View Full Version : vbhackers.com

07-19-2000, 03:39 PM
Lo all

I know some of you are talking about setting up a 'www.vbhackers.com' resource, and I would like to help out.

I would like to register the domain name, and possibly do the web hosting too - and wanted to know if this would be ok. I don't wanna tread on people's toes or anything.

What u think?


(PS - obviously those involved will have full access to it so they can develope it)

07-19-2000, 04:57 PM
Sounds great to me as well... it would be nice to have a comparable fourm to ubbhackers.com for vBulletin. I'll even offer to host the site on my new server if you would like.


07-19-2000, 05:00 PM
sounds good :)

OK - I will register it now...

Is your server a proper server ie DNS server, and it can be set up correctly ie it keeps the domains address in the bar (unlike Geocities as an example)


07-19-2000, 05:11 PM

http://www.vbhackers.com is registered now - it will be active in 24hrs. :)

All we need now is urm... content.

oh and that host :)

Do you think John/James will let us put a vBulletin on it without paying for another license?
(I lease my license)


07-19-2000, 05:55 PM
Umm... thanks for your offer and effort and all, but we're already set with the domain vbulletin.org and have hosting already too :)

07-19-2000, 05:59 PM
Yea, the official domain will be vbulletin.org. You're welcome to forward the vbhackers.com domain to the real domain, since the site will be part of the ubbhackers.com network.

07-19-2000, 06:02 PM
ack :(

Too late to cancel it too :/

Stupid me for not co-ordinating it with u lot first :(


07-19-2000, 09:22 PM

If it is part of the UBB Code Hackers Network, wouldn't a ".net" be better? Or do John & James already have possession of that?


07-19-2000, 09:55 PM
nope vbulletin.net is still available :D

this is an interesting project - shame i have no php knowledge :(

[Edited by eva2000 on 07-19-2000 at 07:33 PM]

07-19-2000, 10:08 PM
Jim - should it be PlanetQuake.net, PlanetUnreal.net, BGChronicles.net then :) Since they're all on the Gamespy Network.

And then it would also involve UHC being ubbhackers.net instead :)

07-19-2000, 10:20 PM
Isn't it ubbhackers.com? If it were "ubb.org" for example I could see where you're coming from, but, well, heck I don't know, it was just a random brain-fart ;).


07-20-2000, 02:05 AM
Isn't it ubbhackers.com?Exactly - you're methodology would have made it ubbhackers.net :)

07-20-2000, 02:27 AM
No, by your methodology it should be vbhackers.com. Oh nevermind, this is possibly the lamest argument that I care absolutley nothing about ;). It just looked odd to me when I read vbulletin.org - it sounds funny. Personally, I like vB.net - it can be "The vBnet". Hrm, you may have some competition there, Ed :). j/k


...do whateva you gotta do, Flyers boy ;)

07-20-2000, 03:47 AM
Oooh! Now it's personal, Devil Fan 2 of 6 :D

*adds check in PM hack so it won't work for anyone named "Jim"* :)

07-20-2000, 03:49 AM
You know, I think we're arguing for the sake of arguing :)

Hehe, and maybe I'm taking this for granted, but what was my methodology? :D

07-20-2000, 04:05 AM
I'm not even sure - but I had to come back with something, didn't I? :p

"2 of 6" - that's lowwwww ;)


07-20-2000, 07:48 AM
Arguing about domain names....
2000 years of recorded history, and all we can come up with is discussing domain names?? ;)

I mean, I've got a .org myself, but I don't have an organisation, or something.

07-20-2000, 08:35 AM
Whats wrong with the vBulletin Code Hacks forum on vbulletin.com?

07-20-2000, 09:55 AM
mark - the idea would be to provide space for hacks and such.

07-20-2000, 09:57 AM
soudns good then. You need to set up a proper links database and stuff .

07-20-2000, 11:45 AM
I don't get it at all...vBulletin.org is a bad idea IMO...VBHackers.com is much better, comparable to UBBHackers, and makes more sense right off the bat...

07-20-2000, 11:56 AM
Well, http://www.vbhackers.com is registered and pointing to http://www.moose-shack.org.uk.

If you lot still want http://www.vbhackers.com then you are welcome to use it - after all, that was why I registered it.


07-20-2000, 12:00 PM
Wait... I just changed it to point to


07-20-2000, 02:23 PM
Mark - it's for more than just hacks actually, see http://www.ubbhackers.com for a UBB related, but similar site.

07-23-2000, 02:47 AM
I see the site as covering more than just code hacks, but being a community resource for everything vBulletin related.

Yea, we could've gone with vBHackers.com, but since our goal with that site (originally was going to be ultimatebulletinboard.org -- but it was too long ;)) would be to cover styles, images, hacks, forum listings -- anything and everything.

.ORG domains make me think of a non-profit, community run, and honest sites. .COM should be left for the commercial sites, as it is with vBulletin.com. Blah, I'm rambling again :)

Anyways, its not a problem to use multiple domain names forwarding to one site, so that isn't really an issue. We will have some cool stuff in store for ya, so stay tuned!

07-23-2000, 04:30 AM
i can't wait...

07-23-2000, 02:25 PM
nor can I