View Full Version : 2 questions

05-21-2008, 08:28 PM

I need help with where to go to put my banner up AND how to get rid of those red x's and what they mean

Plus how to move everything over such as the post views threads and stuff there all bunced in that corner

05-21-2008, 09:00 PM
Did you put your style in the /images/ folder? If it is, try moving it to the root folder or the /styles (if not there, create one)

Usually one of those 3 places is where the style should be in your FTP. You can view the .xml file to know for sure...

05-21-2008, 11:03 PM
can anytone help me on the banner question?

05-22-2008, 08:54 PM
Can you elaborate? What do you mean "put the banner up"?

A link to your actual site would also help.

05-22-2008, 09:11 PM
The red x's mean the image link is broken. The banner is being called, but the path to it is wrong. You should check your source code to see where it thinks the banner is supposed to be and then make sure the banner is there (or change where it is looking for it).