View Full Version : Admin section working but not working???

06-26-2008, 05:14 PM
This morning there was NO problem. Now on both my dev forum and my main forum are acting up in the Administration section. (The deb is just for checking mods and graphics before they are placed on the main forum).

The forum looks and seams to work fine. Just when I enter the admin section I get kicked back to the login.

I know the login works, I get the screen that says "Thank you for logging in, Administrator" screen in my forum color and graphics. It redirects me back to the login screen?

I checked the config.php and no changes? I can still login to the forum too and post.

I am on 3.7.1 now too. For weeks now all the past problems have been fixed and there have been no errors.

Any clues?

Thanks again everyone


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Got it figured out i think. At least I can get back in.

I can only assume the error I finally got was "Too many connections" I know that's a server side error so a restart fixed it.

I can only assume as I had one parked foxfire with like 10 connections some with different test accounts it was me.

Thanks and now if somebody has the same problem they will know how to fix it.
