View Full Version : hack wanted

07-16-2000, 06:36 AM
dead or live :D


ok, i make a board for ultima online, its a online game

the problem is now, we have mans and womens into the board and game so, i make a new ranking system, more uo like with cool armors, any dudes e.g.

now my sweetys tell me, that she want also a special, a women ranking system, so that 2 different ranking systems exist at the same board. thats not possible now, only that i get all off my ladys a rose as picture
but isnt a ranking system

my php skills are very slow, i would say doesnt exist ;)
maybe a guy here can help me with the possible to get many rankingsystems at the same board? the users must tell what he/she want for a system into the userprofiles and can change later.

so that would be very useful at boards with very different boards, like a uo and a diablo and a sims board at the same system e.g. but also at a nascar and frmular 1 board

and and and

if anywhan can help me that would be very nice :)


07-16-2000, 07:05 AM
Everything is possible :D

But to do this, you'd need a profile field that specifies the sex of a member.

Then every time that a user posts, vB would have to check what the sex of the member is, and use the apropriate ranking system for that.

Just some loud up thinking here :)