of them, and 95% of the time it gets ugly both ways. So I'm just putting in my 3 cents. LOL
Peace to all!
12-05-2001, 09:13 PM
But they darn sure arent going to help make it easier on the warez people who scatter their hard work across the web for free
See, that's my point. Do we honestly think that not having this hack puts ANY dent in warez distro at all? I mean, do you think that a warez site won't just use something else or nothing at all?
At any rate, is there any compromise to this hack, say the second part of the post doesn't show unless they click a button there in the post? I think I've seen something like this here but can't remember the name, I shall have to go a searchin :p
I mean... if you made it where they had to reply.. you might want to add where it has to be more than so many words.. cause.. well lets say it was used on a warez related board.
someone could reply with this "thanks" or "testing 1 2 3"
This sounds like a great way to make this hack without it going for warez.
By making the minimum post something more than say so many characters, it just wouldn't work for a warez board if they just say thanks and short stuff. Of course there would be a couple of smart ones that would be able to change the coding to take that out. Oh well :stupid: :mad: :rolleyes:
Scott MacVicar
12-05-2001, 09:34 PM
I made one for a friend, who has a liscence before any of the mods try to jump down my throat :P
I doubt I would release it, he used it for napster servers so that people could get them on the board then post a reply commenting about it.
12-05-2001, 09:36 PM
Oh boy, I don't need it, but for some reason, I predict many pm's for you:p
12-06-2001, 12:31 AM
and Yes you're right, with holding lockdown isn't hurting warez at all. To be honest, I dont think warez will ever dissapear. But I can see why they dont release it, and can see both sides.
Yeah PPN's inbox is gonna get congested. roflmao .
peace all
Scott MacVicar
12-06-2001, 02:40 PM
Bah it won't hurt warez but its hurting my inbox :mad:
12-06-2001, 03:52 PM
You asked for it PPN :D
I would say charge them for it, but I think it's already established that they don't pay for software. :D
Originally posted by amykhar
I would say charge them for it, but I think it's already established that they don't pay for software. :DAmy OK, that's a really good one, Amy!! :eek: :D
Scott MacVicar
12-06-2001, 05:06 PM
yeah Donate $20 to the "Scott needs more memory fund"
i only have 512mb DDR Ram and i need more :D
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