View Full Version : REQ: threads started by user / find user by n? of threads

05-30-2001, 02:09 PM
i tried to write that by myself but *loooooooool* no luck;
i wanted to know if someone else was interested in having something as the actual

- total posts
search options:
- and Number of Posts is greater than
- and Number of Posts is less than

but with next to that

- total threads started by user
search options:
- and Number of Threads started is greater than
- and Number of Threads started is less than

i hadn't much time to search all the past posts, i hope this was not already posted somewhere else....

is any vb developer interested in this?? ....or some good (or at least better than me) hack programmer?? :D [ i forgot...for vb 2.0.0]

bye bye