View Full Version : Prolem in displaying Style

07-30-2008, 04:06 PM

I designed a Style for my Forum (forum.nshedy.com) on my PC by using the local server (AppServe).
Than i installed the style into my Forum through AdminCp and when i display the style on my Forum, the Style does not appear as i designed it in the local server in PC.

The problem is that the size of the page does not change as i designed ... in the local server it appear as i designed it with the colors but on the Fourm (online) the page have another size and the color does not appear

To understand me more
you have to see these photos :

1- This photo for the Style in the local server (Appserv) on my PC:

2- This photo for the Style after i installed it on my online Forum (forum.nshedy.com):

3- I can attach the Style File to whom can help me

I spend two weeks to solve it but it still face me. And this is the second Style that i face the problem with it.
I designed them on local server on my PC and they are working, but when i installed them many things changed.

( There are mistakes in my words .. because i write quickly )


07-30-2008, 04:12 PM
Have you tried changing the main table width in the style options? I'm thinking that *may* solve the problem.

Very nice style by the way. Will you be releasing it? =D

07-30-2008, 05:13 PM
Have you tried changing the main table width in the style options? I'm thinking that *may* solve the problem.

Very nice style by the way. Will you be releasing it? =D

I made it 75%

and changed it to 500pt

and changed to 50%

but the same problem

I do not know why it does not change

- You asking if i will relsea it or not
I have never done it before, but if i can solve this problem
I promise you to release it to the all

if you want me to give you the file to check
i will send it to you


07-30-2008, 06:57 PM
I wouldn't mind checking it on my site for you. I might not give it back though =P

07-30-2008, 07:26 PM
I wouldn't mind checking it on my site for you. I might not give it back though =P

Why ... !?

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Hi Guys

Can you help please ?

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Please guys
can you help me ?