View Full Version : [HELP] Drop down box problem

08-01-2008, 04:18 AM
I've spent 4 hours + trying to modify my forum and it's boiling down to a few problems I can't figure out!


The drop for search and quicklinks isn't aligned correctly.

I'm about to lose my mind, I can't figure it out!

Here is the forum path.

Any help is appreciated!

AIM: Soswwwwyy
MSN: utexasforums@hotmail.com

08-01-2008, 08:53 AM
Look for a position:relative or position: absolute in your Main CSS. Try temporarily commenting it out, does that solve your problem?

08-05-2008, 07:12 AM
Yeah, I figured that one out. Thanks :) But now I'm having trouble with my threads, there seems to be a gap between the thread tools and the actual thread...