08-20-2008, 10:00 PM
Hello all, I just created MiniVeoh in Profile.
Don't know if anyone has done this before, but I'm going to post this up anyways.
Demo: http://www.khmerfun.net/bongsongha.html
Step 1:
Add New User Profile Field
Profile Field Type: Single-Line Text Box
Title: Veoh URL
Description: For example if the full = http://www.veoh.com/videos/v9354954D7Nf2Hr2 then use v9354954D7Nf2Hr2
***Please remember your field id number***
Step 2
Import product veoh_member_profile_url.xml (the attachment)
Step 3
Edit template:
<!-- sidebar -->
<!-- / sidebar -->
Below $blocks[friends_mini] add
Yours should looks like this:
<!-- sidebar -->
<!-- / sidebar -->
Now go to memberinfo_block_veoh in Profile info Templates
Find all $userinfo[field13]
and replace 13 with your field id number that you just created.
That's it.
Don't know if anyone has done this before, but I'm going to post this up anyways.
Demo: http://www.khmerfun.net/bongsongha.html
Step 1:
Add New User Profile Field
Profile Field Type: Single-Line Text Box
Title: Veoh URL
Description: For example if the full = http://www.veoh.com/videos/v9354954D7Nf2Hr2 then use v9354954D7Nf2Hr2
***Please remember your field id number***
Step 2
Import product veoh_member_profile_url.xml (the attachment)
Step 3
Edit template:
<!-- sidebar -->
<!-- / sidebar -->
Below $blocks[friends_mini] add
Yours should looks like this:
<!-- sidebar -->
<!-- / sidebar -->
Now go to memberinfo_block_veoh in Profile info Templates
Find all $userinfo[field13]
and replace 13 with your field id number that you just created.
That's it.