View Full Version : Profile Enhancements - MySpace Style Profile Links PLUS

05-11-2008, 10:00 PM
MySpace Style Profile Links PLUS

Only tested on a linux server and will only work if you can use .htaccess files (Rewrite Conditions) on your server.

What this will do:
It gives your members a simple and easy link to remember and give to there friends to get to there profile.
Also changes the profile link in members profiles contact us tab from the long ugly link to the new short sexy link.
Also Adds a nicely placed User Profile link to the top of the navbar with profile editing links.

This link:
Will take you to this link:

Screen Shots Attached

vB 3.6.x Version:

(Step 1) File Edits

Open your Favorite FTP software

Go to the root of your domain you wish to use as a jump point
Example: /public_html/

Find and open your .htaccess file
Note if you do not have one then create one

Add in the .htaccess file:

<MySpace Style Profile Link>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://Example.com/Forums/member.php?username=$1 [R]
</MySpace Style Profile Link>
Edit this line here:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://Example.com/Forums/member.php?username=$1 [R]

Just replace:
Example.com/Forums/ With your forum domain and forum folder

Save, close, and upload back to the server unless you did live edits on the server in that case just close and save.

If you have more then one domain you can add the .htaccess file to other domains as well.
For Example:
My forums are on MyLongDomain.com
But i added the .htaccess file to MyShortDomain.com

Now go to:
http://Example.com/User Name Note:
If there are spaces in your user name you must enter the spaces in the link as well
Same goes with other characters like if you have ---User Name---
You Would Enter:
http://Example.com/---User Name---That should then redirect you to your profile.
If that works correctly then move on to Step 2

(Step 2) Template Edites

Go to your vB Forums Admin cP > Style Manager > Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates
Open navbar


<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

<!-- MySpace Style Profile Link -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<div align="center">
<table width="100%" align="center">
<td width="100%" align="left">
<font color="#FF0000">
My Profile Url: <a href="http://StillFallin.com/$bbuserinfo">StillFallin.com/$bbuserinfo[username]</a> [<a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl_q]do=customize">Customize</a>]-[<a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl_q]do=editprofile">My Details</a>]-[<a href="album.php?$session[sessionurl_q]">My Albums</a>]-[<a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl_q]do=editprofilepic">My Pic</a>]
<!-- / MySpace Style Profile Links -->

<font color="#FF0000"> Changing the font color to match you site. Currently it its set to red.

Edit 2 times:
Example.com Replace both with the domain that you put the .htaccess file in.

Save and Close

Go to your vB Forums Admin cP > Style Manager > Member Info Templates
Open memberinfo_block_contactinfo


<a href="$prepared[profileurl]">$prepared[profileurl]</a>
Replace With:

<!-- MySpace Style Profile Link -->
<a href="http://Example.com/$prepared[username]">http://Example.com/$prepared[username]</a>
<!-- / MySpace Style Profile Link -->
Edit 2 times:
Example.com Replace both with the domain that you put the .htaccess file in.

[U] Save and Close

To get a Sexier looking error page for when a member dose not exist you can do the following edit.

Search in Phases for:
This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view. Edit and replace with:

<center>This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view. <BR><a href="memberlist.php" style="text-decoration: none;">Click Here</a> to view the Full Members List.</center>
NOW CLICK INSTALLED (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=178929)

05-11-2008, 10:17 PM
Change Log:

ADDED - Sexier Looking No Member Error

05-11-2008, 11:10 PM
Will this only redirect the URL's or EVERYTHING (like pics, files, etc.)
I had a rewrite script before, I would enter something like www.mysite.com/images/logo.gif and it would say that "this profile doesn't exist". Will this do the same??

05-12-2008, 12:02 AM
no this will only redirect things that have no ending

Example of things that will get redirected

Example of things that would not get redirected

so basically anything that dose not have a file extension will be redirected

its also kinda a security feature in a way cause now you don't have to worry about any folders that don't have a index in them cause if someone tried to browse a folder and don't add a file extension then they will be redirected and it will say that member dose not exist error or what not

if you are still unclear of how it works just ask and ill try to explain it some more

See Here is a test:

http://stillfallin.com/close.gif << That will show the image
but if you type it wrong like lets say
http://stillfallin.com/close.GIF << That will not show the image and will get redirected and you will see the no member error

To get a Sexier looking error page for when a member dose not exist you can do the following edit.

Search in Phases for:
This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.

Edit and replace with:

<center>This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view. <BR><a href="memberlist.php" style="text-decoration: none;">Click Here</a> to view the Full Members List.</center>

05-12-2008, 12:45 AM
cool & installed.

05-12-2008, 03:47 AM
I did this a long time ago to my forums. :)

05-12-2008, 04:16 AM
Works like a charm :D

05-12-2008, 05:34 AM
I did this a long time ago to my forums. :)
using my last version or something else
the reason i ask is cause there is another version besides mine that dose not work too well with spaces and symboles

Works like a charm :D

yep no prob

05-12-2008, 11:02 AM
no sir......

This one does it too..
Here's an image link directly from my server.


05-12-2008, 12:41 PM
This will rewrite all 404 files to member.php?username=w00t!

suggestion: rewrite forum/members/username instead of forum/username;)
suggestion2: replace all forum member.php?u=userid links to rewrited one

05-12-2008, 07:22 PM
no sir......

This one does it too..
Here's an image link directly from my server.


try making sure that every thing is typed correctly
this is very case sensitive so check for capital letters in your files that could be your problem

if not then maybe it wont work with your server who knows that or maybe if you got leech protection turned on check your settings for that idk what to tell you works well on all of my servers and a few of my friends servers even works on my pc when i set it up for a local test server

This will rewrite all 404 files to member.php?username=w00t!

suggestion: rewrite forum/members/username instead of forum/username;)
suggestion2: replace all forum member.php?u=userid links to rewrited one

i dont know about that

as far as suggestion 1 i didnt know that there was a members folder unless your talking about creating one and adding the htaccess file in there after you create it but then that would just defeat the whole purpose of a shorter link cause its just making it longer and its also no longer a myspace style link after you do that

and for suggestion 2 that just dont make any since or maybe im just too sober to understand that but it dont make any since

05-13-2008, 09:29 AM
actually, the link to the pic I posted worked... Then I tried the URL rewrite, and lost 20% of my site's images.. removed it from my .htaccess and my pics came back.

I'll figure it out I guess

05-13-2008, 08:36 PM
actually, the link to the pic I posted worked... Then I tried the URL rewrite, and lost 20% of my site's images.. removed it from my .htaccess and my pics came back.

I'll figure it out I guess

must be your server that cant handle this type of thing i dont know

works fine with my server and lots of other peoples servers so good luck

05-14-2008, 01:05 AM
I had to uninstall this, does not work with vBSEO, as I get a error message.

This is what vBSEO does, no numbers or funny characters when viewing profiles

05-14-2008, 09:56 AM
i dont know about that

I mean a not found url
for example http://forum/blablabla will be rewrited to http://forum/member.php?username=blablabla if blablabla file dosent exist

and for suggestion 2 that just dont make any since or maybe im just too sober to understand that but it dont make any since

I mean replace member profile links to new one in Thread lists, Postbits, Memberlist, etc

05-14-2008, 05:58 PM
must be your server that cant handle this type of thing i dont know

works fine with my server and lots of other peoples servers so good luck

Does not work with me either. I may have to change server...:mad:

05-14-2008, 07:37 PM
well im done giving giving support for this

my vb license expires here next week so im just going to call it quits now

i cant afford to get a new license right now and donations on my site are not going to well so im just going to close shop now

sorry but thats to all who liked this

05-14-2008, 09:09 PM
thanks, with a few modifications it's working great also for me :)

05-15-2008, 03:36 PM
Cool stuff. Installed. :D

05-23-2008, 03:07 AM
Does this mean this post is going to get locked unless someone else takes over?

05-24-2008, 09:58 AM
there is noting to realy take over

there is nothing realy that can be supported for this

its pretty basic stuff

and there is not realy any way to upgrade it so there should be no need for any assistance for this

05-27-2008, 07:46 PM
please delete

07-11-2008, 02:34 AM
does this support vbseo 3.10

http://www.fragmasters.co.uk/forum/members/fragmaster/ (under vbsep)

07-11-2008, 03:00 AM
well im done giving giving support for this

my vb license expires here next week so im just going to call it quits now

i cant afford to get a new license right now and donations on my site are not going to well so im just going to close shop now

sorry but thats to all who liked this

Why didn't you just purchase a owned license? :P

11-09-2008, 11:34 AM
Somehow this stopped displaying the table background images in one of my sub-directories. I had to turn off rewrite engine in that directory to solve the problem.

12-11-2008, 05:54 PM
do they have some thing that does this for 3.8?

01-15-2009, 02:22 AM
Does this work on 3.8?