View Full Version : Maryland Forum

07-08-2008, 02:57 PM
Anyone want to pick apart my newest forums? gimme a review, straight up how ya feel, im not bashful and anything helps!

www.talkmaryland.net is the URL

let me know what you think :up:

07-08-2008, 03:38 PM
looks like pale-blue-gray is your favorite color, isn't it?! ;)

apart from being the same kind as your other forums, it's fun to see someone creating state-based forums... hope you have a good life with them.

07-08-2008, 03:41 PM
thats the theme here in the tristate kinda

although MD is red and yellow state colors, that was kinda bright (i tried it)
then i found some kind of official site for MD that had that beige blue color scheme and i liked it and the crab is kinda autonomous with MD so it blended....

DE is blue and gold state colors so thats a given :)