View Full Version : Note: Online Users Hack Coming Soon

07-15-2000, 02:54 AM
Just wanted to send an alert for anyone working on a hack to display exactly who's online and exactly what they're doing at any time. We've created a hack for that as well as templates to configure various aspects of the system that we'll be releasing to the community soon. You can see it at:


Click on "Online:" at the upper-right where it shows how many Members and Guests are logged in at any time to see the resulting display... it's slow and unoptimized now but we'll release it to everyone when it's ready and documented.

Thanks to all the code hackers out there,

- Kevin

07-15-2000, 04:00 AM
Ohh very nice! I suggest you add the "last active" time to the display though. And admin configurable amounts of time for users to show up on that list, if you don't have it already. (Sorry, bad wording - if you don't understand, lemme know)

07-15-2000, 09:13 AM
cool another great hack i will have to add when it is release :D

07-16-2000, 01:28 AM
Kevinho it looks nice. Any ETA when we can have it??

It seems to just list threads that users are on. Can it also show if a person it looking at the main forum index, or changing their profile, or looking at the memberlist, etc since all of those things would be listed in the session table if it reads the session table to get the information. Can we hack it so that it also shows what the Guests are doing also?

[Edited by rangersfan on 07-15-2000 at 10:28 PM]

07-16-2000, 07:19 AM
Looks nice Kevinho ;) But I noticed at your board that it said I have PM's, while I never been there :confused: A little bug of the PM-hack?

07-16-2000, 12:43 PM
Can you do something like this:


? Thanks.