View Full Version : How Do I Remove First Alternating Color - News Module

08-01-2008, 06:43 PM
Hello mates. I could use a friendly tip.

How do I remove the First Alternating Color from the news module on my home page, while continuing to show it on the forum separator background. I only want the First Alternating Color to appear in the forums - but it wants to show up in the news module as well!

In this photo, you'll see which part I'd like to remove from the news module. Could there be a potential work around? Or code modification for this?


The background field for First Alternating Color is set to, "#991414 url(http://www.kingmakersguild.com/forums/images/gradients/gradient_tcat_blackalt1.png) repeat-x top left"

If I remove the gradient though, my forums will no longer use the gradient, I don't want that!

08-01-2008, 09:20 PM
Remove the class="alt1" code from the appropriate place in whichever template is used in that module.

08-04-2008, 06:08 PM
Thank you Ops, kudos to you =)

I removed class="alt1" code from the adv_portal_newsbits template - that seemed to remove the background on the news module like I wanted.

Now.. I tried adding in bgcolor="#000000" in place of the class code (for adv_portal_newsbits) - but that didn't seem to work (eh, I tried.) What code can I insert to set a solid background color to my news module?

EDIT: Figured it out. Just Table Border background to black. Heh. =)