View Full Version : Stacking user ranks based on theme.

06-12-2008, 06:54 PM
I ran into a bit of a situation while trying my hand at making a theme. I wanted custom user rank images that matched the theme that was being used, being much smaller and stacked where my current ones are larger and in a single line.

The solution I came up with was to use replacement variables that were just for the skin in question. My new skin, named book, has a replacement variable set to change the path to the badge directory to the custom skin directory. This resolved the image problem, however I still needed to find a way to get them to stack.

Again a replacement variable worked. In each rank I added a class="rankstack" to the image tag. Then the replacement variable scans for this, and adds a <br /> to the end.

However, I am not sure if this is the most efficient way to do this? Is there an easier way to get the results I am looking for, custom rang images and stacking based on theme?

Thanks for any feedback :)