View Full Version : Limit user to start only X threads in specified forums.

05-20-2008, 08:53 PM

I need to prevent my users from starting more that X specified threads in some of my sub-forums (not all) configured by the Admin.

For example: I need my users to start only ONE thread in the Welcome Forum.

As well as I need to limit each registered user to have only 3 threads on the classifieds forum and 8 threads to Premium users.

How can this be made?

Is there any kind of Mod that already does it?

Thank you so very much!

05-23-2008, 11:15 PM
Ok, I guess that this Mod does what I need:

If anyone has got any more ideas, please let me know!

Thank you all!

05-28-2008, 06:31 AM
:up: Ok! I really solved my problem with that Mod:

Throttle Posts/Threads (restrict number of posts/threads by usergroup/forum by time)

Thank you! :up:

(this thread may now be closed, please!)