08-05-2008, 08:45 PM
I am new to all this and am having trouble changing the header/logo size. Here is my site www.kitchenwellness.com As you can see, the majority of the title is cut off. I know that I need to change the custom skin's code or something like that, but I am not very literate in that area. Is there a site that helps you figure it out step by step? Also the information I have been coming across lately have all been to expand your logo so that it fills the entire width or shrink it to the set size (which is what the skin designer recommended). I think that would do something strange to the tabs on the top right? My image size is 439x10 if that helps any. Any hints in the right direction is much appreciate :)
I guess I will try and play around with it to see how it goes.
I guess I will try and play around with it to see how it goes.