View Full Version : User Created Fanlisting Mod?

07-10-2008, 10:00 PM
I know, this probably sounds like the most obscure modification idea ever, but basically it would be a mod that allows users to create, maintain and join fanlistings via your forum and user control panel (if you are wondering, a fanlisting, as said by one major site is just a list of fans of a topic with things like rules and such like while there are hate type listings against something with the same kind of stuff). It would ideally have these kinds of features:

1. Uses forms to edit the Join, Rules and front page.
2. Custom page creation with WYSIWYG editor for content pages of information about the subject
3. Custom place to upload a logo, potentially under your site's logo for at the top of all pages.
4. A form on said Join page for your forum members (and potentially guests) to enter relevant information, which will then activate a forum notification saying they have join requests, like the social groups, and if they add the user, their username, profile link and joining form information appears in a table on the members page.
5. Ability to moderate members and such like through the user control panel.
6. SEOed links like 'Domain/Forum/[Fanlisting name]'
7. Either limited or unlimited fanlistings per member.
8. Possibly something displaying their fanlisting memberships in the user's signature, postbit or a profile tab.

Yeah, it'd be a nice thing for anyone who needs ideas for a major modification to make in their free time, or what not. Since I've had a request for something similar on my own forum, and since my fanlistings are just in HTML and CSS, I had to turn down the request.

07-13-2008, 08:26 PM
In the process of creating this :)

Check out newmodifications.com for latest news / previews etc

07-13-2008, 08:34 PM
Ah, okay. Thanks for the site link as well.

07-16-2008, 07:59 PM
So, any update on this modification?