View Full Version : Moving mods to another skin

07-13-2008, 05:23 PM
Hi All,

Hope someone can help

Ive been using the default VB 3.6 skin for some time now, but i have just added another skin.

The default skin was heavily modded, but i want these mods on the new skin, about 2 of the mods have actually moved to the new skin, but the rest have not.

Do i have to reinstall these using the new skin, or is there some easy way ?

Thanks guys:confused:

07-13-2008, 05:34 PM
Make the 2 new skins CHILD skins of the heavy modded skin, it will inherit the template edits of Parent. But if the Styles are totally different structure wise you might have to redo template edits.

07-13-2008, 05:48 PM
how do i make them child skins ?

07-13-2008, 07:25 PM
Select the new style goto Edit Settings and in PARENT select the style which is heavily coded.