08-20-2008, 12:24 AM
Hello, I recently purchased a style called Dark_VB_2 fluid version (looks a lot better then the fixed version) however I'm wondering if there is any way to make the post style look like the fixed version.
By this I mean having the poster's name, stats, info, etc. on the left side of their posts instead of above the posts like it is on the fluid.
If anyone could provide some help on how to do this that would be great
(see attached picture to see what I mean if unclear - The top part above white line is what I want, below is what I have)
If anyone could provide any info on how to do this or anything it would be great (I've tried contacting the style maker.. he isn't even active on his own website that sells the styles.. last visited weeks ago =\)
By this I mean having the poster's name, stats, info, etc. on the left side of their posts instead of above the posts like it is on the fluid.
If anyone could provide some help on how to do this that would be great
(see attached picture to see what I mean if unclear - The top part above white line is what I want, below is what I have)
If anyone could provide any info on how to do this or anything it would be great (I've tried contacting the style maker.. he isn't even active on his own website that sells the styles.. last visited weeks ago =\)