View Full Version : How to sort threads by number of views

07-18-2000, 03:50 AM
Not sure whether I've reinvented the wheel here, but I seem to have been able to hack vB to allow users to sort message threads by the number of times each thread has been viewed -- the user just clicks on a "Total Views" column header on whatever forum page that's being viewed. To get back to the default sort-by-date view, the user just clicks on a "Newest Message in Thread" column header.

It's discussed over at http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?postid=22351

See it in operation on one of the forums of my vB at http://benefitsboards.net/forumdisplay.php3?forumid=20

Gawd I LOVE this software!!

[Edited by Dave Baker on 07-18-2000 at 12:52 AM]

07-18-2000, 04:23 AM
Cool I will try to remember to set up sorts for all the columns when I upgrade to 1.1.3beta3 later on.