View Full Version : Darkwaltz Wanted Red (vBCredits.com)

05-12-2008, 11:42 PM
Darkwaltz Wanted Red (vBCredits.com)
What you guys think of our new layout update. I've done a new menu system to try and make it easier to find our stuff, we upgraded it to vbulletin 3.7.x/cmps 3.0.1 gold, and other systems. Oh and its um flaming red now...

how you guys like it? It's based on my dark mininmal style however, I've yet to finish buttons, and and still tweaking menus.

site URL: http://www.vbcredits.com

feedback welcome

05-13-2008, 02:36 AM
loving the background flaming red gradient :up: !! site looks pro. as well, except the header part.

1. Please change the color of Latest releases here at www.vbcredits.com and The Ultimate site for E-commerce on vBulletin to match the site.

2. You may create your own images in replacement for WINNER title images in the header. They look tooo old for your modern design.

3. You can work on a new logo.

4. vBTripleTriad? v2.8
vBCredits? v1.4rc2
vBTracker? v1.1

Make these more stylish !! :cool:

05-13-2008, 04:09 PM
like i said to you earlier, i have a eyesnip when i visit your new style... gosh i need some advil.. lol

05-13-2008, 09:49 PM
side note we're moving to faster web server, so the site is temp down, while we do that. Thanks for the feedback above, I'm still working on layout once the move is done and take sugguestions as well :D

05-18-2008, 08:41 PM
Logo does not match theme/background.