View Full Version : TalkCommunity.net l Online Discussion Community

05-26-2008, 04:12 PM
Need a honest review , give me your worst

Talk Community l Online Discussion Community (www.talkcommunity.net)

05-26-2008, 04:54 PM
1. its a beautiful skin by forummonkeys but quite common.
2. i don't think there's a need to have a adult forum in a gaming community. and its open for guests as well.. this may effect your search engine rankings and your site can be even put in the category of an adult site.
3. Remove the Quick Links from header for guests.

05-28-2008, 04:04 PM
any tips for number 3 ?

05-28-2008, 07:28 PM

He's telling you to remove the quick link tab at the top, the header because it is completely useless for guests. Stick a conditional tied to members on it and it should now only appear for members, registered users.

Other than that, I like the style, but it's a little bit too much for me. I like just forums, standalone, I'm not a big fan of vB advanced or any of that, and personally I don't think you need all of it. Just a recommendation.

In addition, like I say to everyone else: you have way too many forums. Your site is fairly new, curtail the amount of forums you have, clearly you don't need the amount you have now, in all honesty.....

Buy, Sell, Trade Forum? Do you really need two forums under that category? This is what I mean.

In addition, for now, merge all other video game discussion within one forum, it'll make the forum look more active as they're will be more posts for one forum as a whole (Xbox 360, Wii, DS Chat). Of course this is a recommendation, don't take my advice if you do not like being told what to do. I'm only trying to help.

Lastly, this is a PS3 forum right? Too much Off-Topic chat, to be honest as well. Might as well switch the niche to off-topic in general if off-topic is going to lead the way.

Something you should spend a little bit more attention toward. That's it. Good luck. :)

06-18-2008, 02:55 AM
took some advice and changed it up a bit...

Please more feedback