View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Toggle Products

06-20-2008, 10:00 PM
Toggle Products v1.01
Made by Mutt
This lets you collapse the plugins at the product headers of the Plugin Manager. it makes it easy for you to flip thru your installed products and locate a plugin.

It now has "Expand All" & "Collapse All" links at the bottom of the page next to "Add New Plugin". Also after you save a plugin, when you are brought back to the main plugin page the product that you were working on is open.
v1 initial release
v1.01 added [Expand All] & [Collapse All] links

I have this running on 3.71


time for the bad news, there's no pretty product or plugin here. you have to edit forum/admincp/plugin.php in 2 places


// stuff to handle the redirect
define('CP_REDIRECT', 'plugin.php');

and replace it with

// stuff to handle the redirect
define('CP_REDIRECT', 'plugin.php?open='.$vbulletin->GPC['product']);

look for

$prevgroup = $product['title'];
print_description_row("$vbphrase[product] : " . $product['title'], 0, 4, 'tfoot');

replace it with

if ($prevgroup) {
echo "</tbody>";
$prevgroup = $product['title'];
$button="<a href=\"#top\" target=\"_self\" onclick=\"toggle_group('".$product[productid]."'); return false;\"><img src=\"../cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Silver/cp_expand.gif\" title=\"Expand Group\" id=\"button_".$product[productid]."\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"></a>";
print_description_row("$button $vbphrase[product] : " . $product['title'], 0, 4, 'tfoot');
echo '<tbody id="group_'.$product[productid].'" style="display: none;">';

look for

print_submit_row($vbphrase['save_active_status'], false, 4);

echo '<p align="center">' . construct_link_code($vbphrase['add_new_plugin'], "plugin.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=add") . '</p>';

replace it with

if ($group_by == 'product') {
echo "</tbody>";

print_submit_row($vbphrase['save_active_status'], false, 4);

if ($group_by == 'product') {
$controls = " <a href=\"#top\" target=\"_self\" onclick=\"expand_all_groups(1); return false;\">[ Expand Products ]</a> <a href=\"#top\" target=\"_self\" onclick=\"expand_all_groups(0); return false;\">[Collapse Products]</a>";
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'open' => TYPE_NOHTML

<script type="text/javascript">
var files = new Array('<?php echo $allproducts; ?>');
if ($vbulletin->GPC['open']) {
echo "open_close_group('".$vbulletin->GPC['open']."', 1)";

function expand_all_groups(doOpen)
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
open_close_group(files[i], doOpen);

function open_close_group(group, doOpen)
var curdiv = fetch_object("group_" + group);
var curbtn = fetch_object("button_" + group);

if (doOpen)
curdiv.style.display = "";
curbtn.src = "../cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Silver/cp_collapse.gif";
curbtn.title = "";
curdiv.style.display = "none";
curbtn.src = "../cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Silver/cp_expand.gif";
curbtn.title = "";


function toggle_group(group)
var curdiv = fetch_object("group_" + group);

if (curdiv.style.display == "none")
open_close_group(group, true);
open_close_group(group, false);

echo '<p align="center">' . construct_link_code($vbphrase['add_new_plugin'], "plugin.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=add") . $controls .'</p>';

please bear with me because it's been a loooong time since I released anything. if there's an easier way to do this, I'm all ears.

NOTE: toggle.js is a tiny chuck of javascript lifted from includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php. if this is bad form, please let me know how to release this properly.

06-21-2008, 03:23 PM


What do you think about a Save & Reload options for plugins?

06-21-2008, 04:27 PM


What do you think about a Save & Reload options for plugins?

yeah, as I'm using it I realize that saving the current stat of toggles would be nice. should be easy enough to do. would just have to grab a little bit more of that javascript. will wait till I find out if what I lifted so far is allowable.

would like to add expand all & collapse all. will have to look into it

06-21-2008, 05:40 PM
Hope, that helps, code is from a friend of mine (Surviver):

<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_p_collapse(objid, un)
obj = fetch_object('collapseobj_' + objid);
img = fetch_object('collapseimg_' + objid);
cel = fetch_object('collapsecel_' + objid);

if (!obj)
return false;

if (un)
obj.style.display = '';
save_collapsed(objid, false);

if (img)
img_re = new RegExp("_collapsed\\.gif$");
img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '.gif');

if (cel)
cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)(_collapsed)$");
cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1');
obj.style.display = 'none';
save_collapsed(objid, true);

if (img)
img_re = new RegExp("_alt\\.gif$");
img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '_alt_collapsed.gif');

if (cel)
cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)$");
cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1_alt_collapsed');
return false;

function collapse_all(un)
if (un)
for (var i in products)
toggle_p_collapse(products[i], true);
for (var i in products)
toggle_p_collapse(products[i], false);
return false;

06-21-2008, 10:30 PM
thanks Stoebi


I updated the directions. it now has "Expand All" & "Collapse All" links at the bottom of the page next to "Add New Plugin". Also after you save a plugin, when you are brought back to the main plugin page the product that you were working on is open.

It still doesn't let you save your preferred open / closed state.

you'll have to uninstall & reinstall. no files need to be uploaded this time.

06-29-2008, 12:17 PM
worked fine in 3.72