View Full Version : "Usergroup"-Tachy Goes to Coventry

05-08-2008, 01:44 PM
I'd like to make it so when a user is in a specific usergroup, (e-ban), he is also in Tachy, so nobody see his posts...

Is it possible to make it so ?! we have a lot of flaming and trolls on our site, and the only way to avoid server-intense process of soft-deleting these flamers posts would be to make them globally ignored... TGTC system seems to fit this request, but having to set all these by visiting the admin section is not safe... i want the moderators to be able to Covent these members by changing their usergroup, not to edit the TGTC setting... security meanings... :)

someone for this ?

05-16-2009, 08:19 PM
I'd also like a usergroup system for Coventry but I havn't had much luck finding anything fro it.