05-19-2008, 08:50 AM
I have an idea which i personally think is good :)
A mod which, when you post a new thread/reply, looks for a bunch of tags in your post and turns them into links that are predefined in the admin panel. E.G
"I LOOOOVE the new terran unit" or "I LOOOOVE the new [tag]terran[tag] unit" and turns into "I LOOOOVE the new <a href="phrases.php?phrase=terran">terran</a> unit" :) I don't know if it's made yet or not but i thought i would post a request for someone to make it :)
A mod which, when you post a new thread/reply, looks for a bunch of tags in your post and turns them into links that are predefined in the admin panel. E.G
"I LOOOOVE the new terran unit" or "I LOOOOVE the new [tag]terran[tag] unit" and turns into "I LOOOOVE the new <a href="phrases.php?phrase=terran">terran</a> unit" :) I don't know if it's made yet or not but i thought i would post a request for someone to make it :)