View Full Version : Board Header question

05-01-2008, 03:43 PM
OK, I have a new message Board Setup:

See where it says Turtle TV as the main forum, and the 3 sub forums beneath it?

Instead of that little post icon, I want to change that to a yellow arrow graphic I have made up...and instead of that area being white where only the Turtle TV text is, I want it to be a dark red.

How can I go about doing this for all the main forums like Turtle TV, while leaving the child forums the way they are?

05-02-2008, 12:44 AM
your forum (creation)arrangement is not nicely done. You have only 1 category on top.
go to forum manager, watch for "forum parents" and "act as forum" to fix this. So you can edit category color in Main CSS.

that post icon can be replace in button folder, lastpost.gif