View Full Version : BB Code Enhancements - Improved size bbcode

05-11-2008, 10:00 PM
Improved size bbcode

Hi mates. This is my first "mod". Not really one as I couldn't do it using plugins etc, but has been working for over a year on my site so it's safe. I'll try to work on the presentation of this thread with time :)

This modification indicates how to change the default vbulletin html of the bbcode and gives more than 7 size options to users.

Good question. I moved from phpbb to vbulletin and preferred the old one better, so I modified vbulletin :)
Note, when you are importing using Impex, from other forum plataforms some lines need to be edited to avoid a conversion to the vbulletin system.

If you follow this modification in a forum using the default vbulletin bbcode, applying this hack will make all the [size=X]text very small.

Create a new bbcode instead (instructions given bellow)

Installation information on hack:
Files edited: 2
Templates edited: 1x number of styles
Files to upload via FTP: 2
Time to install: ~5 minutesInstalation:
// This bit changes the core of vbulletin, and how this bbcode is parsed
1.--- Open /includes/class_bbcode.php with your favorite text editor
1.1- Go to line ~2249 (in 3.6.10) or search for "// [SIZE=XXX]"
1.2- reemplace
'html' => '<font size="%2$s">%1$s</font>',with
'html' => '<span style="font-size: %2$spx;">%1$s</span>',1.3- Save

// This bit will make the popup menu in the reply etc boxes
2.--- Open /clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js with your favorite text editor
1.1- Find and reemplace
option.innerHTML = '<font size="' + sizeoptions[n] + '">' + sizeoptions[n] + '</font>'; with
option.innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:' + sizeoptions[n] + 'px;">' + sizeoptions[n] + '</span>';1.2- Save and exit

// This step will make it go life in your forums
3.--- Upload the files

// This bit will change the numbers in the text editor popup menu to new and more usefull numbers
4.--- Go to your admincp
4.1- Styles & Templates > Style Manager > All Style Options > (down at the very end) Toolbar Menu Options
change the default set of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) with for example (5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 25, 30)
4.2- Save
4.3- Repeat for all mother styles ^^

Your done :D

Instalation, using a separate bbcode:
(You don't need to use this bbcode if you have installed the above modification)
1.--- AdminCP > Custom BB Codes > Add New BB Code
(optional names really)
1.1 -- Title: Improved Size
1.2 -- Tag: bsize
1.3 -- Replacement: <span style='font-size: {option}px;'>{param}</span>
1.4 -- Example: Bigger Not as big Small
1.5 -- Example: Bigger Not as big Small
1.6 -- Use {option}: Yes

Reupload original files
Revert the size box in the modified templates :)


It works with all 3.6.x versions
It will work with 3.7 but is a bit hard to find step 2 in the compress javascripts
Sorry but I don't know how to make it into a nice product
It is reversible and shouldn't break your forums. Always backup before playing around though
I'll try to give my best support, but this shouldn't be too problematic :)

05-12-2008, 04:23 PM
thanks for releasing this...can be useful later...
