View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Release Builder

05-24-2008, 10:00 PM
Release Builder

This modification allows you to easily create and manage product releases as ZIP files.


Fixed Bug: Workaround for inconsistent behaviour of dirname()
New Feature: Added support for file_version_x.php files (Patch System)
New Feature: Added support for version information in md5_sums_x.php


Changed: Adjustments for vBulletin 3.6.6
Fixed Bug: Fixed bug in template modifications export (installation step was missing in some cases)

1.0.0 RC 4

Changed: Replacement variable ##filename## does contain only the filename now
New Feature: Added replacement variable ##filedir##
New Feature: Added Hooks for modifying replacement variables and filelist
New Feature: Added function to include external PHP files as plugins (see readme.txt)

1.0.0 RC 3

Fixed Bug: Fixed bug causing empty files in ZIP
New Feature: Added remplacement variable ##filename##

1.0.0 RC 2

New Feature: Added function to set author for each release
New Feature: Added function to include license conditions (license.txt) with each release
New Feature: Added replacment variables for .js/.php files.
These variables are automatically being substituted when the ZIP package is built.
The variables are: ##author##, ##version##, ##producttitle##, ##supporturl##, ##year## und ##buildtime##
Changed: Added Author, readme.txt, license.txt and builddate to ZIP comment

1.0.0 RC 1

Fixed Bug: Added missing index
New Feature: Cron scripts are now being detected automatically
New Feature: Added setting for author name
New Feature: Added dropdowns to allow easy selection of installation/uninstallation steps
New Feature: Added support for TMS. Text instructions are now being included with the ZIP

1.0.0 Beta 3

Fixed Bug #224: Template Modifications (TMS) are now being exported with the product
New Feature: Added some Hooks
New Feature: Added changelog functionality

1.0.0 Beta 2

Fixed Bug: Fixed bug in ZIP class causing unreadable ZIPs on some systems
Fixed Bug: Fixed various other bugs
New Feature: Added support for md5_sums_x.php (will be generated automatically)
New Feature: Added Admin Help
New Feature: Added support for dependencies.
If a product has dependencies, those will be listed in readme.txt section 'System Requirements' now
Changed: Automatically detected files will always be included in ZIP

This modification is compatible with vBulletin 3.6.X, 3.7.X and 3.8.X

This tool is meant for developers only.
If you do not develop vBulletin modifications/products: forget about it completely as it will be totally useless for you!

No support will be given except for proven bugs.

05-25-2008, 03:00 PM
Installed :)

05-25-2008, 03:19 PM
Another fantastic product.
Appreciated work, thanks.

05-25-2008, 05:41 PM
Any demo or screenshots please?

05-25-2008, 09:16 PM
It would be nice if you could create a "Mass Adding Phrase" :D

I got a makeshift now, where I manually set the phrase type and the product in the php, so everytime I submit I don't have to reselect 'Global' and 'product name '. But like I said, it's a make shift, but that saves me a lot of time.

05-25-2008, 09:29 PM
You are on a roll, lately, Andreas. ;)

05-26-2008, 04:04 AM
It would be nice if you could create a "Mass Adding Phrase" :D

That's part of 'Developer Tools' which is currently only released in an early Beta stage @ vBulletin-Germany.org ;)

This ain't new stuff, I've been using it since ages.

05-26-2008, 06:44 AM
Does this work like a SVN?

05-26-2008, 08:24 AM
That's part of 'Developer Tools' which is currently only released in an early Beta stage @ vBulletin-Germany.org ;)

Hi Andreas, can you please provide a link to this early beta release?

05-26-2008, 10:25 AM
excellent product.

05-26-2008, 11:23 AM
That's part of 'Developer Tools' which is currently only released in an early Beta stage @ vBulletin-Germany.org ;)

Hehehe I had to to do a little gymnastic with the language but I found it .... Went straight for your profile ...

05-26-2008, 11:40 AM
Sorry to post here about a different hack, but I am not sure I am allowed to post in English on the German site.

That Developers Tool is simply great. I'd like to have one suggestion: Is there a way to echo on the screen the last phrase that you put in order to avoid duplicates? The phrase gets entered sooooo fast that you might forget that you just entered it

05-26-2008, 12:43 PM
Hi Lionel, Can you please provide me the link to these Developer Tools?

05-26-2008, 01:05 PM
That's part of 'Developer Tools' which is currently only released in an early Beta stage @ vBulletin-Germany.org ;)

This ain't new stuff, I've been using it since ages.

Looking forward to the developer tools release.

I meant you were on a roll for releases, lately. Just like the good 'ol days. ;)

05-26-2008, 01:21 PM
Hi Lionel, Can you please provide me the link to these Developer Tools?

go to vbulletin-germany.org and look at Andreas profile.
There is a wealth of useful hacks there, prompting me to the bookstore to buy a German 101

I love the install code builder :-)

05-27-2008, 08:04 AM
man, you're releasing the one useful tool after the other. I thought you were a official vb developer, right? Than why don't they put these in vb as default features.

05-27-2008, 11:26 PM
Andreas, can I post in English in the German forums? I found a bug about a hack over there ...

05-28-2008, 04:18 AM
Send me a PM and i'll take a look :-)

10-02-2008, 06:04 PM
When clicking the 'Save & Release' button in IE 7, I get a corrupt ZIP. Seems to work fine in other browsers.