View Full Version : New Skin Color Problem For 1 Member's Posts

06-08-2008, 03:24 AM
Hey everyone,

I tried to search for this and I either didn't use the right terms, or this is a problem that's unique to my forum.

After upgrading to 3.7, I decided to apply a new skin to my forum to further spruce things up. I set up a testbed and played around with it for a while. One of my fellow forumers, actually a mod at my site, always posted in blue. I don't know why. She just liked it.

What did I not test with the new skin? Blue text in a post. Short of changing the color-scheme/CSS, is there any way that you guys can think of to massively remove the {COLOR} tags from her posts? (Yes, I know it's [, but I wanted it to show up here.)

I think I know where this is heading, but I'm hoping that you guys have an idea. I like the skin and I don't like the thought of manually editing a couple thousand posts that she made.


06-08-2008, 07:15 PM
Alright im not exactly sure if this will work but edit advanced css of that style and add
!important next to color..
do this for alt1. and .alt2

Note this is will leave your board with no colored posts if it actually works.
i dnt think it will work but u never know. If she manually added color using editor. i dnt see any options to override.. i might be wrong.